In Search of the Crystal

title: In Search of the Crystal

An episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated television series, titled "In Search of the Crystal," remains incomplete. A story reel version of this episode was made available on on September 25, 2014, as a component of The Clone Wars Legacy initiative. Even though it was never fully realized due to the show's cancellation, it is still regarded as official Star Wars canon.

Official Description

The investigation of Obi-Wan and Anakin on Utapau continues, leading them to intentionally get captured by arms dealers who are in possession of a focusing crystal that has unimaginable power.

Plot Summary

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, both Jedi, leave Pau City riding their dactillion mounts, heading towards the plains of Utapau. During their journey, Kenobi notices a village in the distance. This village is inhabited by several Plains Amani, who immediately begin to hurl spears at the approaching Jedi. Ignoring Kenobi's cautions, Skywalker dismounts and launches an attack on the Amani. As the skirmish unfolds, the Amani retaliate using blasters that fire precision laser darts. Before the Jedi have a chance to interrogate them, the Amani all scatter and disappear into the surrounding wilderness.

While examining the camp, Kenobi identifies some peculiar footprints, which he believes belong to the Amani leader. As they continue on foot, Skywalker brings up his former Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, marking the first time he's mentioned her since she left. While setting up their camp, the two Jedi engage in a discussion about Ahsoka's choice to leave the Jedi Order. Skywalker criticizes the Jedi Council for their lack of support for Ahsoka during her trial and for contributing to her departure from the Order. Kenobi counters by suggesting that it was ultimately her decision and that she allowed her emotions to cloud her judgment, which goes against the principles of the Jedi. Skywalker then shifts the conversation to how Kenobi would react if he were to fail him, a scenario Kenobi deems unlikely.

As Kenobi prepares to sleep, he instructs Skywalker to remain on guard. However, Skywalker disregards these instructions and falls asleep. The following morning, the two Jedi are ambushed and captured by a group of Sugi warriors, accompanied by an Amani. As the Sugi confiscate their lightsabers, Kenobi scolds his former apprentice for neglecting his duty. Refusing to accept responsibility, Skywalker claims that he intentionally fell asleep to lure the Sugi into leading them to their camp.

Subsequently, the Sugi escort the Jedi back to their camp. Under the assumption that the Sugi are "primitives," the two Jedi openly discuss their plans for escape. En route, Skywalker cleverly manipulates one of his Sugi captors into activating his lightsaber. The lightsaber blade pierces through the Sugi's head, resulting in his death. The leading Sugi then reveals his ability to speak and understand Galactic Basic Standard. During the interrogation, Kenobi fabricates a story, claiming that he and Anakin are arms dealers who have traveled to the Outer Rim Territories to purchase weapons. The Sugi leader responds by saying he needs to consult with his superior.

The two Jedi, along with their Sugi captors, then proceed to a series of mounds where they encounter the Sugis' boss, Endente, and additional Sugi warriors. Without revealing his identity to the Jedi, Endente assumes that Kenobi and Skywalker have come to acquire the crystal. Endente discloses that he has already promised the crystal to General Grievous, a Separatist military leader. The two Jedi then offer to double the price, but Endente declines their offer. While being escorted to the crystal, Kenobi speculates that it is a kyber crystal. Ahead, the two Jedi notice a large starship, concealed under canvas.

Aboard the spaceship, Endente communicates with Count Dooku, who instructs him to eliminate the two Jedi. When Endente mentions that the Jedi have offered twice the agreed-upon price and requests additional compensation, Dooku promises to dispatch General Grievous to "give him what he deserved." Meanwhile, the Sugi lead their Jedi prisoners to another chamber, but the captives manage to break free. Under fire from their Sugi captors, the two Jedi retreat above the ceiling and eventually find their way into a weapons arsenal storeroom. Skywalker equips himself with two blaster pistols, while Kenobi prefers to utilize his Force abilities.

Sensing a group of Sugi approaching the door, the two Jedi deploy smoke detonators, blinding the Sugi. Skywalker then employs the Force to locate the Sugi and eliminates several of them with his blasters. When the last Sugi warrior appears with their lightsabers, Anakin uses the Force to activate them, resulting in the warrior's death. Endente escapes on one of the Sugi's speeders, ordering the remaining Sugi to hold back the Jedi. Despite their efforts, Endente manages to flee into the wilderness on a speeder. While examining the ship, the two Jedi discover a large kyber crystal suspended from the rafters and decide to commandeer the starship and depart into space.


Dave Filoni, the series' Supervising Director, initially presented a brief excerpt from the episode at a Celebration VI panel in August 2012. The clip showcased the campfire scene featuring Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi; the animation was in story reel format, without any dialogue.


