
Glabos were a species of eel that inhabited the caves of the planet Ryloth. The Twi'lek Jedi Knight named Tualon Yaluna undertook a mission to Ryloth during the initial two years of the Clone Wars, which began in 22 BBY; while waiting for a chance to engage his target, he discovered how to fish for these creatures. Despite acting as though he enjoyed them, he actually favored rations over the salty and slimy eels. Approximately around 20 BBY, while en route to the Wild Space moon Olgothon 3 for a separate mission, Yaluna shared the story of his previous mission and the glabos with Iskat Akaris, another Jedi Knight. One clone trooper joked that the only stew they had on the mission was made from glabos.

Behind the scenes

The novel Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade, written by Delilah S. Dawson and released in 2023, contained a reference to Glabos.

