Once a Jedi Knight during the Clone Wars, Tualon Yaluna was a Force-sensitive Twi'lek male who later became an Inquisitor. As a Jedi, Yaluna became acquainted with Iskat Akaris, another Knight, and they fought together in several battles until the end of the war and the beginning of the Great Jedi Purge. The new Galactic Empire spared them both, and they turned to the dark side of the Force. Serving directly under the Sith Lord Darth Vader and the Grand Inquisitor as Inquisitors, the former Jedi were tasked with hunting down surviving members of the Jedi Order. They succeeded in these missions, earning Inquisitor titles, with Akaris becoming known as the Thirteenth Sister.
Eventually, Yaluna and the Thirteenth Sister began a secret romantic relationship, forbidden within the Inquisitorius. Upon discovering their secret, Vader tried to assassinate the Thirteenth Sister, but Yaluna intercepted the Sith's lightsaber blade with his own before fleeing with his lover. Vader pursued them in a devastating speeder chase across Coruscant. After repeated failures to eliminate their pursuer, Vader used the Force to immobilize Yaluna and the Thirteenth Sister. Vader then killed them by telekinetically impaling them with each other's lightsabers. Following the Coruscant chase, the Emperor ordered the Inquisitorius to relocate to Nur, a detail later mentioned by the historian Beaumont Kin decades later.
Born on Ryloth between 42 and 35 BBY, Yaluna's inherent Force-sensitivity resulted in him being trained as a Jedi, where he befriended fellow Initiate Iskat Akaris. Together with their clan of younglings, they participated in the Jedi Tournament to showcase their skills to potential masters. Bavoc Ansho took Yaluna as his Padawan, while Sember Vey chose Akaris.
Unlike many of their peers, Yaluna did not turn against Akaris after she accidentally caused a column to fall on their friend Tika during a Force training exercise, resulting in severe spinal damage for Tika. For the subsequent five years, Yaluna and Akaris had limited contact, as they were almost constantly deployed on missions across the galaxy with their respective masters. During this period, Yaluna established his skill as a slicer.
In 22 BBY, the High Council recalled most Jedi to the Temple during the height of the Separatist Crisis. Yaluna joined Akaris and other Padawans from their former clan in training duels. He reconnected with Akaris, witnessed her victory over her rival Charlin Plaka, and later restrained her when she became overly aggressive while sparring with Onielle.

Yaluna, along with his fellow Padawans and their masters, were dispatched to Geonosis as part of a Jedi assault team to rescue Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, his Padawan Anakin Skywalker, and Senator Padmé Amidala. During their journey, Yaluna and Akaris briefly discussed their limited combat experience. Under the leadership of Master Klefan Opus, their group infiltrated a tower on the edge of the Petranaki Arena. After Fvorn was killed in an ambush by Geonosian guards, Akaris saved Opus and Fvorn's friend Zeeth, eliminating numerous enemies. When Charlin and Onielle criticized Akaris for the high number of deaths, Yaluna and Master Ansho defended her, praising her actions.
The group successfully neutralized the Geonosian cannons and guards in the stands, enabling the rest of the assault team to engage the Separatist army in the arena. However, Akaris' master, Sember Vey, was killed during the conflict, forcing her to abandon his body at Opus's order. After retreating from the battle via their entry route, Yaluna and the group returned to Coruscant. On the shuttle, Ansho reviewed a new attack for Yaluna to practice.

A few weeks later, Akaris approached Yaluna and Ansho during a sparring session, requesting to join them. Their conversation was interrupted by a summons to a meeting of the Order, which turned out to be a mass ceremony where Yaluna and Akaris, along with Charlin Plaka, Onielle, Anakin Skywalker, and others, were knighted by Master Mace Windu. They were surprised by the unconventional nature of the event and the absence of trials, but Ansho assured them that they were deserving of the honor.

On the same day, Yaluna and Akaris were summoned to the Jellani Garden and received their first assignment as Knights from Councillors Yoda and Adi Gallia. They were placed under the command of Knight Josk Nivar for a mission to retrieve information from and sabotage the Separatist droid factory on Thule. Yaluna expressed concern over the Republic's priorities, arguing that stopping the Separatist attack on Praadost II was more important than destroying the Thule installation. Gallia reminded him that the High Council was working with the Chancellor and Senate to determine the best course of action, and that his duty was to serve. On the way to the shuttle, Yaluna realized he had forgotten to say goodbye to Master Ansho and was briefly annoyed by Akaris' sarcastic reply. Accompanied by a company of clone troopers led by Captain Spider, the Jedi departed for Thule.
During the journey, the Jedi and Spider devised a plan to disable the factory, located in a deep canyon on the planet. They decided to land at the canyon's far end and approach the facility on foot to avoid detection. Tualon and a small group of clones would infiltrate the installation, where he would slice into the system and retrieve data on other Separatist droid factories. Simultaneously, Josk and Iskat would lead a larger group to overload the power grid as soon as Tualon was clear, crippling the facility.
After landing in the canyon, the group hiked for several hours before spending the night in a cave in the canyon wall, which they discovered was connected to a larger chamber containing a stone altar. As they tried to sleep, Yaluna offered Akaris his condolences for the death of her master. Having had a positive experience with Ansho, he was surprised when Akaris expressed her belief that Sember Vey had only taken her as a Padawan out of pity. He also reassured her regarding her doubts about her actions on Geonosis.
The following morning, Spider's scouts discovered four enemy cannons overlooking the factory from the canyon rim. Josk decided to eliminate the cannons before approaching the facility, and the Jedi scaled the canyon walls while the clones provided cover from the ground. However, after destroying one of the cannons, Tualon learned via comms that Nivar had fallen during the climb. Akaris warned him about granite slugs and killer birds on his descent, but insisted on destroying the remaining cannons before checking on Nivar, who was being tended to by the clones.
They succeeded, but by the time they returned, Nivar was dead. Akaris explained that Nivar had disturbed the birds, which attacked him. Yaluna was skeptical that Nivar would have simply fallen until the clone medic pointed out that the evidence suggested the birds were venomous, likely paralyzing Nivar as he fell. With their leader gone, Yaluna and Akaris decided to share command to complete the mission.

Yaluna and three clones infiltrated the factory, where he successfully downloaded information on other Separatist factories. After they exited, Akaris contacted him to confirm their safety and to inform her when they reached the shuttle. Confused by her statements, Yaluna asked her what she was doing, but she did not answer. She contacted him again when he, Spider, the clone reserves, and Nivar's body were on the shuttle, still keeping him in the dark about the power grid. Akaris arrived shortly after, along with one of her clones. When Spider inquired about the other fifteen clones, Akaris explained that their intel was incorrect; the factory was heavily defended, and she and CT-0528 were the only survivors.
When Yaluna asked how the two of them had managed the six-person task of sabotaging the power grid, Akaris replied that she had improvised and that the factory would soon be non-operational. She argued that the method was less important than the result, an assessment Yaluna disagreed with as the power grid exploded, followed by the factory. Akaris was pleased, stating that they had completed their mission, but Yaluna was unsure, mentioning that Master Gallia had wanted the sabotage to be subtle, something that could be blamed on malfunctioning equipment. The disagreement strained their journey back to Coruscant, with Akaris arguing that the change in Separatist security necessitated her actions to ensure the factory was destroyed, rather than return with only casualties. Disappointed that she hadn't involved him in her decision, Yaluna pointed out that they would have returned with the factory plans he had retrieved.
Upon returning to the Jedi Temple, Yaluna and Akaris met with Masters Yoda and Gallia in the High Council Chamber. They explained Nivar's death and their shared command, with Akaris describing the events inside the power grid that led her to detonate it. Gallia was displeased with the factory's destruction, as it would be obvious that the Republic was responsible, especially since a settlement of civilian workers was affected by the chain reaction. Furthermore, the data obtained by Yaluna would be less valuable now that the Separatists were aware of the incursion. She also mentioned the damage to a local historical site.
When Akaris realized she was referring to the altar in the chamber they had discovered, Yoda revealed that Thule had once been a Sith world. Gallia stated that Nivar's funeral would be arranged and reminded both Knights that, while they were no longer training under a Master, they could always seek guidance from more experienced Jedi. She dismissed Yaluna, who gave Akaris a meaningful look, anticipating the reprimand she would receive for her actions on Thule. She was ultimately removed from field duty and assigned to the crèche to assist Master Kelleran Beq with the younglings.

Months later, Yaluna, his former master Bavoc Ansho, and Knight Charlin Plaka were dispatched on a mission to Kamino. En route to the landing pads, he encountered Akaris and asked if she would be joining them. Annoyed, she replied that she was stuck with the younglings, as always. Yaluna hesitated before suggesting that she must be doing good work, but she angrily retorted that they both knew she was being punished. He tried to encourage her to see things positively, but she dismissed him, wishing him well. He was confused by her behavior.
Sometime in the following years, Yaluna undertook an undercover mission to his homeworld of Ryloth, where he filed his teeth in accordance with local tradition and learned to fish for glabos. Despite participating in Twi'lek rituals, Yaluna felt like an outsider and never considered it home. During this period, Bavoc Ansho was killed in action, and Yaluna assumed command of the company he and Akaris had accompanied to Thule.
Around 20 BBY, the High Council reassigned Akaris to the field, and she joined Yaluna and his company on a mission to Olgothon 3 to locate a slicer who could aid the war effort. Their last encounter had created tension between Yaluna and Akaris. She was dissatisfied with the limited information they had received, and he criticized her for not learning from Thule, explaining that mission intel was never perfect and required faith in the Force and their training. After a brief argument, she saluted and called him "sir," but he told her not to, as he was uncomfortable being in charge of a peer.
Yaluna then asked Akaris to confirm something that had troubled him since Thule: whether she could have saved Josk Nivar. She pointed out that she was fortunate to save herself and was in no position to help their former commander. Yaluna quickly apologized for bringing up painful memories, stating that she was difficult to read. She responded that it was simply because he had been avoiding her for the past two years. After rehashing her frustration with their poor intel, she asked him about his missions during the war, and he told her about his time on Ryloth, among other things. This eased their tension, and their shared camaraderie with the clone troopers led them to spend time sparring during the rest of the trip.
As they approached Olgothon 3, their systems detected long-range missiles targeting them from the surface of the moon, along with an audio communication requesting identification. Yaluna stated that they were looking for fuel, a poorly conceived lie given that nearby Agaris was the only inhabited part of the system. The voice warned them to leave the area or be destroyed. After a few more exchanges, Yaluna decided to retreat behind Agaris, wait half a day, and then attempt to approach Olgothon 3 from the other side, avoiding the missile system.
The next day, despite getting closer to the atmosphere, they were still detected and targeted, and hailed by the same person, who sarcastically responded when Yaluna again attempted to deceive them. He ignored Akaris' suggestion to tell the truth, and after receiving a final warning, she proposed returning to Coruscant, frustrating Yaluna to the point of pounding his fist into a bulkhead, yelling that they would not return empty-handed. When Akaris attempted to offer another idea, he dismissed her, planning to contact the High Council for guidance. While he was trying to do so, Akaris contacted their opponent and said they were there to rescue someone named Ginntho, perturbing Yaluna. However, the person responded favorably, willing to hear the Republic's offer. After Yaluna spoke, their counterpart allowed them to land, sending coordinates for a meeting.
While Flip landed the ship in the indicated valley, Yaluna and Akaris discussed the likelihood of the person being Ginntho, with him reasoning that no one else would have a reason to hide, and her pointing out that a skilled slicer could fool their sensors with a false weapons program. When he attempted to criticize her for going behind his back, she mentioned that he didn't listen to her and that she had been right, a result he attributed to luck.
As the two Jedi and twenty clones disembarked onto a grassy field, they and the ship were enclosed by a large plasma shield. An Anzellan riding inside the remains of a battle droid approached the perimeter, and after the company lowered their weapons, Yaluna identified himself and Akaris as Jedi. The Anzellan revealed herself to be Ginntho and agreed to go with them, trusting the Jedi more than the Separatists. Agreeing with Yaluna's concerns about leaving immediately, she went to gather her possessions, cautioning them to stay put as the moon was hungry.
Ginntho's warning was soon validated when the company was attacked by two thraxsos, which Yaluna and Akaris quickly killed. The Anzellan returned, and during the ride off the planet, the two Jedi spoke with Ginntho about her background, revealing that she had originally been a xenoanthropologist. During the conversation, she identified Akaris' unknown species as Pkorian and explained how she became a slicer.
Yaluna was displeased with Akaris' insubordination and warned her to let him do the talking when they reported to the High Council. Masters Mace Windu and Yoda met them at the landing platform, with Yoda soon departing with Ginntho to discuss the Republic's offer. Windu congratulated Yaluna and Akaris on a successful mission and asked if there had been any issues. Yaluna gave a general recap, omitting Akaris' defiance in contacting Ginntho. Satisfied, Windu dismissed them, much to Yaluna's relief.

In 19 BBY, Yaluna, Akaris, and Sunghi Silpari, a newly promoted Knight, were summoned to the High Council Chamber, where they were briefed by Councillor Ki-Adi-Mundi. In response to a Separatist offensive in the Outer Rim, rumored to be orchestrated by General Grievous, the trio were dispatched with Yaluna's company to Frong. They were ordered to eliminate the Separatist threat and, if possible, capture Grievous. Silpari was hesitant about engaging Grievous without a Master, and Akaris was again concerned about the lack of intel for the mission, but Mundi quickly silenced their concerns.
Initially strained with Akaris, the monotony of the five-day journey led Yaluna to quietly resume their sparring sessions. During one of their conversations, he refused to apologize for his actions after their last mission but conceded that the Jedi needed her more aggressive, instinctual, and unorthodox style during the war. When Akaris pressed him, Yaluna admitted that he had taken credit for her success on Olgothon 3, largely so that she would be allowed to remain on the battlefield, where she was most effective.
As they approached Frong, they noticed a path of destruction through a burnt forest and followed it to a village in flames, where they landed. After scouting the area on foot for several hours, the lack of enemy combatants and the freshness of the embers led them to conclude that Grievous, or the Separatist commander, had been there recently and might still be on the planet attacking another settlement. They called the ship and took a break while awaiting its arrival, planning to wait until morning and proceed to a nearby city in hopes of intercepting Grievous. During this interlude, Yaluna and Akaris practiced lightsaber forms while the clones ate and Silpari consulted her datapad.
At that moment, Captain Spider and his company shot down an oblivious Silpari and then surrounded Yaluna and Akaris. The two were bewildered, and Akaris stated that she could feel the deaths of other Jedi across the galaxy, asking Yaluna if he could feel it too. He ignored the question, stating that the actions of the clones were all he needed to know. However, instead of opening fire, the clones lowered their blasters, and Spider held out his holoprojector, displaying a cloaked figure.

Akaris was approached by the mysterious figure, who probed whether she desired to embrace her hidden yearnings and uncover the truths the Jedi had kept from her, including their role in her mother's demise. Bewildered, Yaluna questioned Akaris about the meaning of these inquiries and the identity of the holographic entity. Ignoring him, Akaris paused, then declared her wish to learn what had been concealed. In response, the figure commanded Spider to bring her forth. Akaris then inquired about Yaluna's fate, to which Spider was ordered to execute all Jedi under Order 66, before the transmission abruptly concluded.
Yaluna placed a hand on his comrade's shoulder, imploring her not to trust the offered promise, urging her instead to stand and fight alongside him. Akaris brushed off his hand, asserting that he had never supported her pursuit of her true self, insisting that the Jedi were all dead and she would not join them. As Spider and several clones escorted her to the ship, Yaluna pleaded with her to reconsider, attempting to evoke guilt over abandoning her deceased master on Geonosis at the war's outset. Akaris dismissed his appeal, bidding Yaluna farewell and stating that while he remained a true Jedi to the end, she likely never was. She severed her connection to him through the Force. As the shuttle ascended, Yaluna succumbed to hatred for Akaris's betrayal, wishing for the ship's destruction. He then engaged the remaining company in combat, eliminating numerous clones before being subdued by blaster fire and falling unconscious. His rage sustained him, and despite initial directives, the clones took Yaluna into custody and transported him to Coruscant.
After enduring torture, Yaluna's resolve shattered, leading him to embrace the dark side upon being promised the opportunity to avenge himself on Akaris, thus enlisting in the Inquisitorius. The ordeal left Yaluna psychologically scarred, his animosity towards Akaris and indoctrinated beliefs punctuated by moments of lucidity. Receiving his attire and lightsaber from the Grand Inquisitor, Yaluna proceeded into the main halls of Inquisitorius Headquarters, where he encountered Akaris as the first fellow Inquisitor. Both were taken aback by the sight of the other, and Yaluna commented that she was foolish for having cut her beautiful hair short. Upon Akaris's inquiry about his transformation into an Inquisitor, Yaluna recounted his survival and torture as best he could recall, before his programming reasserted itself, reminding him of his hatred for her. He also accused her of cowardice for abandoning him. Akaris countered that he must adapt to the Inquisitor's way of life or perish, warning Yaluna that danger lurked everywhere around them. She mentioned heading to the dueling pit, suggesting he wouldn't pose much of a challenge.

Yaluna shadowed Akaris into the arena, which was otherwise deserted. She clarified that Inquisitor combat was devoid of courtesies and rules, urging him not to restrain himself as the Jedi had taught them. Akaris then inquired if he had met any of the other Inquisitors, to which Yaluna replied negatively, save for the Grand Inquisitor. His sole understanding of their purpose was to despise the Jedi and actively oppose them. After Yaluna mentioned his unused lightsaber, Akaris activated her blade, implying that he would have to discover their methods for himself. Responding with a grin, Yaluna drew his weapon and launched an attack, but she evaded him and used a Force-pushed piece of debris to knock him off balance, an action that enraged him with its unfairness. Yaluna's rage intensified throughout their confrontation until Akaris struck him on the shoulder with her saber, at which point he unleashed his emotions in a Force scream that briefly paralyzed her.
As Yaluna wrestled with fragmented memories of his torture, Akaris retreated, questioning the origin of his newfound ability. Once Yaluna regained his composure, they resumed their duel, his improved control evident as they discussed his hatred for Akaris and his recollections of her abandonment, including her severing of their connection through the Force. Akaris retorted that if she had stayed, he wouldn't have been willing to die for her. When Yaluna mentioned how on Frong, he had voiced his wish that she die and that he had joined the Inquisitorius solely for the chance to kill her, Akaris mocked him, saying that he hadn't tried very hard. Yaluna then mentioned that he now understood how repressed Akaris had felt by the Jedi after she had injured Tika and the freedom they now enjoyed in being themselves. Yaluna explained that the Force scream was the result of him letting loose all his hidden self and Akaris commented that it was good to let go.
Advancing closer, Yaluna allowed Akaris to sense his passion for her, briefly distracting her so he could stab her in the chest, declaring them even and abandoning her to die. However, he had missed both of her hearts and she eventually healed in the medical bay after time spent in a bacta tank. In the meantime, Yaluna survived the standard Inquisitor's test with Darth Vader and became familiar with his colleagues.

Once Akaris had recovered, Yaluna was dispatched on his first Jedi-hunting mission, tracking his female target to Firrhana. Shortly after his arrival, Akaris appeared aboard the Scythe with a detachment of Purge Troopers, also seeking Jedi on the planet. Yaluna transmitted his coordinates to her, explaining that he needed to ensure she wouldn't interfere with his mission, stating that he was otherwise uninterested in killing her. Yaluna also ignored Akaris' comment on the similarities between Firrhana and Thule, telling her that the past was dead. Suspicious of each other, they refused to share the limited information they possessed about their respective targets, unsure if they were pursuing separate objectives. Yaluna wished Akaris success in her hunt, advising her to stay out of his way and warning her not leave the ship among the native fungus too long, lest Vader kill her for losing it to the hungry morass. She flipped him off before getting back on board and departing the area.
Later, Akaris contacted Yaluna to report that she had located and eliminated both her targets and his, earning her the title of Thirteenth Sister. Yaluna wasn't taken aback when Akaris proved unwilling to let him take credit for the death of his prey by giving him the lightsaber, although she invited him to try. Yaluna considered the idea, but ultimately decided that while he didn't want to fight her, he was still interested in her. Akaris told him that if they were going to pursue a relationship, it had to be legitimate. Akaris also warned him not to let the competitive nature of their job come between them. Yaluna accepted her terms, stating that he was capable of earning his Inquisitorial title on his own and looking forward to seeing how she might be seduced.

In due course, Yaluna secured his title and initiated a clandestine physical relationship with the Thirteenth Sister, concealing their affection from their peers to avoid being perceived as weak. As she had stipulated, the pair maintained a strict separation between their professional and personal lives, ensuring equality in the latter. During this period, Yaluna eventually declared his love for the Thirteenth Sister, a sentiment she revealed she had awaited her entire life to hear.
Meanwhile, the couple projected an image of amicable coworkers who sparred well together, though they genuinely could be just as cruel and heartless as their colleagues. The two also continued a tradition the Thirteenth Sister had begun with her first hunt, that of drinking a toast of the local beverage to the Jedi they killed after each successful mission, a ritual their fellow Inquisitors never joined in on, several considering it childish.

In 14 BBY, Yaluna was dispatched to a desert world to hunt the former Jedi Master Eeth Koth alongside Darth Vader, the Fifth Brother, and the Thirteenth Sister. Koth had been expelled from the Jedi High Council and had eluded Order 66 and the initial wave of the Great Jedi Purge. Vader confronted Koth shortly after his wife Mira had given birth to their baby, and Koth pleaded to be spared as he was now only a priest for the Church of the Ganthic Enlightenment. When Koth was unable to persuade Vader, he told Mira and the newborn baby to escape as he dueled Vader. During the fight, Vader ordered the three Inquisitors to recover the baby for Project Harvester.
To cover more ground while searching the city, the Inquisitors decided to split up. While Yaluna and Fifth Brother were unsuccessful, the Thirteenth Sister used the Force to locate the child. Just as Mira was about to board her father's shuttle, the Thirteenth Sister cornered her. Mira begged the Inquisitor to let her escape, and was allowed to board the shuttle as the Fifth Brother and Yaluna arrived. He asked why Mira and the child had been allowed to escape, commenting that Vader would find out. As Tualon watched, Akaris used the Force to move the baby out of the shuttle, letting Mira live so that she could suffer from the loss of her child and not trust in anyone.

The three Inquisitors returned to find Vader still dueling Koth, and informed him that the infant had been captured, showing him the baby. Distracted by the Inquisitors and seeing his child, Koth was stabbed in the back and killed by Vader, who then took the baby from the Inquisitors. Vader and the Inquisitors left the planet, and returned to Inquisitorius Headquarters on a Zeta-class shuttle, the Thirteenth Sister bringing back dust juice for her and Yaluna to toast with. On their arrival, they were met by the Grand Inquisitor, to whom Vader praised the efforts of the group, before handing the infant off to a group of Kallidahin caretakers.

While celebrating Koth's demise, Yaluna and the Thirteenth Sister found the dust juice unpalatable, and he expressed a desire for their next mission to take them to Corellia or [Alderaan](/article/alderaan], which boasted superior beverages. They speculated about Vader's future actions once all Jedi were extinguished, with Yaluna suggesting that Vader would inevitably find new targets. As Yaluna consumed more dust juice, his control over his feelings for the Thirteenth Sister diminished, a fact Vader detected. The Sith Lord then tested Yaluna and the Thirteenth Sister by approaching their table and activating his lightsaber.
Witnessing Vader's aggression towards the two Inquisitors, the Grand Inquisitor inquired whether it was a test or further training, which the Sith Lord denied while swung his lightsaber at the Thirteenth Sister. Yaluna immediately threw up his own weapon to stop Vader's blade, telling his lover to run, which she did. As they dueled, Vader commented that his sense of their connection was thus proven correct and that such an attachment was a weakness. He also told Yaluna that Eeth Koth's death should have served as a lesson before using the Force to slam the Inquisitor into a wall. Recovering, Yaluna asked the Sith Lord what the Thirteenth Sister had done wrong, only to hear that it was not his concern, only that he had done it too. Yaluna proceeded to run after the Thirteenth Sister while Vader declined the help of the Grand Inquisitor and the other Inquisitors before pursuing the couple.
After catching up with the Thirteenth Sister, Yaluna asked her if she knew why Vader was attacking them, which she denied, stating that their former master never needed a reason. When she expressed her disbelief that Yaluna had gotten in Vader's way to save her, he replied that he had proven the love he had professed for her. While the Thirteenth Sister admitted he had, she pointed out that it was a stupid idea as the Sith Lord would now come to take them out. With no other options, the two Inquisitors resolved to murder Vader and then escape from the Empire. Meanwhile, Vader and two Imperial shock troopers followed them aboard an EasyRide passenger airspeeder. The Inquisitors managed to destroy the airspeeder by throwing their lightsabers at it, leading Vader to jump to another speeder, then fall from it as the couple redirected their blades to disable it, sending the vehicle into a nearby park.

Aboard another airspeeder accompanied by a droid, Yaluna told Akaris that Vader was still coming for them, in yet another speeder. The Thirteenth Sister reiterated that together they could kill the Sith Lord and Yaluna used the Force to throw a vehicle at Vader, who responded by sending it back at them although he missed. As the Sith Lord jumped towards them, the couple Force-pulled a statue down at Vader, which sent him sprawling onto an adjacent balcony. As they leaped over to join him, Yaluna expressed his surprise that they had managed to beat the Sith Lord, with the Thirteenth Sister reminding her lover that Vader was still alive. As she raised her weapon to kill Vader, the Sith Lord used the Force to levitate the Inquisitors. As Akaris told him that she was sorry, Yaluna replied that it was all right as neither one of them expected to die in bed after the choices they made, telling her that at least they would now be free. Yaluna's last words were cut off as Vader used the Force to drive their lightsabers into each other, killing the couple instantly.

Following the pursuit, Vader reported Yaluna and the Thirteenth Sister's actions to the Emperor within the Imperial Palace. When Sidious inquired about evidence of the Thirteenth Sister's betrayal, Vader claimed she had ensnared Yaluna as part of her "scheme" to form a coalition against them. The Emperor, however, was incensed with Vader because, during the chase, one of the airspeeders had crushed Senator Maklooq, who was important to his schemes, and had been trysting in a nearby park. This, combined with the destruction caused by Vader and the rogue Inquisitors, prompted Sidious to relocate the Inquisitorius headquarters off-world to Fortress Inquisitorius on the moon Nur.
The chase across Coruscant and Maklooq's death were documented in an Inquisitorius file titled "Coruscant Incident - Senator Maklooq," archived within the Imperial Archives. The historian Beaumont Kin referenced this file alongside the Inquisitorius requisition file and the sealed writings of Princess Leia Skywalker Organa Solo in his book The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire, released in 35 ABY. Based off the information contained within these documents, Kin correctly determined that the chase across Coruscant and the death of Maklooq had led to the subsequent relocation of Inquisitorius Headquarters to Nur.
Tualon Yaluna was a male Twi'lek of black skin with orange eyes. He was a conventional and affable Jedi, maintaining composure by suppressing his darker impulses. His adherence to protocol caused friction with Iskat Akaris. After surviving Order 66 and enduring torture by the Inquisitorius, his emotions were unleashed, and his personality became more warped, characterized by hatred for the Jedi and passion for the Thirteenth Sister. Like most Inquisitors, he was ruthless, readily kidnapping a child and celebrating Koth's death. He seemed to have a cordial relationship with other Inquisitors but was still fearful of Darth Vader. Tualon's affection for the Thirteenth Sister compelled him to shield her when the Sith Lord attempted to strike her down. His action subsequently made him an enemy of Vader but he managed to survive long enough to catch up with the Thirteenth Sister and, together, plot to kill the Sith Lord so they could be free.
Tualon Yaluna possessed considerable skill in lightsaber combat, having been trained to knighthood, his master regularly devising new exercises to challenge him. Yaluna's swordsmanship was tested as part of a group of Jedi involved in taking out enemy guards and cannon at the First Battle of Geonosis. Yaluna was agile enough to easily scale a canyon wall using climbing spikes, and his slicing abilities were sufficient to extract information from Separatist databanks. After becoming an Inquisitor, Iskat Akaris regarded Yaluna as a formidable duelist, a fact he later confirmed by surviving the obligatory confrontation with their master, Darth Vader. Yaluna unintentionally unleashed a Force scream on Akaris and demonstrated proficiency in Force jumps and telekinesis of speeders during his pursuit by Darth Vader across Coruscant.
As a Jedi, Yaluna carried a green-bladed lightsaber. Later, as an Inquisitor, he donned a standard gray and black uniform, adorned with the Imperial crest on his shoulder plates. Yaluna also employed a facial apparatus during combat, along with a double-bladed spinning lightsaber.

Tualon Yaluna made his debut in the nineteenth issue of the 2017 comic series Star Wars: Darth Vader, penned by Charles Soule, illustrated by Giuseppe Camuncoli, and published by Marvel Comics on August 8, 2018. He was first identified as Tualon in a StarWars.com post on May 18, 2023. The post featured an excerpt from the forthcoming novel Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade, authored by Delilah S. Dawson. The novel was released on July 18, 2023 and revealed the additional name of Yaluna.