Klefan Opus

Klefan Opus was a male Askajian Jedi Master who existed during the Galactic Republic's decline. As a Clone Wars combatant, he initially evaded Order 66, but was subsequently tracked down and murdered by a previous apprentice, Iskat Akaris, throughout the Great Jedi Purge.


Early Life

Opus's birth occurred prior to the Republic's downfall. His inherent connection to the Force resulted in his training as a Jedi. He ultimately achieved the rank of Master and successfully guided a Padawan, Sember Vey, to Jedi Knighthood. It was during this period that Opus became familiar with Vey's friend and fellow Padawan, Feyra Akaris, before her failure at the Jedi Trials and subsequent departure from the Jedi Order. Later, he and Vey sensed her passing through the Force. Opus supported Vey's commitment to Feyra to ensure that her one year old daughter, Iskat, would become a Jedi.

Iskat's upbringing

Klefan helped mentor Iskat Akaris from Initiate to Knight.

Throughout Iskat's Jedi training, Opus acted as one of her instructors, even after Vey took her on as a Padawan. Both he and Vey attempted to temper Iskat's unstable disposition, hoping to prevent her from mirroring her mother's failure. They, along with the Jedi Council, ensured that Iskat remained ignorant of her mother and her homeworld, going as far as erasing all physical evidence.


Klefan led a group of Jedi that secured the perimeter of the Petranaki Arena during the First Battle of Geonosis.

In 22 BBY, at the height of the Separatist Crisis, all Jedi were summoned back to the Temple on Coruscant. After Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi was captured on Geonosis, a rescue team was deployed to free him. While Master Mace Windu spearheaded the main assault into the Petranaki Arena, Opus was assigned the task of leading a small group of Padawans and their Masters into the stands to eliminate Geonosian guards and cannons. This group included Vey and Iskat. During the conflict, Iskat rescued Opus and another Padawan from the enemy, but her violent fighting style troubled the Jedi Master. Following the completion of their mission, Opus ordered a withdrawal from the larger conflict, during which Vey was killed. Opus pulled Iskat away from her deceased Master, insisting that they lacked the time to recover his body.

The Clone Wars

Throughout the ensuing Clone Wars, Opus participated in numerous missions. Whenever he returned to the Temple, he used the opportunity to train with Iskat, who had been restricted by the Council following her mission to Thule. Some years later, he and Master Uumay Hawlatha advocated for her to Masters Yoda and Windu, after which she was reinstated to active duty, being assigned to missions on Olgothon 3 and Frong.


Klefan was killed by Akaris which earned her the title of Thirteenth Sister in the Inquisitorius.

In 19 BBY, Darth Sidious implemented Order 66, leading to the deaths of the majority of Jedi. Opus and one of Iskat's contemporaries, Charlin Plaka, became separated from their clone trooper units when the order was executed. They soon received a transmission from the Temple, instructing all Jedi to return. They succeeded in stealing a shuttle, and an old contact advised them to seek refuge on the planet Firrhana. However, this advice was a deception, and they were eventually captured by the bounty hunter [Jakadis], who imprisoned them within his fortress, a former Sith temple. There, they were weakened by starvation and the intense presence of the dark side.

At some point before 14 BBY, Opus managed to break free from his cell and, while attempting to retrieve his lightsaber from a heavy stone chest on his way out of the fortress, was discovered by Iskat, now an Inquisitor. She severed his restraints and assisted him in recovering the weapon. She derided his joy at seeing her alive, asserting that, according to the Jedi principles he championed, death and becoming one with the Force was supposedly no worse. Realizing that his former apprentice had succumbed to the dark side, Opus pleaded with Iskat to reconsider, revealing details about her mother that she had been unable to uncover on her own. However, Iskat dismissed his justifications for his and Vey's actions, contending that they did not truly represent the will of the Force, as Opus claimed, and blaming the Jedi for Feyra's suicide, as well as the numerous deaths caused by the Clone Wars.

After Iskat attempted to Force choke him, Opus engaged the Inquisitor in a duel, she wielding her mother's lightsaber. Initially, he tried to buy time, proposing that they establish a better Jedi Order, until Iskat revealed that she had already murdered Plaka in her cell, mocking his cowardice for not attempting to free his fellow Jedi. Summoning his remaining strength, Opus launched an offensive until Iskat surprised him by drawing her concealed Inquisitor lightsaber from her back and slashing him across the shoulder, disarming him. She then decapitated him with both sabers, sarcastically celebrating that he was now one with the Force.

