Uumay Hawlatha was an age-old Jedi Master of the Bimm species. He routinely aided Jedi Knight Iskat Akaris as she sought inner peace through meditation, particularly during the decline of the Galactic Republic.

Born prior to the Republic's downfall, Hawlatha's connection to the Force led him to Jedi training, eventually achieving Mastery. He became close companions with Master Klefan Opus, and following a significant incident involving the young Iskat Akaris and her friend Tika, the two Jedi frequently guided Akaris in meditation. These sessions persisted even after Opus' former apprentice, Sember Vey, took Akaris as a Padawan.
The Clone Wars erupted in 22 BBY at the First Battle of Geonosis. Vey was killed in battle, and Akaris was subsequently knighted. However, her actions on Thule resulted in her removal from active duty. Confined to the Jedi Temple crèche to assist in raising younglings, Akaris spent much of her spare time with Hawlatha, one of the few senior Jedi permanently residing there. Each morning, she dedicated an hour to meditating with him in the Temple gardens, utilizing techniques initially taught by her deceased master. Hawlatha would often sing in his native Bimmini language during these practices.
During one of these encounters, Akaris inquired about how Hawlatha attained his apparent serenity. The Bimm advised her to focus on the present, asserting that peace could only be found in the now. Akaris countered by expressing her feeling that the Force desired her to be on the front lines, defending the Republic. Hawlatha emphasized the significance of her current role in shaping the future Jedi generation, but Akaris contended that her talents lay elsewhere, and that she felt most connected to the Force on the battlefield. Hawlatha concluded the discussion by stating that discerning between one's own desires and the Force's will was challenging, especially for the young, urging her patience before resuming his song.
Around 20 BBY, Hawlatha and Opus advocated for Akaris to Masters Yoda and Mace Windu. Hawlatha commented on the unfortunate reality that most Knights did not meditate as frequently as Akaris, sharing a lighthearted moment with Yoda when the latter joked about the Temple gardens becoming overcrowded if that were the case. The Bimm and his friend continued to express their conviction that Akaris had developed patience and was prepared to return to combat. Yoda also mentioned the confidence that Supreme Chancellor Palpatine had placed in her, leading the two Councilors to ultimately agree and dispatch Akaris on a mission to Olgothon 3. As she departed, she expressed her gratitude to her mentors for their support. After successfully completing her assignment, Akaris returned to Coruscant, dedicating the subsequent months to morning meditation with Hawlatha and evening sparring sessions with Opus.
In 19 BBY, during one of these sessions, Akaris questioned the Bimm about his experience with war. While stating that he had never been called to combat, he admitted that he would be willing to fight if necessary, though it was not something he desired. Hawlatha noted that combat was not his forte, and inquired whether Akaris had discovered hers. She responded that it would not surprise him to learn that action was her strength, expressing her eagerness to return to the field. Hawlatha chuckled, acknowledging that it did not surprise him and that her time would come. His words proved prophetic, as that very afternoon Akaris was dispatched to Frong to pursue General Grievous.