A human Jedi Master of the female persuasion, [Sember Vey] was alive as the Galactic Republic neared its end. She was a student under Chief Librarian Jocasta Nu and dedicated the majority of her time to gathering ancient items and knowledge that had been lost for the Jedi Archives. Following the passing of her friend Feyra Akaris, Vey ensured that Feyra's child, Iskat, was taken to the Jedi Temple, where she later took her on as a Padawan.
The pair traveled across the galaxy together, continuing Vey's research. At the beginning of the Clone Wars, Vey and Akaris participated in the Jedi assault team sent to save Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi. Vey was killed in the ensuing First Battle of Geonosis.
Before the Clone Wars began, Vey became a Jedi Knight under the tutelage of Jedi Master Klefan Opus. Because she was interested in scholarly pursuits, she found herself being mentored by Jocasta Nu, the Order's Chief Librarian. Vey also became close friends with Feyra Akaris and at some point achieved the rank of Master.
Eventually, Vey chose Iskat Akaris to be her Padawan.
The Jedi High Council started calling back its members from their various missions throughout the galaxy as tensions rose between the Galactic Republic and the newly formed Confederacy of Independent Systems in anticipation of war. Vey and Akaris were traveling from Ringo Vinda to Bar'leth when they received the recall order. They joined an assault team that was dispatched to Geonosis to rescue Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi soon after their return to Coruscant.
They were part of a group of masters and Padawans who were assigned to protect the towers on the outskirts of the Petranaki Arena, while the rest of the force infiltrated the crowd of Geonosians who were watching Kenobi, his Padawan Anakin Skywalker, and Naboo Senator Padmé Amidala being executed. Vey died in the battle, and Akaris was left to defend her master's body.