Frong, the homeworld of the Frong species, was a planet situated within the Outer Rim.
In the waning days of the Clone Wars, specifically 19 BBY, General Grievous, the Condefederate Supreme Commander, initiated an assault on the planet using his battle droid forces, resulting in widespread destruction. In response, the Jedi Order dispatched a team to investigate, consisting of Jedi Generals Iskat Akaris and Tualon Yaluna, along with their company of clone troopers under the command of Captain Spider, and Jedi Knight Sunghi Silpari. The group searched a large portion of the planet, but after failing to locate Grievous, they stopped to rest.
During this pause, the clone troopers turned on Silpari, shooting him, and then aimed their blasters at Akaris and Yaluna, catching both Jedi by surprise. Yaluna experienced the deaths of other Jedi across the galaxy at that moment. Subsequently, Spider presented a holoprojector displaying a cloaked figure who offered Akaris her life and information that the Jedi Order had concealed from her, in exchange for her allegiance. Despite Yaluna's warnings, Akaris accepted the offer and was escorted to Coruscant by Spider and a contingent of clones. The mysterious figure ordered the clones to execute Yaluna as part of Order 66, but the Jedi was eventually captured and taken to Coruscant after being seriously wounded in the battle against the troopers.
Following the extensive damage inflicted upon Frong by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the planet became integrated into the New Republic. Senator Rethalow cast his vote in favor of joining, seeking the protection of the government for himself and his people.