
Zeeth was a Rodian Jedi Knight, of the male gender, who existed during the decline of the Galactic Republic.


Early life

Around 38 BBY, Zeeth was born. His inherent connection to the Force resulted in his training as a Jedi. He formed a strong friendship with another youngling named Fvorn. Eventually, Jedi Master Gobi chose Zeeth to be his Padawan. As the Separatist Crisis intensified, the High Council ordered most Jedi back to the Temple, and Zeeth participated in training duels with Fvorn and other Padawans from his former clan. He offered comfort to his friend after Charlin Plaka defeated the Duros in a sparring match.


Zeeth participated in the initial engagement on Geonosis as a member of a Jedi group tasked with securing the Petranaki Arena's surroundings.

Zeeth, along with his fellow Padawans, accompanied their masters to Geonosis to rescue Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi as part of a Jedi assault team. Their group, under the leadership of Master Klefan Opus, infiltrated a tower located at the edge of the Petranaki Arena. However, Geonosian guards ambushed them, resulting in the death of Fvorn. Zeeth and Opus were isolated from the rest of their team until Padawan Iskat Akaris rescued them by eliminating a dozen enemies. Opus reassured Zeeth, urging him to leave his deceased friend behind and reminding him that Fvorn would forever be in his memories. After rejoining the others, Master Gobi attempted to comfort Zeeth by placing an arm around him. The group then successfully neutralized the Geonosian cannons and guards positioned in the stands, enabling the rest of the assault team to engage the Separatist army within the arena. Following their withdrawal from the battle using the same route they had taken to arrive, Zeeth and the rest of the group made their way back to Coruscant.

The Clone Wars

Some weeks later, Zeeth, along with other Padawans who survived Geonosis, were formally knighted by Master Mace Windu in a large ceremony. Subsequently, Zeeth fought in the Clone Wars, ultimately perishing at some point during the conflict.

