Josk Nivar

Josk Nivar, a male Jedi Knight, dedicated his service to the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars conflict. Tragically, his life came to an end on the planet Thule while leading a crucial mission.


Jedi Order service

Josk participated in the First Battle of Geonosis (the battle pictured).

Having achieved the rank of Knight, Nivar commenced the training of a young female Sullustan as his Padawan. Prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Nivar dedicated several years to a diplomatic endeavor on Chandrila. In 22 BBY, Nivar took part in the assault team dispatched to the planet Geonosis, engaging in the subsequent battle alongside his Padawan. Despite surviving the conflict, his apprentice perished.

Mission to Thule and death

Nivar later took charge of the Mission to Thule, commanding a company of clone troopers under the leadership of Captain Spider, in conjunction with fellow Jedi Knights Iskat Akaris and Tualon Yaluna. The mission's primary objective was to disrupt the power grid of the Thule droid factory to prevent the activation and production of battle droids. Additionally, they were tasked with slicing into the factory's systems to gather information regarding the locations and blueprints of other Separatist manufacturing facilities. Jedi Master Mace Windu of the High Council instructed Nivar to observe Iskat, as the Council had grown concerned about her actions and sought to evaluate her performance in the field. Consequently, Nivar meticulously documented his observations and assessments of Akaris' conduct throughout the mission, with the intention of submitting a report to Windu upon their return to Coruscant.

Upon their arrival on the planet, the Jedi and troopers descended into a canyon, where they established a camp within a cavern as dawn approached, planning to approach the factory on foot from there. Utilizing their lightsabers, the three Jedi explored the grotto and discovered an ancient, carved structure deep within. Unbeknownst to them, this structure was a Sith altar. After confirming that the cave was otherwise unoccupied, the Jedi and troopers consumed ration bars before settling down to rest. During the night, Nivar was disturbed by a conversation between Akaris and Yaluna, prompting him to order them to be silent and sleep.

Josk led a mission to Thule alongside fellow Knights Iskat Akaris and Tualon Yaluna.

The following morning, the team resumed their advance toward the factory. They identified four cannons positioned atop the canyon walls, two on each side, overlooking the factory. These cannons presented a significant threat to the team, as they could be targeted during their ground approach or shot down in their shuttle during their departure from the planet. To neutralize the cannons, the group decided that Tualon would ascend one side of the ravine, while Nivar and Akaris would ascend the other. After the cannons were destroyed, the clones would divide and join the two groups, enabling both to proceed with their respective objectives: Yaluna leading the slicing operation and Nivar leading the sabotage attempt.

During their ascent of the canyon wall, Nivar revealed to Akaris that his reason for requesting her presence was to discuss the possibility of mentoring her, providing guidance following the death of her master, Sember Vey, on Geonosis. Nivar omitted his intention to request Master Windu's approval for the arrangement. Akaris offered only a thank you in response to his proposal.

Shortly thereafter, Akaris noticed black slugs crawling along the cavern wall, camouflaged against the rock, as well as dangerous birds nesting in nearby holes. She attempted to alert Nivar to the danger, but it was too late. He inadvertently impaled a slug with his spike, causing him to lose his grip on the wall. In a desperate attempt to regain his footing, Nivar thrust his hand into one of the holes, disturbing the nest and causing the birds to swarm around him, pecking at him. He plummeted to his death on the canyon floor, without attempting to secure himself or use the Force to cushion his fall. Akaris also failed to react and assist him using the Force.

Akaris and Yaluna proceeded to eliminate the Separatist cannons, and upon their return to the canyon floor, they were informed by the company's clone medic that Nivar had died before the troopers reached him. When Akaris inquired as to why Nivar had not attempted to save himself, the medic explained that he had determined that the birds possessed a venom that had either paralyzed Nivar before he hit the ground or caused his heart to stop.

Following Nivar's demise, Akaris and Yaluna assumed command of the mission. Nivar's body was transported onto the shuttle, and after the mission's completion, his remains were returned to the Jedi Temple, where he was laid to rest.


Akaris later discovered that her destruction of the factory resulted in the deaths of civilians, whose presence was unknown to the group due to Nivar's withholding of information. Akaris would reflect on Nivar's death for years to come, questioning whether she could have done anything more to save him. Yaluna also wondered if she could have intervened. The two later discussed the matter, with Akaris explaining to Yaluna that she had clung to the rock face to ensure her own survival and that she had concluded that there was nothing she could have done to prevent Nivar's death.

Personality and traits

Nivar was generally regarded favorably by his peers within the Order.

Powers and abilities

Iskat Akaris considered Nivar to be an average Jedi, lacking exceptional skills or abilities in comparison to other members of the Order. He carried a lightsaber with a blue blade.

