Following the events that transpired during the hunt on Chandar's Folly, Darth Vader, accompanied by three Inquisitors, embarked on a mission to capture Eeth Koth, the former Jedi Master who had previously renounced his allegiance to the Jedi Order. Vader and the Inquisitors arrived precisely as Koth's wife, Mira, was in the process of giving birth. To facilitate Mira's escape, Koth engaged Vader in a diversionary lightsaber duel. After briefly subduing Koth, Vader instructed the Inquisitors to secure the newborn child as part of Project Harvester.
Despite his efforts, Koth was severely overpowered in his confrontation with Vader. The Thirteenth Sister successfully located Mira and her daughter before they could evade capture, taking the infant into custody. She then presented the child to Vader and the wounded Koth, who were still locked in combat. Distracted by the capture of his daughter, Koth was vulnerable, and Vader seized the opportunity to fatally slash him across the back, resulting in his death.
In the wake of the destruction that befell the Jedi Order, the Emperor dispatched his Sith apprentice, Darth Vader, and the Inquisitorius to pursue the remaining Jedi. Among those who managed to survive was the Zabrak, Eeth Koth. Severing all ties to his past, he embraced a new life as a priest within the Church of the Ganthic Enlightenment, officiating at weddings and funerals. During this time, he found love with another Zabrak named Mira, who eventually became pregnant with his child.

Some time had passed since the hunt on Chandar's Folly when Vader managed to pinpoint Koth's location. Accompanied by three Inquisitors, he journeyed to Koth's planet with the intention of eliminating him. Vader's arrival interrupted Koth shortly after the birth of his daughter. Koth attempted to convince Vader that he no longer posed a threat to the Empire, even offering to assist in tracking down other surviving Jedi. However, Vader dismissed his offer, prompting Koth to hurl his medical droid at him, providing cover for Mira's escape with their child. He then summoned his lightsaber using the Force and prepared to confront Vader alone.
Koth launched an attack on Vader, initiating a lightsaber duel. As they fought, Vader sensed the fear, anger, and resentment emanating from Koth, emotions that Koth attributed to the fact that he now had something to lose. Vader retaliated with a Force push, sending Koth sprawling, and then ordered his Inquisitors to locate Koth's daughter, whom he sensed was Force-sensitive. Koth regained his footing and resumed his attack. Simultaneously, the Inquisitors dispersed throughout the city in search of the child. The Thirteenth Sister, utilizing the Force, managed to locate the child before the others. She intercepted Mira and her baby just as they were about to board her father's shuttle. Mira pleaded with Akaris, hoping to appeal to their shared womanhood. Akaris initially allowed her to pass, much to Mira's relief and the surprise of the other two Inquisitors upon their arrival. However, she then used the Force to snatch the baby from Mira's arms as the shuttle departed. Tualon Yaluna questioned her actions, to which she replied that it was to ensure the Zabrak would never trust another woman again.
Meanwhile, the battle between Koth and Vader raged on. Despite Koth's aggressive attempts to kill him, Vader used a Force choke to incapacitate and severely injure him. Koth vowed to protect his family. However, Vader directed his gaze towards Akaris and his daughter. In that moment of distraction, Vader struck him down with his lightsaber, ending his life.

Following Koth's demise, his daughter was transported back to the Inquisitorius Headquarters to be integrated into Project Harvester. Shortly thereafter, Akaris and Tualon celebrated Koth's death with a beverage native to the planet, dust juice. The Fifth Brother, another Inquisitor involved in the mission, reported Akaris's actions prior to capturing the baby to Vader. Suspecting this as an act of defiance, Vader sought to eliminate her. Tualon intervened to defend her, but after a brief pursuit, both were killed.
The storyline surrounding the hunt for Eeth Koth was first introduced in Darth Vader (2017) 19, a 2018 canon comic authored by Charles Soule and illustrated by Giuseppe Camuncoli.