Eeth Koth's lightsaber was the lightsaber used by the Zabrak Jedi Master Eeth Koth throughout the closing years of the Galactic Republic. When activated, it emitted a green blade. Throughout the Clone Wars, Eeth Koth wielded his lightsaber in combat against Separatist General Grievous during their fight. While he was held as Grievous' prisoner for a short time, Koth's lightsaber was taken from him, but he successfully retrieved it following his liberation.
Subsequently, Koth was expelled from the Jedi High Council and severed his connections to the Jedi Order. He retained possession of his lightsaber, employing it when Darth Vader and agents of the Inquisitorius hunted the ex-Jedi. During the confrontation, Koth's attention was diverted by the Inquisitors' capture of his newborn daughter, and he was fatally impaled from behind by Vader's red lightsaber, causing his lightsaber to slip from his grasp and fall to the floor.