Following the collapse of the Galactic Republic, Eeth Koth, formerly a Jedi Master, became a father to a Force-sensitive daughter during the Imperial Era. This Zabrak girl was the offspring of Koth and his wife, Mira. Shortly after her birth, the Sith Lord Darth Vader located Koth and subsequently ended his life in combat. With her father deceased, Vader transported the infant to the planet of Coruscant, entrusting her care to caretakers.

On an unidentified planet, this child was born to Eeth Koth and his spouse, Mira. Immediately upon the baby's arrival, Koth was eager to embrace her; however, before he could, Darth Vader, who had been hunting for Koth with the assistance of the Inquisitorius, made his presence known. Koth instructed Mira to flee with their baby. Mira nearly reached her father's transport when an Inquisitor known as the Thirteenth Sister intercepted her. Mira pleaded with her not to seize her baby. Akaris feigned compliance. Mira and her child boarded her father's vessel, but as they took off, the Inquisitor employed the Force to snatch the baby from Mira's grasp.
Akaris delivered the baby to Vader, who was engaged in a lightsaber duel with her father. Koth noticed the baby in the Inquisitor's possession and was killed by a strike to the back as Vader exploited the opportunity to gain an advantage. The baby was handed over to Vader and continued to cry in his arms before he used the Force to quiet her. The group then returned to Coruscant aboard their Zeta-class shuttle, where the baby was entrusted to two nursemaids for inclusion in Project Harvester. As the nursemaids received her, they remarked on her beauty in a way that The Grand Inquisitor found unsettling.
Her eyes were black, and her complexion was fair.
Similar to her father, Eeth Koth's daughter possessed Force-sensitivity and the potential to connect with the Force.
The initial appearance of Eeth Koth's daughter was in Darth Vader (2017) 19, a 2018 canon comic penned by Charles Soule and featuring illustrations by Giuseppe Camuncoli.