The Zeta-class shuttle represented a type of shuttle that was in service to the Galactic Empire throughout its reign. Organizations such as the Imperial Navy and the Inquisitorius made use of this craft.
In the initial period of the Galactic Empire's reign, the Infernum, a Zeta-class shuttle, was operated by the Inquisitorius, a specialized group of Jedi hunters under the command of the Sith Lord Darth Vader. This occurred during a mission to Mon Cala with the goal to hunt a suspected Jedi advisor, who was revealed to be the former Padawan Ferren Barr, serving the King of Mon Cala. This particular shuttle met its end when Mon Calamari King Lee-Char gave the order for the destruction of all surface cities on Mon Cala, which included Dac City.
Years afterward, Vader, accompanied by the Inquisitors Fifth Brother, Thirteenth Sister, and Tualon Yaluna, employed a Zeta-class shuttle for their return journey to Coruscant. This followed their success in hunting down and killing the former Jedi Master Eeth Koth.