The Third Moon of Ryloth, alternatively referred to as Ryloth's Third Moon, held the position of third moon orbiting the planet Ryloth. This desolate, rocky celestial body possessed a breathable atmosphere and was the closest of Ryloth's three satellites. Soon after the establishment of the Galactic Empire, members of the Free Ryloth Movement orchestrated a meeting on this moon to acquire illicit weaponry they had purchased.
The third moon of Ryloth was a barren, stone-covered world featuring an atmosphere that humans and Twi'leks could breathe. From afar, the moon presented itself as a blurry, grey sphere. As one of three moons circling Ryloth, it resided within the Ryloth system of the Outer Rim Territories' Gaulus sector, at grid coordinates R-17. Similar to its planet, the moon was situated along the Corellian Run and Mumble's Turnaround hyperspace routes. The Twi'lek celebration known as Longest Night coincided with this moon and the two other moons of Ryloth reaching their minimal phase.

In 19 BBY, the Clone Wars, a conflict that spanned the galaxy, concluded with the transformation of the ancient Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire. Despite claims that this change would bring peace, prosperity, and security to the galaxy, it was, in reality, a carefully orchestrated power grab by the new Emperor Palpatine. Some immediately recognized the deception and began plotting against the Empire. General Cham Syndulla, a former Twi'lek freedom fighter who had resisted the Separatist invasion of Ryloth during the war, was initially not among them, as he desired peace for his homeworld and wished to spare his daughter Hera from a life of combat. However, Gobi Glie, Cham's lieutenant, harbored suspicions, believing that his general was only seeing what he wanted to see, and started organizing with other former fighters. Glie also involved Hera in his group, feeling she should be prepared for battle.
The Empire had demanded that the Twi'leks disarm and surrender their weapons, promising that their military would safeguard Ryloth. Glie, believing this made them vulnerable, arranged to purchase additional weapons from Ciddarin Scaleback, an information broker, with a planned meeting on the third moon. As Glie and Serin were preparing to depart in Glie's Rainhawk-class transport, Hera initially declined an invitation to join them, as she had recently been caught trespassing near the new Imperial doonium refinery. However, she changed her mind when Glie mentioned he had intended to let her pilot the ship. As the starship lifted off, Commander CT-9904, an Elite Squad Trooper who had been observing the landing pad, attached a homing beacon to it.
Hera piloted the transport for the majority of the journey to the moon, but Glie had Serin take over for the landing, as he felt Hera lacked the experience to handle takeoffs and landings. Serin checked the ship's sensors and reported that their contact was already approaching, before they landed on a small plain on the moon. Scaleback had dispatched the Bad Batch, a squad of former clone commandos who were now working for her as mercenaries, to deliver the weapons. Their shuttle, the Marauder, flew over the nearby hills before circling around to land. The clones disembarked, carrying the crates of blasters and thermal detonators that Scaleback had sent.
While Hunter spoke with Glie, who wished to inspect the weapons before paying, Hera wandered over to the Marauder, her curiosity piqued. She inquired about the ship to Omega, a young clone who had joined the Batch when they defected from the Empire. Omega obtained permission from Hunter to show Hera around. Once Glie and Serin had verified the weapons to their satisfaction, he handed Hunter the case containing the payment, asking him to inform Scaleback to let him know when she had more to sell. Hunter remarked that accumulating an arsenal would draw attention and that Glie should be aware of the risks involved, to which Glie responded that he had no choice. Hera and Omega exited the Marauder as Glie announced that they had to leave, and Hera bid farewell to Omega before hurrying back to the Rainhawk. When Hunter asked Omega if she had made a new friend, Omega replied that she liked Hera but found her a bit odd. The Twi'leks left the moon and returned to Ryloth, only to be ambushed by Imperial forces due to the homing beacon attached to their ship.
The Free Ryloth Movement maintained a underground base on the moon for many years afterward.
Ryloth's third moon made its initial appearance in the 2015 novel Lords of the Sith. It was later identified in the Star Wars: The Bad Batch episode "Devil's Deal." The official Databank entry for Gobi Glie's starship refers to it as simply "Ryloth's moon," implying it is the only one, despite the presence of other moons visible in the episode and other media establishing that Ryloth has three moons.