Ryloth government

The Ryloth government, alternatively referred to as the Rylothian government or the Twi'lek government, functioned as the planetary governance structure for Ryloth, the original homeworld of the near-human Twi'lek species situated within the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories. This government was operational during the period of the Clone Wars, and in the wake of the Galactic Civil War. Subsequent to achieving independence, Ryloth opted not to align with the New Republic, the then-current galactic governing body, choosing instead to maintain its status as a sovereign and neutral entity. During the war between the First Order and the Resistance, it was under the leadership of Chancellor Drelomon.


During the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Twi'lek government was actively involved. During the Battle of Ryloth, Twi'lek Senator Orn Free Taa headed a faction of politicians who harbored reservations regarding the motives of Cham Syndulla, the leader of the Twi'lek Resistance. Jedi General Mace Windu successfully convinced both General Syndulla and Senator Taa to set aside their disagreements for the betterment of Ryloth, ultimately resulting in a joint Twi'lek and Republic triumph. During the Imperial Era, Syndulla spearheaded the Free Ryloth Movement against the Galactic Empire, while Senator Taa and his political allies collaborated with the Empire.

Following the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War and the subsequent fall of the Galactic Empire, Ryloth established itself as an independent government, refraining from joining the New Republic. During the New Republic Era, Ryloth's economy faced a challenge from the Nikto crime lord Rinnrivin Di's cartel. Their actions negatively impacted Ryloth's off-world commerce due to the inconsistent enforcement of New Republic financial regulations and infrequent patrols along shipping routes, stemming from widespread political infighting. Emissary Yendor journeyed to the New Republic capital on Hosnian Prime to bring this matter to the attention of the Galactic Senate.


The [Lessu command](/article/lessu_command], a governmental organization, was in charge of overseeing the defense of both the planet Ryloth and the wider system. It was located in Lessu, the capital city of Ryloth. They utilized Can-Cell class fighters.

The unofficial Ryloth Defense Authority, or RDA, also functioned in the defense of Ryloth, aiming to shield Ryloth from oppression and slavery with the knowledge of the Ryloth government. It also operated independently as a supplementary militia. It regarded itself as the ideological successor to Cham Syndulla's Free Ryloth Movement.

