
Mack, a clone trooper pilot, served the Galactic Republic during the tumultuous Clone Wars. Affiliated with both the Coruscant Guard and the diplomatic service, this particular pilot found himself on a crucial mission. Mack, alongside another clone pilot, was assigned the duty of transporting a diplomatic delegation to the planet of Florrum. Their objective was to negotiate the release of Count Dooku and two captured Jedi Knights, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Upon their arrival at Florrum, the Ohnaka Gang ambushed their vessel, resulting in the deaths of Mack, his fellow pilot, and Senator Kharrus.


Mack was a clone trooper who had been created on the watery planet of Kamino. His purpose was to fight for the Galactic Republic in the conflict known as the Clone Wars, against the forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Mack's service was within the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic, specifically as a clone trooper pilot attached to the Coruscant Guard's diplomatic service.

Jar-Jar unintentionally interfered with Mack during the pirate attack

During the year 21 BBY, Mack and a fellow clone pilot were at the controls of a Nu-class attack/transport shuttle. On board were Republic Senator Kharrus and Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks, embarking on a diplomatic mission to the planet Florrum. Their objective was to negotiate the freedom of Separatist leader Count Dooku, as well as the Jedi heroes Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, from a gang of pirates. Hondo Ohnaka's band had previously taken Dooku captive, intending to ransom him to the Republic due to his strategic importance, while the two Jedi had been captured while attempting to rescue him.

As the shuttle entered the atmosphere above Florrum, it came under attack from a group of renegade pirates, commanded by Turk Falso, flying a Flarestar-class attack shuttle. As the pirates began firing, Mack's co-pilot initiated evasive maneuvers. When the pirate ship launched a volley of missiles, Mack instructed his co-pilot to veer sharply to the left. As the ship tried to avoid the incoming fire, Representative Binks, who was struggling to secure himself in the cargo hold, inadvertently activated the mechanism that ejected Mack's seat from the cockpit. Mack, bewildered, watched as Binks clumsily tried to push him back into the cockpit, only succeeding in raising the chair with both of them on it. In the meantime, the ship was struck by the missiles and began its descent.

Mack and his co-pilot were killed in the crash-landing

After Binks returned to the hold, Mack and his co-pilot were forced into an emergency crash-landing in the Doshar fields. The force of the crash killed Mack, his co-pilot, and Senator Kharrus. As the survivors gathered, a clone trooper discovered the bodies of Mack and his co-pilot, informing Clone Commander Stone of their deaths. The survivors, under the leadership of Representative Binks, who was technically the highest-ranking survivor, continued their mission, advancing towards Ohnaka's base to begin negotiations.

Behind the scenes

Mack's first appearance was in "The Gungan General," which was the twelfth episode of Season One from the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

