
Palabar, a Quarren, joined forces with Hatchet, the Weequay, and Greybok, the Wookiee. Together, they broke free from enslavement during the Battle on Sevarcos and rebelled against their Imperial and Zygerrian oppressors. Their actions included releasing several rancors, which dramatically shifted the battle's momentum in favor of the New Republic. Subsequently, Palabar and his comrades were enlisted by Jas Emari, a Zabrak bounty hunter, to participate in the liberation of Kashyyyk.



During the Age of the Empire, Palabar, a Quarren, toiled as a miner on the planet Sevarcos in its spice mines. By 4 ABY, Palabar and his fellow enslaved people suffered abuse at the hands of their Imperial and Zygerrian slaveholders. The trauma inflicted upon him caused him to frequently cower, nod, and whimper in the darkness. When New Republic forces launched an attack on their mine, Palabar concurred with Hatchet, a fellow Weequay slave, that they should seize the opportunity to escape. Greybok, however, disagreed, urging them to stand their ground and fight, despite his own missing arm.

When Hatchet voiced his disagreement with Greybok, Palabar responded with a surge of anger. He acknowledged the Wookiee's point, suggesting they seize the chance to fight back against their enslavers. Under Greybok's leadership, the trio of slaves made their way to the corral and proceeded to release the three captive rancors. These freed rancors then sowed chaos among the Imperial forces, tipping the scales of the battle in favor of the New Republic. In the aftermath of a confrontation between Greybok and a Zygerrian slaver, Hatchet delivered the fatal blow to the slaver. Upon learning of the New Republic soldiers' victory, Palabar voiced his uncertainty about what the future held. Subsequently, a female New Republic soldier informed them that they were now free.

Liberation of Kashyyyk

After gaining their freedom, Palabar, Hatchet, and Greybok transitioned into the life of smugglers. By 5 ABY, the trio of former slaves were recruited by the Zabrak bounty hunter Jas Emari to assist Han Solo and Chewbacca in their mission to liberate the Wookiee home world of Kashyyyk from Imperial control. During the assault on Camp Sardo, Palabar devised a strategy involving the use of pneumo-hammers to secure massive eyebolts into the wroshyr trees. This innovative approach enabled Solo and his team to establish a strategic position from which they could destroy the camp's deflector shield generator.

Following Sinjir Rath Velus' (the former Imperial loyalty officer) deactivation of the inhibitor chips controlling the Wookiees, Palabar and his fellow freed slaves took their positions at the guns aboard Jas Emari's gunship, the Halo. They unleashed a barrage of attacks on Imperial forces, including forest troopers, LAIT gunships, and Imperial walkers.

Personality and traits

Palabar, a Quarren, possessed a face adorned with tentacles. The harsh, arid conditions of Sevarcos had left his tentacled face chapped, chafed, and peeling. The abuse he endured left him deeply traumatized, causing him to frequently cower, nod, and whimper in the darkness. Despite his traumatized state, Palabar found the courage to support Greybok in aiding the New Republic in their fight against their Imperial and Zygerrian oppressors. While combat instilled fear in him, Palabar possessed a strong aptitude for technology. He conceived the idea of employing pneumo-hammers to drive eyebolts into wroshyr trees, enabling Han and his team to establish a strategic position and destroy Camp Sardo's shield generator.

Behind the scenes

Palabar made his debut as a supporting character in Chuck Wendig's 2015 novel, Aftermath, and its 2016 sequel, Aftermath: Life Debt. His dialogue is presented from the perspective of Greybok, the Wookiee.

