
Hatchet existed as a Weequay who was subjected to slavery within a Galactic Empire mining operation located on the planet of Sevarcos. He found himself amidst a battle that unfolded between the Empire and the New Republic. Prompted by his fellow enslaved individuals, specifically the Wookiee named Greybok and the Quarren known as Palabar, Hatchet made the decision to contribute to shifting the battle's outcome in favor of the New Republic by setting free several imprisoned rancors. Subsequently, Hatchet and his comrades participated in the liberation of Kashyyyk.



Hatchet, a Weequay, existed throughout the Age of the Empire. Sometime before the Battle of Endor, the Galactic Empire forced him into slavery and assigned him to labor in the spice mines of Sevarcos. Both the Empire and Zygerrian slavers oversaw the mine's operations. It was during his time there that he acquired a scar on his face. In the months that followed the Battle of Endor, the spice mine on Sevarcos became the location of a battle pitting the Empire against the New Republic, the organization that succeeded the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

As the Imperials seemed to gain an advantage, Hatchet suggested to his fellow slaves, Greybok the Wookiee and Palabar the Quarren, that they should use the battle as a chance to escape Sevarcos. However, the Wookiee and Quarren proposed they assist the New Republic, with Greybok disregarding Hatchet's objections and entering the battle. During the conflict, Greybok succeeded in releasing several rancors from their enclosure, and they proceeded to wreak havoc throughout the Imperial ranks, thus turning the tide of the battle to favor the New Republic.

After a Zygerrian slaver used a needler to electrocute the Wookiee, Hatchet retaliated by fatally striking the slaver with a rock. Once the battle concluded, Hatchet inquired of a New Republic soldier about the fate of the three of them, to which the female soldier responded that they were now free. After the soldier departed, Hatchet expressed his amusement that no one knew what they would do with their newfound freedom. He proposed that he and his friends embark on a journey to explore the galaxy together as former slaves.

Liberating Kashyyyk

After gaining their freedom, Hatchet, Palabar, and Greybok became involved in smuggling. After being enlisted by Jas Emari, a Zabrak bounty hunter, Hatchet and his companions journeyed to Kashyyyk, the homeworld of the Wookiees, to aid Han Solo and Chewbacca in liberating the planet from the Empire. Following Palabar's suggestion, Hatchet, Greybok, and Solo's team employed pneumo-hammers to embed eyebolts into the wood and to connect jump cables. This strategic maneuver allowed Solo's team to assume a position from which they could target the deflector shield generator located at Camp Sardo, which served as the Imperial headquarters on Kashyyyk.

When Hatchet became overwhelmed with fear and began expressing his reluctance to be there, Greybok silenced him by shaking him violently with one arm. After Solo's team successfully destroyed the shield generator and Sinjir Rath Velus, a former Imperial loyalty officer, deactivated the inhibitor chips that controlled the Wookiee slaves, the Wookiees initiated a widespread revolt. During the battle, Hatchet and his companions took charge of the weapons on Jas Emari's gunship, the Halo, and launched attacks on Imperial forces. Subsequently, the New Republic and the Wookiees liberated Kashyyyk.

Personality and traits

Hatchet was a Weequay individual. His face displayed rugged features, marked by a prominent scar that descended from between his eyes and nose down to his lips and chin. During the Battle of Sevarcos, Hatchet suggested to Greybok and Palabar, his fellow slaves, that they should seize the opportunity to escape. However, Greybok and Palabar managed to convince him to assist their New Republic liberators. Amidst the fighting, he found the courage necessary to eliminate a Zygerrian slaver who was assaulting Greybok. Hatchet experienced joy upon being liberated by the New Republic along with his companions and proposed that they explore the galaxy. During a battle on Kashyyyk, Hatchet succumbed to panic and began expressing his desire to leave. Hatchet also possessed the ability to operate weaponry.

Behind the scenes

Hatchet's initial appearance was as a supporting character in Aftermath, a 2015 novel authored by Chuck Wendig, as well as in its 2016 sequel, Aftermath: Life Debt.

