Owerto Naiucho, a male smuggler, was contracted to transport Norra Wexley to the planet Akiva not long after the Battle of Endor. When they arrived at Akiva aboard his ship, the Moth, Naiucho and Wexley discovered Imperial Star Destroyers were blockading the planet. Despite this, Naiucho persisted, heading towards the planet's surface. After TIE fighters attacked them, Wexley seized control of the Moth, piloting it into Akiva's atmosphere while Naiucho operated the guns. On the planet, Wexley successfully evaded the Imperials and reached Akiva's capital, Myrra, where the two parted ways. Subsequently, Naiucho met his death at the hands of a stormtrooper squad on the outskirts of Myrra.
In the period following the Battle of Endor, Naiucho, a smuggler, was engaged to transport Norra Wexley, a skilled pilot, to the planet Akiva aboard his freighter, the Moth. Upon their arrival in the system, they found that two Star Destroyers belonging to the Galactic Empire were blockading Akiva. This caused Wexley to insist that Naiucho change their course and escape. However, the smuggler refused, determined to complete the job he was being paid him for and to deliver the remainder of his cargo destined for Akiva.
The Imperial-class Star Destroyer Vigilance detected the Moth, and launched several squadrons of TIE fighters to intercept Naiucho's freighter. Naiucho engaged the fighters as he made his way towards Akiva's surface. He managed to destroy one of the enemy fighters, but then demanded that his passenger take control of the ship's laser cannons. Instead, Wexley physically removed Naiucho from the pilot's seat and took control of the ship herself, silencing his protests with a stern look. She then left him to operate the turrets as the Moth entered Akiva's atmosphere. The pursuit continued as Wexley, now piloting the freighter, led the TIEs into one of Akiva's jungles. There, she located the rock formation known as the Witch's Finger and navigated through a narrow passage, causing her Imperial pursuers to crash while attempting the same maneuver. Once they were safe, the Moth flew to Myrra, the capital city of Akiva. Naiucho thanked Wexley for her intervention, which had saved him from the Imperials. Wexley then paid him the agreed-upon sum of ten thousand credits for the journey, and the two parted ways. Naiucho offered to fly Wexley off-world once she had found her son, Temmin, but only on the condition that she paid the same price and agreed to pilot the ship again if they encountered any trouble.
Unfortunately, Naiucho never had the opportunity to fulfill his offer. After separating from Wexley, the smuggler was killed by a squad of Imperial stormtroopers who boarded the Moth on the outskirts of Myrra, near the Akar Road. Wexley later returned to the Moth with her son. After discovering Naiucho's body, she attempted to persuade Temmin to help her pilot the ship off-world so they could escape. However, Temmin, unwilling to leave his homeworld, fled the ship. He returned in a speeder to rescue his mother from the same stormtroopers who had killed Naiucho, as they had returned to the ship for a second sweep.
Owerto Naiucho possessed crooked teeth and a dark face marked by old burns and a network of scars. He told a variety of stories about the origin of these scars, suggesting they were caused by lava, a wampa, blaster fire, or even falling onto a hot camping stove while intoxicated on Corellian rum.
He displayed great confidence in his own abilities and those of his ship to evade capture or destruction, having named it Moth due to the difficulty of catching moths. When confronted with a blockade of two Imperial Star Destroyers, he refused to retreat, instead pushing forward with a grin and a wild look in his eyes that led Wexley to believe he enjoyed the danger. While he initially opposed Wexley taking over as pilot, he quickly relented and later expressed his gratitude for her saving his life and his ship, praising her piloting skills.
Naiucho's ship was a small MK-4 freighter called the Moth, originating from the planet Corellia. On the scarred side of his face, his eye had been replaced with a cybernetic one, consisting of a red lens set in a poorly fitted O-frame bolted onto his skin.
Chuck Wendig created Owerto Naiucho for his novel Aftermath, published in 2015.