Witch's Finger

The Witch's Finger, a distinctive cliff formation, stood on the jungle planet of Akiva inside the Canyon of Akar. The ancient Ahia-Ko people gave it this name, noting its resemblance to a crooked, pointing finger. A waterfall plunged from the cliff's summit, leading to the construction of one of the earliest temple sites in the vicinity, reflecting the Ahia-Ko's ancient faith in water's sacredness. Beneath the finger's 'stone bridge' ran a slender passageway. In the months after the second Death Star's destruction, Norra Wexley flew the Moth through the tight space to evade the last two TIE/ln space superiority starfighters pursuing her from the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Vigilance. Wexley and Owerto Naiucho aimed to break through the planetary blockade because of its impending role in hosting the Imperial Future Council; Wexley successfully navigated the vessel through the narrow opening thanks to her abilities, while the pursuing TIE pilots failed.

