Valent was a human officer of the male persuasion within the Imperial Navy, serving the Galactic Empire throughout its reign. Early in his military service, Valent, alongside Kenner Loring, was a student at the officers' academy located on Uyter. As the Galactic Civil War drew to a close, Valent had risen to the rank of commander and was in command of the Star Destroyer known as the Scythe. Following the Battle of Endor, Valent did not recognize Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax's unofficial leadership over the splintered Empire. Instead, he joined a faction that plotted with Rax's rival, Grand General Loring, who was based on Malastare. Consequently, Rax betrayed Valent by providing the New Republic with the coordinates of his Star Destroyer, which resulted in its destruction and the removal of a competing force.