The Confederacy of Corporate Systems represented a bold venture into galactic governance, emerging when the New Republic's authority existed more in name than in practice. Around 5 ABY, as the Galactic Civil War neared its conclusion between the splintering Galactic Empire and the New Republic, Republic Chancellor Mon Mothma found herself increasingly concerned by the rise of the Confederacy, alongside two other developing powers: the New Separatist Union and the pirate dominated Sovereign Latitudes of Maracavanya. These concerns heavily weighed on Mothma's mind during a gathering with New Republic senators, though she admitted that her preoccupation might also stem from a previous injury to her left arm.
The initial reference to the Confederacy of Corporate Systems occurred in the 2017 publication Aftermath: Empire's End, which served as the concluding book in Chuck Wendig's Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy.