Attack on a New Republic outpost

In the year 5 ABY, marking the conclusion of the Imperial Era, the Acolytes of the Beyond initiated a hostile assault targeted at a New Republic installation located on the world of Devaron. Amidst this offensive, the Acolyte named Remi sought to eliminate Kiza, his former romantic partner, with the intention of retrieving his lightsaber. However, Kiza instead brought about his demise.


In the months following the Battle of Endor, a cult that venerated the Sith and the dark side of the Force, known as the Acolytes of the Beyond, began to gain notoriety. Despite not being Force-sensitive, numerous Acolytes experienced Force visions featuring deceased Sith from the Beyond. They successfully recruited various alienated youths and societal outcasts, including the Pantoran Kiza and the human Remi. Subsequent to the Coronet City revolution, a contingent of Acolytes assembled on Devaron with the purpose of attacking a New Republic outpost. This group was under the command of Yupe Tashu, a previous advisor to the late Emperor Palpatine.

This attack was one of a series of coordinated strikes against the New Republic throughout the galaxy. The Acolytes were enemies of the New Republic and viewed themselves as engaged in a conflict against the emerging government, which originated from the Alliance to Restore the Republic. While they held Darth Vader in high esteem, the Acolytes believed they were serving a cause greater than the Galactic Empire. The New Republic was in the process of establishing both new and refurbished outposts across the planet's surface. These facilities were staffed by diplomats, liaisons, scientists, and military personnel and supplied the local inhabitants with essential resources like food and potable water.

Before the attack, Tashu communicated with the spirits of fallen Sith and presented Kiza with the mask of Viceroy Exim Panshard. When Remi demanded the mask for himself, Tashu reprimanded the youth for provoking the spirits and confiscated his lightsaber. This lightsaber was then given to Kiza, who subsequently fell under the influence of the two dark side objects.

The attack

Brandishing red clubs, blades fashioned from machine shops, and axes, the Acolytes launched their assault on the unsuspecting New Republic outpost. Under the sway of Panshard's mask, Kiza attacked multiple Republic personnel. She pierced the arm of one woman with her lightsaber before killing her. Consumed by hatred, Kiza then disabled a fleeing woman by slicing her legs. In the midst of the battle, Remi attempted to take back his lightsaber from Kiza. He forcefully threw her to the ground, declaring her unworthy of wielding the weapon. Remi tried to kill Kiza, but she managed to regain possession of her lightsaber and thrust it through his head. Remi met his end when Kiza activated the blade, causing it to burn through his eyes.


Following Remi's death, Kiza returned to fight alongside her fellow Acolytes in their attack on the outpost. The outpost was soon captured, and the Acolytes celebrated their victory.

Behind the scenes

The attack on a New Republic outpost is depicted in an interlude chapter within Chuck Wendig's 2017 novel, Aftermath: Empire's End, which serves as the third book in the Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy. The event is narrated from the perspective of Kiza, who had previously appeared in the 2016 novel Aftermath: Life Debt.

