Remi, a male human, aligned himself with the Acolytes of the Beyond. In the year 5 ABY, amidst a revolution orchestrated by the Acolytes within Coronet City on the planet Corellia, a detective named Erno apprehended Remi and brought him to the local Peace and Security station inside the city. Erno's action stemmed from catching the youth defacing a wall with the inscription "Vader lives," accompanied by an image of Vader's armor. Following his liberation by Kiza, a Pantoran female and fellow member of the Acolytes, Remi ventured into the archives situated beneath the station, emerging with a red-bladed lightsaber, subsequently severing one of Erno's hands with it.
Before the Battle of Jakku transpired, Remi, alongside his Acolyte comrades, journeyed to the planet of Devaron. His obsession with his newly acquired lightsaber intensified, leading him further into the dark side of the Force. Remi drew the ire of Yupe Tashu, the former advisor to the late Emperor Palpatine, when he voiced his envy over Kiza's possession of the mask belonging to Viceroy Exim Panshard. As a consequence, Tashu confiscated the lightsaber from him and bestowed it upon Kiza. Consumed by rage and jealousy, Remi attempted to reclaim his weapon from Kiza during the attack on a New Republic outpost, but Kiza fatally struck him with the lightsaber.
During the Age of the Empire, Remi was a young man. After the [Battle of Endor](/article/battle_of_endor], Remi began to experience Force visions of long-dead Sith who had passed into the Beyond. He became a member of the Acolytes of the Beyond, a group that venerated the Sith and the dark side of the Force. During this period, Remi formed a close bond, developing romantic feelings for a Pantoran girl named Kiza, another Acolyte. Remi played a key role in the planning and execution of the Coronet City revolution. He forged the documents that allowed Kiza to infiltrate the local Peace and Security station while disguised as a secretary. Their objective was to pilfer an ancient lightsaber from the archives located beneath the police station.
As part of their scheme, Remi used spray paint to create an image of Darth Vader's mask and the words "VADER LIVES" on the side of the P&S station. Erno, a Corellian detective, promptly arrested him and took him in for questioning. Remi was uncooperative, insisting to Erno that Vader was still alive. When Erno pointed out that Darth Vader had died during the Battle of Endor, Remi countered that death was not the end. When Erno asked for the boy's name as part of the booking process, Remi stated that his name was Oblivion.
Erno offered to be lenient if he would name his fellow Acolytes. However, Remi remained defiant. When Erno dismissed the Acolytes as mere "suck-ups" to the Empire, Remi retorted that he served something greater than the Empire. Erno then questioned why he wasn't wearing a mask, commenting that Vader was a villain. Remi responded by asking Erno if he considered himself a good man. When Erno pressed him about the mask again, Remi replied that an Acolyte had to earn it. Remi then added that the building was old and that he knew that the museum next door shared the basement with the P&S station.
Before Erno could continue questioning him, Spob Rydel, a security officer, entered the interrogation room to inform Erno that the Acolytes were attacking Coronet City. While Erno was distracted, Remi escaped the room and headed downstairs to the archives. Meanwhile, Kiza eliminated Erno's fellow detectives. Before Erno could stop Kiza, Remi reappeared and used his lightsaber to sever Erno's [blaster](/article/blaster] hand. After retrieving the weapon, Kiza struck Erno on the head and warned him to tell his people that the Acolytes were coming.
After acquiring the lightsaber, Remi became increasingly self-centered and obsessed with the weapon. As a respected Acolyte, Remi was permitted to keep the lightsaber. Remi and his fellow Acolytes then convened on the planet Devaron to attack a New Republic outpost located near an old Jedi temple. Their attack was part of a larger, coordinated series of strikes against the New Republic across the galaxy. Before the attack, Remi, Kiza, and the other Acolytes gathered around their master, Yupe Tashu, who had previously served as an advisor to the late Emperor Palpatine.
After consulting with the spirits of fallen Sith, Tashu presented the mask of Viceroy Exim Panshard to Kiza. Remi grew envious and demanded that he be given the mask. Tashu reprimanded Remi for angering the fallen spirits. As punishment, he took Remi's lightsaber and gave it to Kiza. Remi and his fellow Acolytes then attacked the New Republic outposts using various weapons, including clubs, machine shop blades, and chop-axes, all painted red.
Consumed by rage and jealousy, Remi seized the chaos of battle as an opportunity to attack Kiza. He managed to knock her to the ground and dislodge the lightsaber from her grasp. Remi condemned his former lover as unworthy and asserted that the lightsaber rightfully belonged to him. After a struggle, Kiza managed to retrieve the lightsaber and plunged the blade through Remi's skull, killing him instantly. Kiza then rejoined the attack on the New Republic outpost.
Remi was a male human who, according to Erno, appeared to be around fourteen or fifteen years old in the months following the Battle of Endor. He was noted for having exceptionally white teeth. According to his lover Kiza, Remi possessed the ideal combination of confidence and vulnerability. She compared him to a tamed beast and a fire whose flame was both fierce and beautiful. Remi was young, angry, and strikingly attractive.
Despite not possessing Force-sensitivity, Remi experienced Force visions of fallen Sith. He joined the Acolytes of the Beyond, sharing their reverence for the Sith and the dark side of the Force. Remi viewed his movement as something greater than the Empire. Remi refused to acknowledge lawful authority and remained defiant during his interrogation by Detective Erno. Remi also demonstrated skill with a lightsaber, using it to sever one of Erno's hands.
After obtaining the lightsaber, Remi became increasingly egotistical and arrogant. He believed that his lover Kiza was unworthy of inheriting a Sith artifact known as the mask of Exim Panshard. Overcome by rage and jealousy, Remi attacked Kiza in an attempt to reclaim his lightsaber. However, Kiza drove the blade through his skull, killing him and causing his eyes to burn to ash.
Remi first appeared as a minor villain in Chuck Wendig's 2016 novel Aftermath: Life Debt. He also made an appearance in the 2017 novel's sequel, Aftermath: Empire's End, where he was first identified by the name Remi.