
Kiza was a female Pantoran who became a member of the Acolytes of the Beyond. In the months that followed the Battle of Endor, during the Coronet City revolution occurring on Corellia, Kiza liberated a fellow acolyte, Remi, from the Peace and Security station situated in the city. Subsequent to freeing the boy, they killed all the detectives at the station with the exception of one. Later, Kiza participated in an attack directed at a New Republic outpost located on Devaron. During this assault, she donned the mask belonging to Viceroy Exim Panshard. Ultimately consumed by the dark side of the Force, she murdered her lover, Remi.


The Coronet City revolution

Born into a lowborn family of Pantoran exiles on Corellia, Kiza resided in the impoverished sections of Coronet City found on the planet. Throughout her life, Kiza held deep-seated anger towards those she considered her "oppressors": the peace officers who harassed her, the chits-and-debits office pursuing her family's debts, and the highborn Corellians who scorned her lowborn status. As an adolescent, Kiza began to experience Force visions. Following the Battle of Endor, she was recruited by Yupe Tashu, a former adviser to the deceased Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine, from the Acolytes of the Beyond, a cult comprised of non-Force-sensitive individuals who venerated the Sith and the dark side of the Force. It's possible Tashu used a Sith artifact to implant the Force visions in Kiza.

Starting with minor tasks, Kiza worked her way up, beginning by tagging walls with the Darth Vader mask sigil accompanied by the warning "VADER LIVES." She also engaged in stealing credits, which she then donated to the cause. Additionally, Kiza scouted locations to be used as dead-drops for secure meetings. She forged a strong, sister-like relationship with a fellow acolyte named Komat. In the months following the Battle of Endor, Kiza developed romantic feelings for a young man named Remi, who shared her intense passion for the dark side. Before the [Coronet City revolution](/article/coronet_city_revolution], the Acolytes tasked Kiza with infiltrating the local Peace and Security station. They fabricated a false identity for her, allowing her to work as a secretary.

During the Coronet City revolution, Kiza used a blaster to kill several Corellian peace officers. When the detective Erno inquired about what was happening, she declared that she was no longer his doll. Simultaneously, Remi acquired a lightsaber from the station's archives located beneath the building. Before Erno could restrain Kiza, Remi severed his blaster hand using the lightsaber. Kiza then struck Erno on the head and proclaimed that Vader lived. She spared his life so he could warn others about the Acolytes' arrival.

Attack on the Devaron outpost

Before the Battle of Jakku, Kiza, Komat, and their fellow Acolytes reconvened on Devaron, a world within the Colonies. They participated in an attack aimed at a New Republic outpost nestled in the Karatokai Mountains. This assault was part of a carefully coordinated series of attacks targeting New Republic outposts across the galaxy. Their cell group was under the leadership of Tashu, who would eventually reveal himself as the true leader of the Acolytes. During this time, Kiza began to question her own strength compared to Remi, who had become obsessed with the lightsaber he had obtained on Corellia.

After communicating with the spirits of deceased Sith, Tashu presented Kiza with the mask of Viceroy Exim Panshard. When Remi expressed envy and demanded the mask, Tashu reprimanded him for angering the specters. As punishment, he took the lightsaber from Remi and gave it to Kiza. The Acolytes then launched a surprise attack on the New Republic outpost. During the assault, Kiza used her lightsaber to strike down several New Republic personnel, even slicing off the legs of a fleeing woman.

Kiza also succumbed to the dark side's influence within the mask, allowing it to consume her mind and body, with Panshard's voice clinging to life and communicating with her. Remi seized the chaos as an opportunity to try and reclaim his lightsaber. He managed to knock her to the ground, causing her to drop the lightsaber. While struggling against Remi, Kiza managed to retrieve the blade and pressed the unignited blade against Remi's temple. She then ignited the blade, piercing his skull and killing him. After adjusting her mask, Kiza rejoined the attack on the New Republic outpost, now completely consumed by the dark side. Komat realized her friend had changed, and both she and Kiza believed the corrupted Acolyte had killed Tashu.

Serving a long dead Sith

Kiza, servant of the Sith

Kiza continued to follow the directives of a long-dead Sith for so long that she lost track of time, slowly succumbing to its influence while becoming addicted to its power. Panshard promised her power if they could locate the Sith world of Exegol, so Kiza established her operational base on a large asteroid situated near the Red Honeycomb Zone. Following Panshard's instructions, Kiza amassed an army of battle droids that she housed in an old core ship that she considered her home.

In 21 ABY, she was present during the raid on Nightside where she attempted to confront Luke Skywalker and obtain a fragment of a bled kyber crystal from him as part of Panshard's plan to navigate the Red Honeycomb Zone. However, she was forced to retreat without her prize after the station she was on collapsed. After Skywalker learned more about Kiza's past from Komat, Kiza met her end during a duel with Skywalker in her core ship. Even after her death, her body continued to serve the Sith as a lifeless puppet for the mask with Pandshard battling Skywalker for a final time, ending with the mask being destroyed. With the destruction of the mask, her body went limp and was consumed by a snake-like creature on Taw Provode's solitary moon.

Personality and traits

Kiza's childhood was marked by poverty and humiliation, which nurtured her anger and hatred. Despite lacking Force-sensitivity, Kiza experienced Force visions of the Sith. She later joined the Acolytes of the Beyond, a dark side sect that revered the Sith. As an Acolyte, Kiza channeled her hatred and anger. Her initial contributions included tagging walls with the Vader mask sigil and the message "VADER LIVES." As she advanced, Kiza participated in killing enemies of the Acolytes, including peace officers. As a Pantoran, Kiza was considered attractive by humans like Erno.

After the Coronet City revolution, fallen Sith specters chose Kiza to bear the mask of Viceroy Exim Panshard and Remi's stolen lightsaber. Fully embracing the dark side, she killed numerous New Republic personnel. When Remi attempted to reclaim his blade, Kiza killed him in a fit of rage and hatred.

Kiza was a Pantoran female with blue-black hair, golden eyes, and blue skin.

Behind the scenes

Kiza's first appearance was in Chuck Wendig's 2016 novel, Aftermath: Life Debt.

