Taw Provode's solitary moon

The only moon of Taw Provode orbited the planet Taw Provode within the Taw Provode system, and was its sole moon. Its terrain consisted of delicate diamond layers suspended above a hidden ocean by massive, buoyant crystal formations. During the year 21 ABY, the TIE Defender, with Sith Lord Viceroy Exim Panshard at the controls (the Pantoran female [Kiza]’s body possessed by his spirit), was crippled by the Duelist Elite droid KB-68 aboard the Warglaive, resulting in a crash landing on the moon. Subsequently, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and Komat engaged the Sith Lord in a duel, a confrontation that ended with Skywalker shattering Panshard's mask, thwarting the viceroy's ambition to reach the world of Exegol for his rebirth.

