The only moon of Taw Provode orbited the planet Taw Provode within the Taw Provode system, and was its sole moon. Its terrain consisted of delicate diamond layers suspended above a hidden ocean by massive, buoyant crystal formations. During the year 21 ABY, the TIE Defender, with Sith Lord Viceroy Exim Panshard at the controls (the Pantoran female [Kiza]’s body possessed by his spirit), was crippled by the Duelist Elite droid KB-68 aboard the Warglaive, resulting in a crash landing on the moon. Subsequently, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and Komat engaged the Sith Lord in a duel, a confrontation that ended with Skywalker shattering Panshard's mask, thwarting the viceroy's ambition to reach the world of Exegol for his rebirth.