In 5 ABY, subsequent to the Galactic Empire's loss at the Battle of Endor, the New Republic's military forces laid siege to the Imperial bastion located on Arkanis amid the Galactic Civil War. It became widely accepted, in the era following the rebellion on Akiva, that the Empire was at great risk of losing the planet. Commandant Brendol Hux of the Arkanis Academy was among the Imperials stranded on the devastated world. Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax commanded that Hux and his son be safely extracted from Arkanis, a mission that bounty hunter Mercurial Swift successfully completed. Shortly thereafter, the New Republic seized control of the planet. As a consequence of this defeat, Grand Admiral Rae Sloane was slated to release a declaration representing the Office of Imperial Promotion, Galactic Truth, and Fact Correction.