The Ree family held a position of importance among the First Wavers. Around 511 BBY, the initial human inhabitants of Jelucan, known as the First Wavers or valley kindred, made their arrival. These original settlers, loyal to their king, were banished from their home planet and arrived with practically nothing, yet they persevered. Subsequently, a Second-wave of humans and alien beings arrived, establishing mining endeavors and constructing urban centers. The First Wavers earned the moniker "valley kindred" due to their simple dwellings in Jelucan's valleys. The First Wavers viewed the Second-wavers as boastful and overly concerned with possessions, while the Second-wavers considered them impoverished and overly reliant on superstition. Their history on Jelucan led them to highly value loyalty, considering oath-breaking the most heinous offense. Prominent figures from the First Wavers included Ciena Ree, an Imperial Navy Captain, along with her parents, Paron Ree and Verine Ree. Both groups, the First and Second Wavers, were in favor of the Imperial annexation of Jelucan.