Jude Edivon, designated as TI803 within the structure of the Imperial Navy, was a human female hailing from Bespin. She functioned as an officer serving the interests of the Galactic Empire. Her education took place at the Royal Imperial Academy situated on Coruscant, where she shared living quarters with both Ciena Ree and Kendy Idele. Upon her graduation from the Academy, Edivon received her assignment aboard the first Death Star, where she identified a crucial vulnerability in the battle station's structural integrity. During the Battle of Yavin, Luke Skywalker, a pilot fighting for the Rebel cause, took advantage of this weakness, resulting in the destruction of the Death Star and the death of Edivon, alongside all other personnel present on the battle station.

Originating from the planet of Bespin, Jude Edivon, a human female, became a student at the Royal Imperial Academy on Coruscant, belonging to the same cohort as Ciena Ree, Thane Kyrell, Nash Windrider, and Kendy Idele. She quickly developed a strong bond with her roommates, Ciena and Kendy, and they became close companions. Throughout her time at the Imperial Academy, she frequently engaged in target practice alongside Ciena and Kendy. During one such session, she complimented Ciena on her exceptional marksmanship skills.
Approximately six months later, following a session of martial arts training, Jude, along with her classmates Ciena and Kendy, made the decision to visit the Museum of Multispecies Sciences to observe marine life. Aware of the close relationship between Thane and Ciena, she cautioned Ciena against pursuing a romantic involvement, citing the Academy's regulations against romantic relationships among students. The subsequent day, Jude and her fellow cadets underwent an examination of their self-made laser cannons by Commander Harn. This exercise formed a component of a class assignment intended to assess the cadets' mechanical aptitude and problem-solving skills. Upon inspecting Thane's laser cannon, Harn discovered evidence of sabotage. After reviewing the door panel logs, Harn concluded that Ciena was responsible.
When Ciena was summoned to Commandant Deenlark's office for disciplinary action, Jude immediately defended her friend. Employing her slicing abilities, she scrutinized the data logs and uncovered proof that Ciena had been framed, revealing two layers of manipulated data. Jude suspected Thane's involvement. Lacking definitive evidence to either condemn or absolve either party, Deenlark penalized both Ciena and Thane by failing their laser cannon assignments and reducing their class ranking.
Later on, Jude realized that her initial analysis had wrongly implicated Thane. She called both of her friends to a network terminal and discussed her updated findings, which pointed towards the Academy's Office of Student Outcomes having orchestrated the "laser cannon" incident. While Thane sought to clear his and Ciena's names and confront the authorities, Ciena argued that the matter was not worth pursuing and that they should instead concentrate on their academic performance. A heated argument erupted between Thane and Ciena, culminating in Thane's abrupt departure after Ciena drew a comparison between him and his despised father. Jude offered comfort to a distressed Ciena, urging her friend to prioritize her grades and class standing.
Two and a half years later, Jude was among the top four performing Imperial cadets, including Ciena, Thane, and Ved Foslo, who received invitations to a ball held at the Imperial Palace on Coruscant, which had previously served as the Jedi Temple during the era of the Galactic Republic. For the occasion, she donned a form-fitting orange garment and styled her hair into short, gelled spikes. Jude also noticed Princess Leia Organa, the junior senator representing Alderaan and the adopted daughter of senator Bail Organa, a vocal critic of Emperor Sheev Palpatine. While perceiving the Organas' humanitarian missions as misguided, Jude acknowledged that they were motivated by genuine kindness.

Upon graduating from the academy, she was granted the privilege of serving on board the Death Star. The obliteration of Alderaan by the battle station using its superlaser as a demonstration of power created a sense of unease among many of the young Imperials stationed there. Jude struggled to justify the massacre, offering a superficial explanation that it would prevent a much greater war in which even more individuals would die, although she recognized the inadequacy of this rationale.
Following these events, the Death Star approached the secret base of the Alliance to Restore the Republic located on the fourth moon of Yavin. During the Battle of Yavin, Jude analyzed the attack and determined that the Rebel fighters posed a threat to the station. She identified the exhaust port as a potential weakness that had gone unnoticed by others (a deliberate act of sabotage conceived by the station's designer, Galen Walton Erso, who had been killed earlier in the year). She communicated to her superiors that, while the probability was low, the consequences could be catastrophic or fatal for the station. This report eventually reached General Moradmin Bast of the Joint Chiefs, who presented the information to Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, the supreme commander of the battle station. Tarkin, however, dismissed Edivon's assessment and chose to remain on the station instead of initiating an evacuation. Ultimately, Edivon's and Bast's concerns proved valid. Shortly thereafter, Luke Skywalker, a Rebel pilot, utilized the Force to launch two proton torpedoes into the vulnerable exhaust port, triggering a chain reaction that resulted in the station's destruction. Jude, along with the remaining personnel on board the battle station, perished in the resulting explosion.

Jude possessed a tall, pale, and slender physique. She demonstrated exceptional technological proficiency, establishing herself as one of the most academically accomplished cadets within the academy. Known for her intelligence, composure, and rationality, she projected an image of stoicism and emotional detachment, but she revealed a more relatable side in private settings. Jude regarded science as the study of the totality of the material universe and applied a scientific methodology to every challenge and circumstance. She maintained a close friendship with Ciena Ree, proving to be a dependable friend on numerous occasions, and was recognized for her kindness and intellect by Thane Kyrell. Despite her scientific aptitude, Jude was characterized by her humility and willingness to acknowledge her errors.
Her commitment to the Empire was absolute, viewing it as an efficient governing force. The destruction of Alderaan, however, had a profound impact on her, and although she outwardly justified it, she clearly harbored doubts about her own reasoning. Following her demise, she was fondly remembered by Ciena Ree, who regarded her as a martyr for the Empire. Years later, Ciena believed that Jude would have been appalled to learn that the Empire had constructed a second Death Star. Even Thane Kyrell, who had defected to the Alliance, held her in high regard and felt sorrow over her death, which prevented him from ever engaging in conversation with Luke Skywalker.
Jude Edivon made her debut appearance in the novel Lost Stars, authored by Claudia Gray and published in 2015.