Ved Foslo

A human male native to the planet of Coruscant, Ved Foslo was the son of Imperial General Foslo. Leading up to the Galactic Civil War, Ved was a student at the Royal Imperial Academy. He shared living quarters with Thane Kyrell and Nash Windrider. Foslo demonstrated considerable mechanical skill during his time at the Academy, consistently ranking near the top of his class. However, he was often frustrated by his inability to surpass Kyrell and Ciena Ree in class exercises.

In the weeks preceding the Battle of Yavin, Foslo graduated from the Academy and became a leading weapons specialist for the Empire. After the Battle of Jakku, he engineered improved weapons systems for the Imperial Navy's TIE fighters, significantly enhancing their capabilities.


Imperial cadet

The son of Imperial General [Foslo](/article/foslo], who served in central intelligence, was Ved Foslo. Around the age of sixteen [years](/article/standard_year], Foslo Jr. became an Imperial cadet at the Royal Imperial Academy on Coruscant, considered the most prestigious Imperial Academy within the Galactic Empire. Upon Jelucani cadet Thane Kyrell's arrival and use of the dormitory unit's door chime, Foslo reprimanded him for using it to announce himself to his own quarters. Foslo's demeanor towards the new arrival was unwelcoming, contrasting with the friendly attitude of his Alderaanian roommate Nash Windrider.

Ved revealed to Ciena and Thane the truth behind the laser cannon incident.

During his tenure at the Royal Imperial Academy, Ved observed the strong bond between Thane and his fellow Jelucani, Ciena Ree. Driven by envy of their academic achievements, Foslo once needled Thane for allowing Ciena to secure the top position in their flying class. Thane countered that there was ample opportunity for multiple graduates to excel and reminded him that the Empire sought to cultivate the finest officers. Ved retorted that Thane would eventually come to understand his perspective. Nash then interjected, accusing Foslo of being envious of Thane and Ciena's superior grades and sarcastically inquired about his father's rank.

Subsequently, Foslo participated in a Small Craft Flight class that involved cadets navigating speeder bikes through Reitgen Hoops. When Ciena and Thane triumphed in the race despite their speeder bikes being inadvertently linked, Foslo, in frustration, discarded his helmet while the other cadets celebrated.

When the cadets were assigned the laser cannon project, Foslo was determined to excel. Commander Harn praised Foslo's work as "innovative" during the judging process, much to his delight. Following the discovery that Thane's project had been sabotaged, Thane and Ciena initially suspected Foslo due to his persistent hostility. However, the sabotage was orchestrated by the Academy's Office of Student Outcomes, aiming to diminish local loyalties among the student body.

Before graduation, Foslo, along with Thane, Ciena, and Jude Edivon, were among a select group of Imperial cadets invited to a ball held at the Imperial Palace, the residence of Emperor Palpatine and formerly the Jedi Temple. Foslo seized the occasion to showcase the latest Coruscant fashion: a flowing cape, a wide silky shirt, and various accessories. At the ball, Foslo taunted Thane and Ciena for allowing the laser cannon incident to strain their relationship. He revealed that the Academy's administration had orchestrated the incident to weaken regional allegiances and reinforce their commitment to the Empire. Despite Foslo's cutting remarks, Thane and Ciena recognized the validity of his point and reconciled.

Imperial service

After his graduation from the Royal Imperial Academy, Ved Foslo became a weapons expert responsible for developing new weapons for the Imperial Navy. In the aftermath of the Battle of Jakku, he engineered TIE fighters capable of penetrating energy shields and starfighter hulls with a single shot. Following the Battle of Jakku, Foslo, together with his former roommate Commander Nash Windrider, joined the Imperial remnant that regrouped in the Queluhan Nebula to launch an attack on the New Republic, the successor to the Rebel Alliance. At one point during his service within the Empire, Foslo piloted a TIE Advanced x1.

Personality and traits

Foslo piloting a TIE Advanced x1

Ved Foslo was a human male. In his younger years, he possessed a slender build, dark hair, and a thin face. Foslo frequently boasted about his father, General Foslo's, prominent position. As a resident of the Core Worlds, Foslo held a condescending view of individuals from the Outer Rim Territories, such as Thane Kyrell and Ciena. According to Thane, he was perpetually tense and even wore his pajamas buttoned up to the neck. Foslo was known for his meticulous habits, absence of snoring, and familiarity with the nuances of Coruscant's military culture. Foslo also knew the Coruscant night club scene.

As a youth, Foslo enjoyed staying current with fashion trends. While Nash believed that Foslo's advancement was due to his father's influence, Foslo possessed a genuine technical talent and became a weapons expert. Nash found Foslo's youthful arrogance irritating, but he considered his adult arrogance to be completely unbearable. Even so, Nash preferred Foslo to his former friend Thane Kyrell, who had sided with the Rebel Alliance and New Republic.

Behind the scenes

Ved Foslo made his debut in the canon novel Lost Stars, part of Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens, penned by Claudia Gray and released in 2015.

