Wrath (space station)

The space station called the Wrath was a property of the Imperial Navy, and it orbited the planet known as Ponemah Terminal. This space station played a role following the Battle of Endor which took place in 4 ABY. Commander Ciena Ree used the station during her medical leave, dedicating her time to determine the status of missing Imperial officers, whether they were dead or still living. Almost a year passed before Ree, now fully recovered, departed as a captain. This promotion was granted to her on the bridge of the Wrath by Grand Moff Randd, and she was subsequently given command of the Star Destroyer named Inflictor.


The Wrath, a space station, was positioned in orbit around the planet Ponemah Terminal. This planet was situated within both the Outer Rim Territories and the [Western Reaches](/article/western_reaches] regions. The station's upper section was shaped like a wheel, and a cone-shaped structure extended from its base, featuring a saucer-like area in its middle.

The Wrath's interior included an octagonal bridge lacking windows, where junior officers worked at long rows of stations. The bridge also featured a large, transparent dome overhead, reddish lighting, and floors made of mesh metal. Furthermore, the space station had at least one docking bay capable of accommodating an Imperial-class Star Destroyer, alongside medical facilities that included a bacta tank.


Ciena Ree recovers from her injury on the Wrath.

The Imperial Navy made use of the Wrath after the Battle of Endor occurred in 4 ABY. Around that time, Imperial Commander Ciena Ree was granted medical leave to allow her liver, which had sustained damage during the events at [Endor](/article/endor], to regenerate. She was assigned to the Wrath for several months due to the station's capacity for accommodating additional personnel.

Although Imperial officers were not required to work while on medical leave, Ree chose to spend her time on the station confirming the status of missing Imperials, determining if they were dead or alive. She would then either locate them or inform their families of their death. However, because of her injury, Ree still needed to spend several hours each day inside a bacta tank.

Approximately a year following the Battle of Endor, after spending ten months on the Wrath, Ree was declared fit for duty. Her initial assignment involved meeting with Grand Moff Randd on the station's bridge. There, in front of a small group of officers, including her friend Commander Nash Windrider, Randd promoted her to the rank of captain of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Inflictor. Following this, the group proceeded to the Wrath's docking bay to board the Inflictor.

Behind the scenes

The junior novel Lost Stars, written by Claudia Gray, marked the first appearance of the Wrath in 2015. Its initial depiction occurred in chapter twenty-nine of the book's Japanese webcomic adaptation, which was both written and illustrated by Yusaku Komiyama. The release of the webcomic began on May 4, 2017.

While the novel Lost Stars specifies that the Wrath's bridge lacked windows, the webcomic presents a contrasting view by depicting it with several viewports. Furthermore, the manga includes a scene featuring Ciena Ree and Nash Windrider on the Wrath before Ree's promotion, despite the novel indicating Ree's surprise at seeing Windrider at the promotion ceremony. In both of these instances, this article gives precedence to the information presented in the novel.

