During the time of the Galactic Empire, also known as the Age of the Empire, the planet of Jelucan was home to a specialized school. This institution was designed to ready young Jelucani individuals for entry into the Imperial Academy, which was essentially a system of military academies responsible for providing the Galactic Empire with its officers and soldiers. The school offered several training initiatives, such as Endurance and Agility exercises, alongside diverse obstacle course challenges. The existence of this preparatory academy on Jelucan stemmed from the Empire's policy of restricting recruitment from planets with a history as Separatist aligned worlds, such as Jelucan.
A proctor served as the head of the school, and the academy's staff themselves selected each student. Given the scarcity of available positions, the competition to get in was intense, and the academy's instructors were notorious for eliminating students who sustained physical injuries while training. Noteworthy students included Thane Kyrell and Ciena Ree, both of whom eventually progressed to become Imperial cadets at the Royal Imperial Academy located on Coruscant.