Dalven Kyrell, designated HJ290, was a human male noble hailing from the Outer Rim planet of Jelucan, and a member of the second-wave settlers. He was the elder sibling of Thane Kyrell; both brothers were educated at separate Imperial Academies before subsequently serving in the ranks of the Imperial Navy. Throughout their formative years, Dalven and Thane experienced a strained relationship, characterized by Dalven's tendency to torment his younger brother. Despite the efforts of their father, Oris Kyrell, to secure a prestigious position for his firstborn at the Imperial Academy, Dalven ultimately graduated as a low-ranking officer performing clerical duties within the Imperial Navy.
Conversely, Thane, his younger brother, distinguished himself as an exceptional TIE fighter pilot within the Navy before choosing to defect and join the Rebel Alliance. In the months that followed the Battle of Jakku, he held the rank of lieutenant, serving under the command of Commander Nash Windrider. Kyrell's assigned duties were perceived by his superior officer as menial and lacking in skill.
Dalven Kyrell was the firstborn son of Oris Kyrell and Ganaire Kyrell. He had a younger brother, Thane Kyrell, whom he often subjected to bullying. His family belonged to the Second-wavers, the descendants of a wealthy group of human immigrants who held sway over and looked down upon the First Wavers, an earlier group of human settlers inhabiting the valleys of Jelucan. Despite a lack of enthusiasm for starships and piloting, the young Dalven aspired to join the Imperial Academy to attain status and authority. In contrast, Thane possessed a deep fascination with starships, regularly studying manuals and practicing gliding.
At the age of twelve, Dalven and his family attended a public parade in Valentia, Jelucan's primary city. Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, a high-ranking Imperial official, visited Valentia to formally announce Jelucan's integration into the Galactic Empire. For this parade, the Imperial Navy displayed several Imperial Star Destroyers, TIE fighters, and Lambda-class shuttles to impress the local population. During the parade, he disparaged Thane for accurately identifying the engine sound of a Lambda-class shuttle and suggested to his parents that his younger brother should have been left at home. Thane disregarded his older brother's complaints and befriended Ciena Ree, a valley dweller, after defending her from a group of second-wave bullies.
As a teenager, Dalven's relationship with his younger brother remained hostile. He scorned Thane's First Waver friend Ciena, viewing her as an uncivilized barbarian, and mocked her poverty and outdated customs. On one occasion, Dalven's insults provoked his younger brother to strike him, leading to their separation by their father, Oris, a strict disciplinarian who frequently resorted to physical punishment. Oris favored Dalven over Thane, exacerbating the divide between the two brothers. Dalven also prohibited his younger brother from operating his V-171 airspeeder, a rule that Thane and Ciena disregarded.
When Dalven reached the age to enlist in the Imperial Academy, Oris used bribes to ensure his son's acceptance, aiming to enhance the family's reputation. Conversely, Oris did not extend the same privilege to Thane, making it clear that Thane would have to earn his place at the Academy. Thanks to Oris's connections within the Imperial establishment on Jelucan, Dalven secured a spot at an unspecified, less prestigious Imperial Academy. As an Imperial cadet, he was given the designation HJ290. Despite his parents' aspirations for their eldest son, Dalven underperformed in his studies at the Imperial Academy. In contrast, Thane excelled in the academy preparatory course with flying colors and gained admission to the esteemed Royal Imperial Academy.
Upon graduating, Dalven was assigned to a third-class clerical position within the Imperial Navy. To avoid embarrassment, Dalven informed his family that he had attained the rank of lieutenant in the Navy. Shortly after receiving his new uniform, Dalven encountered Thane, who had been at the Royal Imperial Academy for only three months. Due to their strained relationship, the two brothers did not greet each other. Dalven expressed surprise that his younger brother had not yet "washed out." After Thane realized Dalven was assigned to clerical work, Dalven quickly excused himself.
Unlike his younger brother Thane, Dalven remained loyal to the Galactic Empire and did not join the Rebellion following the destruction of Alderaan. Dalven and his parents accepted a fabricated Imperial report by Imperial officer Ciena Ree, claiming that Thane had committed suicide due to the trauma of Alderaan's destruction. They were unaware that Thane had become a starfighter pilot in the Rebel Alliance's Corona Squadron. Dalven continued his service in the Imperial Navy after the Battle of Endor and the Battle of Jakku, joining a significant remnant of the Starfleet that retreated into the Queluhan Nebula to prepare for a future offensive against the New Republic.
Following the Empire's significant defeat by the New Republic on Jakku, Lieutenant Dalven was assigned to the Imperial attack cruiser Garrote, where he assisted Commander Nash Windrider, a veteran TIE fighter pilot and former acquaintance of Thane. While Windrider knew the truth about Thane's survival, he chose not to disclose this information to Kyrell, treating him as an individual. As the flight commander's assistant, Dalven's responsibilities were considered rudimentary.
Upon learning that Commander Windrider had nominated Ciena, his brother's childhood friend, for the Distinguished Medal of Imperial Honor, Dalven suggested that the more commonplace Medal of Honor would be more fitting. Believing that Ciena had perished aboard the Star Destroyer Inflictor at Jakku, Nash explained that the captain had remained behind to crash the ship onto the planet's surface to prevent it from falling into the hands of the New Republic. When Dalven implied that Windrider's nomination might be perceived as favoritism due to their shared class, Windrider countered that numerous prominent Imperial captains, generals, admirals, and officials, including Grand Moff Randd, were also planning to nominate her, as she had supposedly died a heroic death.
Reprimanded by his commander, Dalven conceded that Ciena had met a "terrible death." Windrider, however, disagreed, suggesting that it was a glorious way to die for the Empire and expressing his own desire for such an opportunity. Dalven agreed before withdrawing. Aware of Dalven's past ridicule of Ciena, Windrider briefly considered assigning the clerical officer an "appropriate" suicide mission. However, Windrider's disdain for Dalven did not compare to his resentment for Thane, whom he considered a traitor.
As the eldest son, Dalven Kyrell faced significant expectations from his family. However, he failed to meet both his own and his parents' aspirations. From a young age, Dalven had dreamed of joining the Imperial Academy to become "important," despite his lack of interest in starships and piloting. Lacking the necessary discipline and motivation, Dalven performed poorly at the Royal Imperial Academy and graduated as a third-class clerical staff member, confined to desk duties.
During his childhood, Dalven was known as a bully who belittled his younger brother Thane and his friend Ciena Ree, who lived in the valleys. He frequently mocked Ciena for her poverty and "old-fashioned ways." At the age of twelve, Dalven was embarrassed when his younger brother accurately identified the engine sounds of a Lambda-class shuttle. As an adult, his superior officer, Commander Windrider, viewed Dalven as a weak and obsequious individual, capable of only performing basic tasks. Dalven's contempt for Ciena, who had become a captain in the Imperial Navy, led him to suggest that she was undeserving of the Distinguished Medal of Imperial Honor, a high accolade in the Empire, earning him a rebuke from his superior officer, who had been a close friend of Ciena before her supposed death.
Dalven Kyrell made his first appearance in Lost Stars, a 2015 young adult novel by Claudia Gray produced as part of Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens, a series of twenty books and media projects designed to promote the movie The Force Awakens. As a supporting character, most of his dialogue is presented through the perspectives of Thane Kyrell and Nash Windrider.