The Nierre lineage represented an early wave of human inhabitants in the valley region of Jelucan, a planet existing during the Age of the Empire. A characteristic of the family was their blonde hair coupled with a fair, light complexion. Functioning as the patriarch of the family, the father was employed as a communications monitor for the Imperial forces, tasked with reporting on confidential meetings and correspondence. At the age of thirteen years, Ciena Ree witnessed Nierre facing accusations of abusing his authority, leading to a formal grievance being lodged with the regional Imperial governor.
During this difficult [hour](/article/standard_hour], Ciena and her family stood in solidarity with the Nierres, alongside other local families. In a gesture of support, these families erected flags and poles along the extensive ditch bordering the Nierre residence. According to established custom, a representative from each supportive family had to stay with the Nierres until their reputation was restored. Ciena was chosen to represent her family, who proclaimed that transparency with the Empire was essential and that the Nierre's accusers were without principle. It was feared that if the complaint proved valid, the family would forever bear the shame of their patriarch.
Ultimately, those making the accusations withdrew their claims, accepting the official Imperial account. The Nierre family, along with their advocates including the Rees, celebrated the favorable outcome. Later, when Ciena's mother Verine Ree was wrongly accused of embezzlement and deceit, her father Paron Ree felt betrayed by the lack of support from the Nierres and other valley residents, considering their past assistance.