Ghosts of Mortis

"Ghosts of Mortis" marks the seventeenth installment within the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series' third season. Its initial broadcast occurred on February 11, 2011.

Official description

"The Jedi are still trapped on Mortis, and the Son, now allied with the dark side of the Force, redoubles his efforts to sway Anakin as the Jedi brace themselves for a final showdown. Anakin is deeply disturbed by visions of his bleak future. The Son vows to grant him the power to prevent this fate.

Recognizing that the Son has violated the laws of time, the Father erases Anakin's memories of these future glimpses and seizes the Mortis Dagger to halt the conflict. The Father then fatally wounds himself, preventing the Son from seizing his power. The Son, shocked by this act, is subsequently struck down by Anakin. With the demise of all three Force wielders, the Force's imbalance on Mortis vanishes. The three Jedi are returned to their original location in the galaxy, seemingly at the exact moment of their departure."

Plot summary

As Ahsoka toils to repair the crippled shuttle to facilitate their departure from Mortis, Anakin and Obi-Wan debate the wisdom of this course, given that the Son, influenced by the dark side, remains free. Anakin resolves to seek Father's assistance, expressing doubt that Son can be permanently contained on the planet. He encounters Father outside the crypt where he has just entombed Daughter, with the Dagger of Mortis resting upon her chest. Father is now committed to eliminating Son and the threat he poses to the universe, but rejects Anakin's offer of help, fearing that Son would exploit Anakin's power to skew the Force's balance, causing widespread chaos. He informs Anakin that their destinies will now be decided by the Force and that he must search within himself for the appropriate course of action.

Upon departing the crypt, Anakin is confronted by a ghostly apparition of his initial Jedi mentor, Qui-Gon Jinn. Still uncertain about how to deal with Son, Anakin seeks Qui-Gon's counsel. However, like Father, Qui-Gon urges him to seek the answer within himself and directs him to a specific location, the Well of the Dark Side, to confront his ultimate challenge. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan is preparing to search for Anakin when Father approaches him, revealing Anakin's destination but advising him not to intervene. Obi-Wan objects and sets out for the Well.

Anakin ventures into the Well, concealed within Mortis's fiery depths, where he encounters Son. Son attempts to lure him to his side by presenting visions of a future filled with suffering, including a duel against Darth Sidious, the death of Jedi, betrayal on Mustafar, and the destruction of Alderaan. Overwhelmed with fear, Anakin refuses to face these images and is consumed by anguish upon witnessing his tragic fate. Son offers to assist him in altering his future and preventing the events he has witnessed, and Anakin accepts his offer. Simultaneously, Obi-Wan is en route to the Well to check on Anakin. Upon arrival, he discovers Anakin corrupted by the dark side and in Son's presence. He uses the Force to send Obi-Wan's speeder into the dangerous magma. Obi-Wan wants to asks a question to Anakin, but he tells him that he is sorry. Son and Anakin then depart, leaving Obi-Wan trapped in the Well and unable to escape. Obi-Wan contacts Ahsoka, instructing her to disable the shuttle (immediately after she has completed its repair), but before she can begin, Anakin arrives. Ahsoka narrowly manages to sabotage the power systems, escape, and rescue Obi-Wan. Concerned that the two will unite with Father, Son leaves to prevent this, enters his sister's tomb, and retrieves the Dagger.

Anakin, now alone, is confronted and questioned by Father. Anakin acknowledges that he will inflict great suffering in the future. Father erases Anakin's memory of his future to break the dark side's influence over him, and Obi-Wan and Ahsoka rejoin them at the monastery. Son arrives shortly after, and Father makes a final plea for him to abandon his plans. When Son refuses, Anakin attacks, followed by his friends, but Son proves too formidable. To strip his son of the Force he has bestowed upon him, Father seizes the Dagger and turns it on himself. Overcome with remorse, Son reconciles with his father just before being impaled by Anakin's lightsaber. With his final breath, Father declares Anakin the Chosen One for restoring balance to this world and foresees that he will do it again, but warns him to beware his inner self, lest he bring ruin to the galaxy. With that, Father's body vanishes.

With Father's demise, the Force that permeated Mortis dissipates, and a falling crystal shatters on the monastery tower's tip, enveloping the three Jedi in a blinding flash. When they regain consciousness, they find themselves back in space aboard the shuttle, receiving a communication from Rex. They are perplexed to learn that only a moment has elapsed since they lost contact with their cruiser, but they recover sufficiently to complete their rendezvous.


The Sith Lords Darth Revan and Darth Bane were originally intended to appear as advisors to the Son, but these appearances were removed late in the production process. Darth Bane later appeared in the episode "Sacrifice," featuring a completely redesigned character appearance, which is his current canonical form.


