Memory rubbing, a Force technique involving the Force, was a way to modify or eliminate memories via telepathic means.
In the High Republic Era, on the planet of Brendok, The Stranger employed this ability to wipe Mae-ho Aniseya's memories of her sister, Verosha Aniseya, as well as her training period with The Stranger, with her consent.
During the Clone Wars, on Mortis, Anakin Skywalker's knowledge of his destiny as Darth Vader, which he gained from the Son as a temptation to embrace the dark side of the Force at the well of the Dark Side, was erased by the Father using this power.
During the Imperial era, Kanan Jarrus, a Jedi Knight, utilized the Force to deceive Fissol and Gowski, bounty hunters, making them believe there were no Jedi present on Lothal, despite their earlier encounter with him and his padawan, Ezra Bridger, when they were trying to claim a reward for capturing them.