
Morai was a convor of the female persuasion who possessed a spiritual connection to the Daughter, a Force wielder hailing from Mortis. She was often seen in depictions alongside the Daughter and other Force wielders. It was speculated by some that this convor was either a servant of the Daughter or perhaps another form of the Daughter herself. After the Daughter transferred her life force into former Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano before her death, Morai became a companion and guardian to her, and Tano herself acknowledged that she owed her life to the convor.


Morai was a special convor with spiritual ties to the Daughter and a connection to Ahsoka Tano.

Specifically, Morai was a female convor who maintained a spiritual link with the Daughter, one of the Force wielders residing on Mortis. She was depicted alongside the Daughter in various artistic representations, for example, in the painting of the Mortis gods found within the Lothal Jedi Temple. Theories abounded that Morai was either an attendant of the Daughter, or even the Daughter manifested in a different shape. During 20 BBY, Jedi figures Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano journeyed to Mortis, as the Father wished to ascertain if Skywalker was indeed the prophesied Chosen One. In the ensuing events, Tano met her demise at the hands of the Son, who subsequently stabbed his sister using the Dagger of Mortis when she intervened to protect her father. In her dying moments, the Daughter bestowed her remaining life force to resurrect Tano. The Father then took his own life and that of the Son before the three Jedi were returned to their own universe.

After the transfer of life force, Morai befriended Tano, taking on the role of her guardian. Tano herself acknowledged that she owed her very existence to Morai. Some years following the rise of the Galactic Empire, Skywalker, now the Sith Lord known as Darth Vader, visited the moon where the Venator-class Star Destroyer Tribunal had crashed during Order 66; this vessel had been transporting Tano and Rex at the time, though they had escaped. Vader discovered the abandoned lightsaber of his former apprentice amidst the wreckage, and as he looked up, he saw Morai circling above him before he departed.

Morai appears in the World Between Worlds

During the establishment of Chopper Base on Atollon, Morai was present, observing the conflict between the crew of the Ghost and the krykna. Later, Ezra Bridger noticed Morai flying above before Tano arrived, so she, Bridger, and Kanan Jarrus could travel to Malachor. When Bridger entered the World Between Worlds, Morai was there, urging him to rescue Tano by extracting her from a portal. After reuniting with Tano, she was there when Tano and Bridger fought against Emperor Palpatine. Morai accompanied Tano when she returned via the portal to the ruined Malachor Sith Temple. As Tano re-entered the temple, Morai watched over a wounded Darth Vader as he stumbled away from the scene before flying to join Tano on her journey into the Sith temple.

Morai reached a flooded area deep within the temple before Tano, waiting for her arrival. Once Tano arrived, Morai flew above the water that Tano waded through, guiding her to a stairway that led to another portal into the World Between Worlds. Morai then left the temple and was spotted by Vader as she flew into the open skies of Malachor. Morai was also present during the meeting between the Mandalorian Din Djarin and Tano in 9 ABY on the planet Corvus.

Following Tano's mission to the extragalactic world of Peridea in the search for the missing Grand Admiral Thrawn and Bokken Jedi [Ezra Bridger](/article/ezra_bridger], a result which stranded her and her apprentice Sabine Wren there, Morai appeared to her once more. Perched upon a rock near a village of Noti, Morai watched as Tano gave her a thoughtful look, before taking flight.

Personality and traits

Morai was a convor of the female variety, characterized by green and white plumage and green eyes. Being associated with the Daughter, Morai was aligned with the light side of the Force. Her height was 0.2 meters (8 inches). After the Daughter gave up her essence to save Tano, Morai began to appear in Tano's vicinity, leading some to wonder if the Daughter was truly gone. Morai acted as an observer, keeping watch over Tano and lingering in locations of significance to her.


Given her association with the Daughter, Morai was also known to exhibit Force-sensitivity.

Behind the scenes

Morai made her debut in the Star Wars Rebels season two episode "The Mystery of Chopper Base," and was officially identified in the fourth season episode "A World Between Worlds." In Greek Mythology, the similarly named Moirai, known in English as the Fates, were goddesses that determined and personified fate and destiny.

According to Star Wars: The Clone Wars supervising director Dave Filoni, Morai's appearance during the final moments of "Victory and Death" went through different iterations, one of which included Morai perched on the BTL-B Y-wing starfighter/bomber. However, in addition to considering the time and budget constraints for the episode, Filoni felt that the scene wasn't working, which led to the final version of the convor's appearance.

