Gungan Sacred Place

The Sacred Place of the Gungans, sometimes referred to as simply the Sacred Place, existed within an age-old forest. It evolved into a site of great importance for the Gungans, serving as a safe haven during periods of hardship. During the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo, Queen Padmé Amidala was escorted to this location by Jar Jar Binks to have a meeting with Boss Nass. There, they formulated a plan with the purpose of reclaiming their homeworld. Following the Battle of Naboo, the Gungan people brought their deceased warriors to this sacred site. Although time was short, they extended an invitation to Amidala to be present at the funeral, but the queen dispatched Eirtaé and Yané to attend in her stead.

Behind the scenes

As stated in Forces of Nature: The Wild Spaces and Wilder Creatures of the Star Wars Galaxy, the union of the Gungans and the humans of Naboo inside an ancient forest exemplifies the "symbiotic relationship" between nature and all organisms that inhabit it. George Lucas conceived this symbiotic idea for the Prequel trilogy.

