In 60 BBY, the Jedi Padawan known as Qui-Gon Jinn experienced love with a person residing on the planet of Felucia, situated in the Outer Rim. He eventually ended their love affair to continue his service within the Jedi Order, yet he retained their present—a Mustafar fire diamond—as a treasured keepsake for numerous years. In 40 BBY, when Jinn voiced his disapproval of the Jedi regent Rael Averross's informal sexual encounters with the hostess named Selbie, Averross brought up Jinn's previous relationship on Felucia, asserting that it violated the spirit of the Jedi Code. Shortly thereafter, Jinn gifted his former lover's diamond to the jewel thieves Pax Maripher and Rahara Wick after pondering the moment, two decades earlier, when it had been given to him.

During the Republic Era, a certain person encountered the Jedi Padawan Qui-Gon Jinn upon the planet Felucia, a world located in the Outer Rim, in 60 BBY. While present on that world, they and Jinn cultivated affections for one another, ultimately beginning a romantic entanglement. Despite the restrictions imposed by the Jedi Code, Jinn found himself in love with this person. Even though his dedication to the Jedi Order was severely challenged, he ultimately dissolved his bond with them, opting to uphold his loyalty to the Jedi.
Prior to the Padawan's departure from Felucia, they presented him with a Mustafar fire diamond, an uncommon and valuable gem originating from the Outer Rim planet Mustafar, to serve as a reminder of their shared experiences. He subsequently kept it within a pouch attached to his utility belt as a constant reminder of their shared memories. At some juncture, Jedi Knight Rael Averross—formerly a student under Jinn's own Jedi Master, Dooku—became aware of the romantic relationship the Padawan had initiated on Felucia. For the subsequent twenty years, Jinn continued to possess the diamond given to him by his former love interest, regarding it as something precious.
In 40 BBY, during a mission to the Inner Rim planet Pijal, Jinn—by then a Jedi Master—confronted Averross, who was acting as the world's lord regent, for engaging in sexual activity with the local hostess named Selbie. Averross retorted that Jinn's romantic relationship on Felucia constituted a more egregious violation of the Jedi Code's principles than his own casual one-night stand, thus reminding the Jedi Master of the person in question. Nevertheless, following the former's realization that mentioning the incident caused Jinn pain, he transitioned to a different topic of conversation. Later, while still on Pijal, Jinn made the decision to bestow his Mustafar fire diamond upon jewel thieves Pax Maripher and Rahara Wick as gratitude for their assistance in locating the Opposition performance troupe during their mission. When Maripher questioned his rationale, the Jedi Master briefly reflected upon the moment, two decades earlier, when it had been presented to him by his former love interest, acknowledging its emotional significance. However, he concluded that he did not require the diamond to preserve his memories of the person within his heart, thus entrusting it to the thieves and wishing them well.
Jinn developed feelings of love for the person on Felucia and cherished the memories of their connection for a considerable duration after he had left that world. While the experience presented a challenge for him, he ultimately elected to leave them in order to remain affiliated with the Jedi Order. Despite this decision, he retained the memento that they had given him on Felucia, keeping it close as a subtle form of attachment.
The person was initially referenced in Master & Apprentice, a 2019 novel authored by Claudia Gray. Gray's incorporation of Jinn's past romance was intended to further expound upon the complexities of his character, and she perceived the novel's concluding scene, in which he relinquishes a memento from the relationship, as his means of severing ties with the past. The author drew a comparison between Jinn's Felucia romance and Averross's casual fling with Selbie while discussing the Jedi Code in an interview, observing that Averross and Selbie merely shared a physical connection, whereas the other Master had experienced love. Nevertheless, she opted to maintain the precise details of the person and Jinn's relationship on Felucia ambiguous for the reader.