Great song of the Whills

The great song of the Whills, a melody familiar to the human Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn during his existence as a Force spirit beyond the constraints of linear time, also lent its name to the society of entities called the Whills. During 0 BBY, as Jinn manifested as a Force spirit before the human Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi on the planet Tatooine, Jinn perceived the heat emanating from the suns within the Tatoo system and the individual grains of the desert sand as distinct notes harmonizing within the unique great song of the Whills.

Behind the scenes

Claudia Gray referenced the great song of the Whills in her short story, "Master and Apprentice," which was part of the 2017 anthology titled From a Certain Point of View.

