Theed power generator

The Theed power generator, connected to the Hangar and Royal Palace of the Naboo capital city of Theed, was a plasma power plant. During the Battle of Naboo, within the power generator's confines, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi engaged in a duel with the Sith Lord Darth Maul, ultimately leading to Jinn's death and Maul's supposed destruction.


Situated beside the Virdugo Plunge within the Theed Royal Palace complex, the power plant was directly linked to the Theed Hangar. Its function was to generate power for the city, utilizing subterranean conduits to distribute plasma energy to starships within the Hangar, notably the Naboo Royal Starship and the N-1 starfighters belonging to the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps. Staffed by a small team of trained individuals from the Plasma Energy Engineering division of the Royal Naboo Security Forces, and protected by Security Guards, access from the Hangar was granted via a robust blast door.

Power plant

To facilitate operation and monitoring of the generator without direct exposure to the potentially hazardous [plasma](/article/plasma] energies, Energy Engineering personnel had access to a remote engineering console along with an inspection platform located on the main extracting shaft's edge, near the access door. Plasma extraction from the planet core was achieved through vacuum suction, channeling it through a series of twelve acceleration shafts to amplify its energy output before directing it to the processing unit. A substantial plasma activator served to stabilize the unrefined plasma, subsequently injecting the refined product into dual plasma compressors for use within the Theed power grid. The quality of the refined plasma was ensured by a series of plasma equilibrium checkpoints before being utilized by the grid transformers.

Excess plasma resulting from the stabilization process was diverted to a sizable reserve tank, shielded by multilayered radiation dampers. The tank's entrance was secured with six laser doors, and a large re-circulation lid regularly purged oxygen to maintain the delicate vacuum equilibrium inside.



For many generations, the people of Naboo relied on small-scale mining operations to power their [capital](/article/capital]. However, the discovery of a significant plasma source beneath the Cliffs of Theed prompted the decision to construct a more effective plasma mining and refining facility, intended as a permanent solution to their energy needs.


Constructed in 65 BBY by the Outer Rim Construction and Assembly as part of a joint venture between Naboo and Damask Holdings, the power generator complex incorporated culturally significant details for the Naboo within its final design. One such detail was a reference to the ancient legend of Chaos contained by six impenetrable doors, which influenced the number of laser gates used to protect the plasma reserve tank. Senator Sheev Palpatine, the Senatorial representative for Naboo, attended the opening ceremony, and his interest in the deep-pit design was widely noted.

Use by the Naboo

The complex proved highly successful, not only meeting the capital's energy demands but significantly exceeding them. Surplus plasma stored in the generator's reserve tank was kept for emergencies or increased spaceship usage, although by approximately 32 BBY the Naboo had started selling it through off-world trade agreements facilitated by the Trade Federation.

During the Battle of Naboo, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi engaged Darth Maul in a duel inside the power generator, resulting in Qui-Gon's death, but Obi-Wan was able to defeat Maul by bisecting him. The Sith Lord fell into a melting pit, but survived and eventually found his way to Lotho Minor.

Behind the scenes

In Star Wars Battlefront II, the power generator's location is reversed: instead of being accessible on the hangar's left side (when facing forward), it is accessible on the right side.

In LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, Maul destroys the platforms, but the laser gates do not turn off and on in the correct sequence.

