Damask Holdings

Damask Holdings was an enterprise that existed during the time of the Republic Era. It came to pass that evidence of a substantial source of plasma beneath the bluff of the world's capital city, Theed, was unearthed. The Naboo people, hailing from the Mid Rim planet of Naboo, who primarily drew their power from a network of remote mines, chose to embark on a collaborative endeavor with Damask Holdings to amplify plasma processing on their world.

In the year 65 BBY, Damask Holdings, in conjunction with Outer Rim Construction and Assembly, played a pivotal role in commencing the construction of a plasma refinery complex situated on the Cliffs of Theed, strategically positioned within the Theed Royal Palace's Theed Hangar. Given that the company's facility boasted highly effective generators, yielding more energy than the city could consume, it also possessed the capability to export surplus plasma. Following the refinery complex's inaugural events, hosted by Naboo's Senator Sheev Palpatine—who secretly held the title of Darth Sidious as a Sith Lord—sometime after his election to the Galactic Senate in 52 BBY, this establishment brought prosperity to Naboo and evolved into a sought-after tourist destination.

While the plant represented a collaborative undertaking between Damask Holdings and the Naboo populace, its everyday functions were overseen by personnel belonging to the Plasma Energy Engineering division of the Royal Naboo Security Forces. Nevertheless, the plasma refinery's continued operation posed a threat to the earnings of another, progressively discontented, company operating on the planet, namely the Trade Federation. These tensions ultimately spurred the Trade Federation—under Palpatine's considerable sway—to initiate a blockade of Naboo in 32 BBY. However, the blockade was soon lifted due to the defeat of the company's forces at the hands of the combined might of the Naboo, the Gungan Grand Army, and their allied forces. Prior to the start of the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems in 22 BBY, Damask Holdings also established a station on the volcanic and mineral-abundant Outer Rim Territories planet Mustafar, joining other companies around that time seeking to exploit the world's mineral wealth.

Behind the scenes

Within current Star Wars canon, Damask Holdings was initially referenced in the seventeenth issue of the Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon magazine, which was distributed around April 29, 2015. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, the concept of Damask Holdings originated in the 2012 novel titled Darth Plagueis, penned by James Luceno.


  • Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 17 (Guide to the Galaxy: Visiting Mustafar) (First mentioned)
  • Nexus of Power
  • Star Wars: Complete Locations (Indirect mention only)
  • Star Wars: Timelines

Notes and references
