
Wanbo, a Hutt who was in charge of the Hutt Cartel located on Teth, held this position during 40 BBY. He conducted his business from within a palace. His reputation was one of foolishness, coupled with a significant addiction to spice; Wanbo only achieved his leadership role because of familial connections. It was widely understood that Thurible, his human majordomo, actually held the real power on Teth.

During the year 40 BBY, Wanbo found himself in a conflict situation with Qui-Gon Jinn, a Jedi Master, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, his Padawan. As part of an attempt to get away, Qui-Gon seized the Hutt, holding him as a hostage. However, the Hutt was no longer in his grasp when his majordomo managed to capture Kenobi, who was seventeen years of age.

