The generals utilized Primus Base, found on the planet Shurrupak, during a conflict on the planet, circa 68 BBY. A group of Jedi were dispatched to Shurrupak, including Jedi Masters Elio and Dooku, as well as Padawan Qui-Gon Jinn. After landing their [shuttle](/article/shuttle in the vicinity, the Jedi traveled to the base, where the latter two met Jedi Knight Rael Averross, who was awaiting their arrival just beyond the base's entry gate.
A border gate was a feature of Primus Base, a military installation situated on Shurrupak. The base was large enough to accommodate multiple stun cannon tanks and troop transports.

During the time of the Republic Era, Primus Base served as a location for generals during a conflict that took place on Shurrupak around 68 BBY, in addition to being the station of Jedi Knight Rael Averross. Several Jedi, notably Jedi Master Dooku and his Padawan Qui-Gon Jinn, along with Jedi Master Elio, were deployed to the planet to engage in a forthcoming battle. The Jedi attended a briefing before the mission to explain Primus Base's location in relation to the battle's current front line, which was 300 kilometers away.
Subsequently, they journeyed to Shurrupak aboard a shuttle, with Elio announcing their impending landing five minutes prior. After their ship touched down on a nearby beach, the group made their way toward the main gate of Primus Base, with Jinn attempting to conceal his unease about the distance between their vessel and the safety of the base. Upon entering Primus Base, Averross greeted Dooku, his former Master, with warmth. The Knight then introduced himself to Jinn and reminisced about having the same teacher, offering him some advice regarding Dooku. Meanwhile, Dooku excused himself to confer with the base's generals, prompting Jinn to take in his surroundings and observe the nearby military vehicles. Eventually, the Jedi on Shurrupak departed the world after their assignment was completed.
A flashback featuring Primus Base was included in the 2019 novel Master & Apprentice, authored by Claudia Gray.