"Shattered" represents the eleventh episode, and the second-to-last one, from the seventh and concluding season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Its original airdate was May 1, 2020.

The conflict known as the Siege of Mandalore reaches its conclusion. As Bo-Katan Kryze observes, Republic forces take Gar Saxon into their custody. Subsequently, a gunship descends, and as its hatch opens, Ahsoka Tano emerges, with Maul restrained behind her. Kryze voices her admiration to Tano for successfully capturing Maul. Ahsoka responds that it was the desire of the Council, and Bo-Katan concurs, stating Ahsoka has achieved what many could not. Ahsoka credits her success to those who trained her, including Bo-Katan, who then laments her perceived inability to excel at anything besides warfare, while gazing at the ruins of Peace Park. Ahsoka proposes that the Mandalorians require a different type of leader, but Bo-Katan retorts that her sister attempted such an approach, and she never grasped her sister's ideals.
Rex approaches, informing Ahsoka that the Jedi Council is awaiting communication with her. She inquires whether he managed to contact Anakin Skywalker, and Rex confirms that Skywalker was present at the meeting when Rex departed to retrieve her. Bo-Katan offers to manage the situation from that point forward, urging Ahsoka to proceed. Inside a mobile communications center, holograms of council members Mace Windu, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and Yoda, in conjunction with Aayla Secura, deliberate on the current circumstances. Windu informs the others that he perceives a scheme to annihilate the Jedi, and that the dark side of the Force envelops the Chancellor. Mundi asserts that Palpatine must relinquish his emergency authorities following the elimination of Grievous or face removal from his position. Windu counters that the Jedi would need to assume command of the Galactic Senate to guarantee a seamless transition, a proposition that troubles Yoda.

Ahsoka and Rex enter, and Ahsoka verifies the success of her mission, confirming Maul's capture and her intention to escort Rex while he transports Maul to Coruscant. Yoda extends his congratulations for her service, and Ahsoka replies that she fulfilled her duty as a citizen of the Republic. "But not as a Jedi?" Yoda questions, and Ahsoka responds, "Not yet." She requests to speak with Anakin, but Windu informs her that Anakin was dispatched to inform the Chancellor of Grievous's location on Utapau, where Obi-Wan Kenobi is engaged with the enemy. Ahsoka speculates that the war may soon conclude, to which Windu replies that it hinges on the Chancellor. She presses for more information, but Windu denies her request, citing her status as a Republic citizen rather than a Council member. Ahsoka acknowledges this, and the council members depart, except for Yoda, who remains and inquires whether she has a message for Skywalker. Ahsoka hesitates, then states she will personally deliver it when she sees him. As they exit the ship, Rex observes that she omitted Maul's prophecy concerning Skywalker.

Bo-Katan and Ursa Wren oversee the escort of Maul, confined within a Force-proof capsule, to a Rho-class transport shuttle. Ahsoka expresses her admiration for the device, doubting Maul's ability to escape it. Bo-Katan explains that it is a remnant from a previous age, when the Mandalorians possessed a need to imprison "Force-wielding maniacs." Ahsoka inquires whether Satine had outlawed such devices, and Bo-Katan confirms that she had, but this is the last of its kind. They exchange handshakes and bid each other farewell.
Inside the Mandalorian capsule, Maul observes Ahsoka conversing with Rex. The transport touches down on the Tribunal, and clone troopers escort the capsule towards a detention cell.
As she steps onto the bridge, the clone officers salute Ahsoka, and the ship initiates a jump into hyperspace. Lost in thought, Ahsoka gazes into hyperspace, prompting Rex to inquire about her concerns. She reflects on her training as a Jedi, intended to make her a guardian of peace rather than a soldier, yet acknowledges that she has only known the life of a soldier since becoming a Padawan. Rex admits that he too has known nothing but war, yet posits that without the Clone Wars, the clones would not exist. Ahsoka counters that some good has emerged from the war, as the Republic could not have asked for better soldiers, nor she a better friend, and offers him a salute, which he returns. An officer informs Rex that he is required for a briefing. He asks Ahsoka if she wishes to attend, but she declines, suggesting it is likely more positive news. Rex then enters the briefing room.

In his cell, Maul's eyes flicker open as he hears the voices of Palpatine, Windu, and Skywalker echoing in his mind as they duel in Palpatine's office. Similarly, Ahsoka senses a massive disturbance resonating through the Force, and whispers "Anakin?!" Within the briefing room, Rex observes a hologram of Darth Sidious, who declares, "Execute Order 66," to which Rex responds, "Yes, Lord Sidious." Ahsoka enters, expressing her sense that something terrible has befallen Anakin. Rex begins to tremble, and his helmet falls to the floor. The other troopers on the bridge receive a message, and they pivot, aiming their rifles at Ahsoka. Rex insists that he will handle it himself, drawing his pistols on Ahsoka and ordering her to stay back. He implores Ahsoka to "find him… Fives… find him!" before unleashing a barrage of blaster fire.

Ahsoka vaults over him, igniting her lightsabers and sealing the door, but additional troopers, led by Jesse, enter from the opposite side. They encircle Ahsoka and fire upon her, but she deflects their blaster bolts into the ceiling, then leaps through the resulting hole. Rex commands two troopers to proceed to the detention level and eliminate Maul. He then announces to the others that the Jedi have been designated for immediate execution due to treason against the Republic, and that any soldier who fails to comply with the order to execute the Jedi will also be executed for treason. He instructs the troopers to search the ship for Ahsoka.

Maul witnesses two clone troopers entering his cell and opening the capsule. As they raise their rifles, Ahsoka intervenes and incapacitates them. She releases Maul, warning him not to give her cause to regret her actions. Maul expresses his surprise at her survival, but denies any involvement, claiming he was unaware of his master's scheme. He also informs her that they have both sensed the events through the Force, and that Sidious has turned the Jedi's own army against them. He suggests she has made the correct decision in seeking him out, but she clarifies that she is not seeking an alliance; she merely requires a diversion, an area in which Maul excels. The clones report to Rex that they have cleared the detention level and that both Tano and Maul have escaped. Rex orders them to destroy the escape pods and secure the hangar decks to prevent their departure.

Ahsoka evades the clones and enters the cruiser's droid bay. She activates three astromechs: R7-A7, RG-G1, and CH-33P. She instructs R7 to access the Republic central computer and retrieve any files pertaining to clone trooper CT-5555, known as Fives. The files contain information about an incident on Ringo Vinda involving clone trooper CT-5385 "Tup" and Jedi Master Tiplee, as well as medical records and a hologram of the Kaminoan medical scientist Nala Se, who reports that a defect was discovered in the trooper's inhibitor chip, and that the findings were accepted by the Jedi Council and a Senate committee. However, she also notes that a grievance report was filed by trooper CT-7567. Using Anakin's passcode to decrypt the report, Ahsoka views Rex expressing his suspicions about the inhibitor chips implanted in the clones by the Kaminoans, suggesting they serve some hidden purpose.
In the corridors outside, the clones engage Maul, who tears panels from the bulkhead to shield himself from blaster fire, as well as hurling them to crush and decapitate troopers. The troopers report to Rex that Ridge is down and Maul is advancing towards the main hangar. Rex orders them to close the blast door, which they do; however, Maul pulls one trooper's arm through the door, severing it. He kneels down to eavesdrop on the chatter on the clone trooper's wrist comlink.

As Rex advances down the corridor, R7-A7 rolls in front of him, isolating him from his squad. CH-33P seals the blast doors around him, while R7-A7 activates a hologram of Ahsoka. She informs Rex that she has reviewed his report on Fives and is aware that he was programmed to turn against the Jedi. Rex aims a pistol at R7-A7 and demands to know her location. Ahsoka appears behind Rex; as he turns, R7 shocks him, rendering him unconscious. Ahsoka and the droids transport Rex to the medical bay, sealing the doors behind them. A medical droid conducts a scan on Rex, but detects no anomaly. Ahsoka places her hands on Rex's head and recites the Guardian's Mantra: "I am one with the Force and the Force is with me," with the unconscious Rex echoing the words. Suddenly, the scan identifies the chip, and R7 initiates the surgery chamber.

The clones manage to manually override the door. Ahsoka ignites her lightsabers and deflects their blasters as they open fire, but is gradually overwhelmed. Her left wrist is struck, causing her to drop her shoto lightsaber and defend herself with only one lightsaber. Behind her, Rex recovers and draws his pistols, opening fire on the clones as G-G re-seals the door. He assures Ahsoka that he is alright, apologizing for nearly killing her. Ahsoka inquires about the extent of the inhibitor chips, and, to her dismay, Rex reveals that they are present in all of the clones. He adds that the entire Grand Army of the Republic has been turned against the Jedi. He and Ahsoka turn towards the door as the clone troopers begin to breach it.
The previous episode concluded with Maul being brought into Rex's LAAT/i gunship, which subsequently departed without Ahsoka. However, this episode commences with Ahsoka aboard the same gunship as Maul, with Rex absent.
During Ahsoka and Rex's entry onto the bridge of the Venator-class Star Destroyer, the right portion of his kama, nearest to the camera, appears transparent in one shot, exposing his thigh armor beneath. Later in the scene, when Ahsoka advises Rex to attend the latest briefing alone, the rectangular pouch affixed to the right side of his pauldron is missing.
This episode, like the majority of the Siege of Mandalore story arc, unfolds concurrently with the events of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, incorporating several direct allusions to the film. The exchange between the Jedi Council members prior to Ahsoka's arrival mirrors its depiction in the movie. Subsequently, Ahsoka senses Anakin's descent into the dark side, even hearing the dialogue between him, Mace Windu, and Sheev Palpatine in the latter's office immediately before Anakin severs Windu's hand (the scene incorporates archival dialogue from Revenge of the Sith). Moments later, Palpatine contacts Rex and issues Order 66, prompting the clone troopers to turn against Ahsoka.
While attempting to locate Rex's chip using the Force, Ahsoka utters "I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me," a phrase frequently spoken by Chirrut Îmwe in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
In the Star Wars Rebels episode "The Lost Commanders," Rex asserts that he had his control chip removed, explaining why he did not betray "his Jedi" when Order 66 was issued. However, this episode depicts Rex failing to remove his chip and initially attacking Ahsoka, before she subdues him and removes the chip herself, restoring Rex's free will. Dave Filoni later clarified that Rex only provided Kanan with sufficient information for Kanan to "understand who Rex is and what he's really about," and that Rex likely shared the precise details offscreen.
In the Ahsoka novel, Order 66 is implied to occur on Mandalore shortly after Maul's capture, and he manages to escape amidst the chaos. In contrast, this episode portrays Order 66 occurring on a ship, and Ahsoka releases Maul from his prison to create a distraction for the clones.
Similar to the preceding episode, the title card deviates from the norm. No theme music is played, and the logo remains stationary instead of zooming out, with only "The Clone Wars" displayed initially and the "Star Wars" border gradually appearing around it. Furthermore, the newsreel-style narration is omitted for the second instance in the series.