"The Lost Commanders" marks the third installment in the second season of the Star Wars Rebels animated series. Notably, it's the first episode to air following the season's premiere TV movie, titled The Siege of Lothal. In the overall series, it is the eighteenth episode.
This episode was first shown at New York Comic Con on October 8, 2015, before its broadcast on October 14, 2015, via Disney XD. A key element of this episode is the reappearance of clone troopers Rex, Wolffe, and Gregor, characters previously featured in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series.
The Ghost's crew is dispatched to Seelos by Ahsoka Tano in order to locate a former acquaintance. This individual possesses leadership and strategic capabilities that could prove beneficial to the burgeoning rebellion. However, the question remains: will this renowned commander be willing to enlist in their cause?
Following the destruction of Phoenix Home, the Phoenix Cell, led by Commander Jun Sato along with Ahsoka Tano, and the Spectres find themselves evading the Empire. As the rebels strategize their subsequent actions, Ezra Bridger proposes that the fleet seek refuge in a distant system. In response, Ahsoka suggests that the Ghost's rebel crew seek out an old friend. She describes this friend as a skilled military leader whose knowledge of the Outer Rim would be invaluable for locating a suitable base.
Ahsoka provides Sabine and the Ghost crew with the head of a vintage tactical droid, dispatching them to the Seelos system. Before their departure, she emphasizes to Kanan Jarrus the importance of trusting her friend. Upon exiting hyperspace near Seelos, the Ghost's systems suffer damage from the transition back into realspace. Hera Syndulla remains on board with Chopper to carry out repairs, while the rest of the crew explores the planet's surface in search of Ahsoka's friend, utilizing the Phantom, the Ghost's auxiliary shuttle.
Sabine connects the tactical droid's head, which promptly detects something, repeating the sequence "7-5-6-7." In the distance, the crew observes a walker and proceeds towards it. As they draw closer to the heavily-modified AT-TE walker, Kanan experiences a sense of unease. After landing the Phantom and disembarking, the four Spectres encounter three elderly men emerging from the walker. Kanan identifies them as clone troopers and activates his lightsaber, causing Wolffe to retaliate with shots from his rifle at the Jedi. Rex quickly intervenes to halt the conflict between his comrades and Kanan before the situation escalates. Ezra then informs the clones that Ahsoka sent them, a name Rex recognizes. Rex introduces himself along with his comrades, Wolffe and Gregor.
Inside the walker, Ezra attempts to persuade Rex to join their struggle against the Empire. Rex declines with a laugh, asserting that his days as a soldier are behind him. Kanan, harboring mistrust towards the clones due to his experiences during the Great Jedi Purge, seeks to obtain intelligence regarding potential locations for the Rebel fleet to seek shelter and then depart immediately. However, Rex convinces the crew to extend their stay. As Wolffe expresses his reservations about assisting the Rebels, Gregor invites the Ghost crew to participate in a joopas hunt as compensation for the information.
Ezra, puzzled by Kanan's resistance towards the clones, endeavors to persuade Kanan to place his trust in them. Kanan recounts with difficulty the events of Order 66, during which his clone trooper comrades turned against his master Depa Billaba and himself. Rex overhears the conversation and emphasizes that not every clone carried out the order. He assures Kanan that he, Wolffe, and Gregor had already removed their control chips. Subsequently, Kanan communicates with Hera, confiding in her about his distrust of the clones. Hera reassures Kanan that not all clones were malevolent, emphasizing their role in saving countless lives, including her own.
Aboard Admiral Konstatine's Star Destroyer Relentless, Imperial Security Bureau Agent Kallus directs the crew to deploy a probe droid to investigate a coded transmission originating from the planet Seelos. Despite reservations regarding the clone source's sanity, Kallus opts to pursue the lead.
Returning to Seelos, Garazeb Orrelios spearheads the search for the elusive joopa with the AT-TE in tow. As the sound of a joopa grows nearer, Gregor reveals with amusement that Zeb is serving as bait, much to the dismay of Kanan, Ezra, and Sabine Wren. After the joopa consumes Zeb, the rebels and clones collaborate to rescue Zeb, successfully eliminating the creature. Following the hunt, Kanan insists that Rex uphold his end of the agreement by providing the information necessary for their departure. However, Rex persuades the rebels to remain for dinner.
Sabine, intending to download Rex's intel onto a data tape, enters the AT-TE's communications room and uncovers that one of the clones contacted the Empire and concealed information about Ahsoka. Everyone, with the exception of the already-skeptical Kanan, is taken aback by this revelation. Rex confronts Wolffe, who reluctantly admits to alerting the Empire and concealing Ahsoka's communications out of a desire to shield his comrades from Imperial retribution for aiding the Jedi. As Kanan instructs Sabine to contact Hera in orbit to scan for approaching Imperial vessels, she detects an Imperial probe droid attempting to sabotage the Phantom. The probe droid manages to damage the ship's engines before Rex destroys it with a precise blaster shot. Regrettably, the Phantom has been damaged by the probe droid, leaving the rebels stranded on Seelos. As the crew examines the wreckage of the probe droid, they anticipate an imminent attack by the Empire.
The Clone Wars stories of Kanan and Rex were further explored in the Seventh Season of the Clone Wars and Bad Batch.