Star Wars Rebels: The Siege of Lothal

Star Wars Rebels: The Siege of Lothal is a television movie presented in two parts, totaling one hour in length. It functions as the second season opener for the animated series Star Wars Rebels. This cinematic television event was penned by Henry Gilroy, who also serves as co-executive producer, and directed by Bosco Ng together with Brad Rau. Its premiere took place on April 18, 2015, at Celebration Anaheim, followed by its television broadcast on June 20, 2015, via Disney XD.

The premiere picks up where the first season left off, with the Ghost's rebel crew adapting to their expanded role within the larger rebellion. After Minister Maketh Tua sends a distress signal, seeking the rebels' assistance to defect from the Galactic Empire in return for crucial Imperial intelligence, the rebels venture back to Lothal. Unbeknownst to them, they are walking into an Imperial trap. With Lothal under siege by Imperial forces and the Empire hot on their heels, the rebels must devise a plan to escape Lothal and rejoin the rebellion. During this ordeal, they face their first confrontation with Darth Vader, the feared Dark Lord of the Sith.

Official description

The Inquisitor is no more. The Ghost team has forged connections with fellow rebel factions. Furthermore, a fresh ally by the name of Ahsoka Tano has appeared. Notwithstanding these accomplishments and advancements, the battle against the Empire takes a perilous turn, as the sinister Sith Lord Darth Vader descends upon Lothal.

Plot summary

Rebel operations

In the aftermath of "Fire Across the Galaxy," where the rebels of Lothal came to understand their place within a broader rebellion against the Galactic Empire, the Ghost crew integrates into Phoenix Squadron. This rebel cell consists of several corvettes and a squadron of A-wings, all under the leadership of Commander Jun Sato. Together, they embark on a mission to pilfer shield generators from the Empire, aiming to bolster the fleet's defenses. Piloted by Captain Hera Syndulla, the Ghost accompanies Phoenix Squadron in this endeavor. Rebel blockade runners also participate. The fleet launches an assault on Imperial freighters, dislodging supplies from one. The Ghost secures the cargo, and the fleet enters hyperspace just as two Arquitens-class light cruisers arrive.

Plan to draw the Rebels back

Darth Vader speaks to Minister Tua.

On Lothal, Minister Maketh Tua and Agent Kallus from the Imperial Security Bureau are in discussion regarding Tua's strategies for the planetary government to locate the rebels. Despite heightened security and a planet-wide curfew, Tua correctly surmises that the rebels have already departed Lothal, rendering these measures ineffective. Kallus retorts that Tarkin demands results, especially considering the rebels' destruction of his Star Destroyer. Their conversation is interrupted by Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith and the Emperor's chief enforcer. Vader informs Tua that if the rebels have indeed left Lothal, they must be lured back for the Empire to capture them. Tua expresses her concerns, to which the Dark Lord responds that she can voice these concerns to Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, Governor of the Outer Rim Territories, who has summoned her to account for her failures. Tua is visibly frightened, likely recalling Tarkin's execution of Cumberlayne Aresko and Taskmaster Grint for their past failures.

The Ghost crew makes its way back to the command ship, Phoenix Home, where Commander Sato praises their success in acquiring fuel during the raid. However, contrary to intelligence reports, no shield generators were found aboard the Imperial freighter. The Ghost crew's astromech droid, C1-10P, known as Chopper, arrives in the command center with an urgent message. Defying fleet protocol, Kanan Jarrus, the crew's leader, instructs Chopper to play the message. Syndulla intervenes, ordering Chopper to mask their signal by using only one-way visual communication. The message is a holographic transmission from Jho, the Ithorian owner of a rebel safe haven on Lothal. Jho presents Minister Tua, who believes her life is in danger and seeks the rebels' help to defect from the Empire. In exchange, she offers critical Imperial information, including the identities of rebel sympathizers on Lothal and nearby star systems, as well as intelligence about the Empire's true mission on Lothal, a mission ordered by the Emperor himself. The crew debates whether to accept the mission, but Ezra Bridger, Jarrus' Padawan, insists on helping Tua. Jarrus, Syndulla, and Commander Ahsoka Tano agree, and Sato approves the mission.

Having seen what the Clone Wars did to the galaxy, Jarrus says he does not want to fight another war.

Jarrus exits the command center, followed by Syndulla, who reprimands him for violating protocol. He is troubled by the fact that their once-unconventional crew is now embroiled in a military operation. He suggests that the crew leave the rebellion and return to their previous mission of stealing from the Empire and helping those in need. Syndulla reminds him that they are fighting a larger battle. However, Jarrus, a survivor of the Clone Wars and the subsequent Great Jedi Purge, is reluctant to engage in another war after the devastation it caused to the galaxy. Unbeknownst to them, Bridger overhears their conversation.

Meanwhile, as the rebels prepare for their operation, Tua departs from her office in the Imperial complex in Capital City. Suspecting her of treason, Agent Kallus orders a probe droid to track her movements.

Return to Lothal

The rebels board a Star Commuter 2000 shuttle docked with the rebel fleet, opting to leave the Ghost behind, fearing that the Empire can track it after its involvement in a battle with the Empire over Mustafar. During their journey to Lothal, they discuss their plan to meet with Minister Tua in Capital City, where she is scheduled to depart on a shuttle to meet with Governor Tarkin. Upon arriving at Lothal, the Star Commuter shuttle receives clearance to pass the heavy presence of Star Destroyers in orbit. Bridger remarks on the increased number of Star Destroyers, having never seen so many Imperial warships above Capital City during his years on the planet. Garazeb Orrelios and Chopper are instructed to remain with the Star Commuter in case a quick escape is necessary.

The Imperial shuttle explodes, killing Maketh Tua.

The crew advances towards the rendezvous point, where Imperial stormtroopers guard the shuttle. To create a diversion, Jarrus attacks a soldier and steals their armor, allowing him to blend in and approach the landing bay. Jarrus takes position while Syndulla, Bridger, and Sabine Wren position themselves on the rooftops to attack the Imperials from above. Tua arrives with Kallus, who claims that Darth Vader ordered him to escort her to the shuttle for her safety. The rebels attack the Imperial troops, and Tua rushes towards the shuttle, followed by the rebels. However, once she is aboard, the shuttle explodes, throwing the rebels backward. Kallus, whose probe droid records the incident due to the Empire's knowledge of the impending explosion, accuses the rebels of Tua's murder. Darth Vader observes the scene from above and departs as the rebels begin their escape.

Fleeing from Imperial forces, the rebels board the Star Commuter 2000 after Chopper and Orrelios arrive. As the shuttle departs, it is shot down by an All Terrain Defense Pod and crashes in the city street. In the Imperial complex, Vader receives a transmission from Agent Kallus, who reports the events. Vader orders a siege of Lothal, preventing any off-world travel to trap the rebels. The Empire disseminates a report via HoloNet News, publicly accusing the rebels of assassinating Minister Tua. The crew views the report in one of their safe houses, the former home of Ezra Bridger and his missing parents. The Empire soon locates them, forcing the crew to escape before the stormtroopers detonate a thermal detonator and destroy the house.

Assuming that the forces in the Imperial complex will be stretched thin due to the search for the rebels, the crew devises a plan to infiltrate and steal a shuttle, as the lockdown prevents them from finding a civilian ship. Jarrus retains his stormtrooper disguise, and Bridger impersonates an Imperial cadet, allowing them to enter the facility with crates containing the rest of the crew. Along the way, Ezra attempts a mind trick on an officer but fails, prompting Kanan to intervene. Once inside, the rebels head to the complex's starport and find a shuttle to steal. They also discover several military-grade shield generators, similar to those they sought during the attack on the Imperial freighters, and steal them. However, before they can escape, Jarrus and Bridger sense a sudden chill and turn to see Darth Vader entering the hangar, flanked by stormtroopers.

Duel with the Dark Lord

Jarrus and Vader face off.

Vader ignites his lightsaber and advances on Jarrus and Bridger as the stormtroopers flank the other rebels. Wren and Orrelios engage in a firefight with the stormtroopers to cover Hera and Chopper as they load the shield generators onto the shuttle and prepare for takeoff. Jarrus and Bridger engage Vader in a lightsaber duel, but they are easily overpowered. When Jarrus is knocked out, Bridger attempts to fight Vader alone. Vader uses the Force to pin him against a wall and bring Bridger's own lightsaber toward his throat. The Dark Lord taunts him, claiming that Jarrus deceived Bridger into believing he could become a Jedi. Before Vader can kill Bridger, Jarrus rejoins the fight and engages Vader, only to be driven back and slashed on the shoulder. Wren and Orrelios throw thermal detonators onto nearby AT-DP walkers, scattering the stormtroopers and distracting Vader. Seizing the opportunity, Bridger and Jarrus use the Force to knock the Dark Lord off-balance as the walkers crash down on him. The rebels believe Vader is dead, but he uses the Force to lift the burning walkers into the air, unharmed. A shocked Bridger asks "If that doesn't kill him, what will?!"; Jarrus replies "Not us. Run!" As Bridger and Jarrus retreat to the shuttle, Wren opens fire on Vader to delay him. However, Vader deflects the blaster shots back at her, scorching her chest-plate and helmet. Bridger and Jarrus leap aboard the shuttle as Chopper flies it away from the Imperial complex, narrowly escaping Vader. A stormtrooper suggests mobilizing the Empire's fighters to pursue the shuttle, but Vader declines, stating that the rebels will not leave Lothal yet, as his plan is still in motion.

Having barely escaped, the rebels catch their breath aboard the shuttle. Wren and Jarrus's armor saved them from serious injury. Bridger wonders if Vader is an Inquisitor, like the one they faced previously, but Jarrus believes he is a Sith Lord, the ancient enemies of the Jedi Order. Bridger asks how they could fight Vader in the future, but Jarrus says that they were fortunate to survive the encounter. Knowing that Vader will have a blockade in orbit, the rebels decide to smuggle themselves off Lothal. Syndulla suggests Lando Calrissian, much to Bridger and Jarrus's dismay.

Getting off of Lothal

While the rebels prepare to contact the smuggler, Kallus meets with Vader and informs him that the rebels have not yet left Lothal. To draw them out, Vader orders Kallus to destroy Tarkintown, a refugee settlement that the rebels aided in the past.

Bridger and Jarrus overlook the charred remains of Tarkintown

Syndulla and Jarrus contact Calrissian, who is off-world, and explain their situation. Calrissian considers helping them a risk to his mining operation on Lothal but agrees to help for a price. They offer him three shield generators, and Calrissian directs them to his farm, where his droid, W1-LE, will assist them. Upon arrival, Bridger notices the smoke from Tarkintown. He takes a speeder and finds the charred remains of the settlement. Jarrus arrives and says the citizens have likely been taken into Imperial custody. Bridger senses only evil, and his master explains that the city was destroyed to spread fear. He feels things are worsening, like during the Clone Wars, when ten thousand Jedi protected the galaxy. Now, Jarrus and Bridger are two of the only known Jedi alive, facing an entire Empire. Jarrus is skeptical that they can make a difference, but Bridger believes they can fight the Empire, declaring he isn't afraid. Jarrus mutters "That's what I'm afraid of." as his Padawan walks off.

The two Jedi return to Calrissian's farm, where Wren explains that she and W1-LE have created sensor buoys that will replicate the shuttle's signal and scatter Imperial forces. The rebels, resolving not to return to Lothal due to the impact their rebellion has had on the planet, leave the farm and head towards orbit, deploying the decoys as they go. The Star Destroyer Relentless, under Admiral Kassius Konstantine, tracks the signals, and the Imperial crew falls for the diversion. The rebels successfully bypass the blockade and enter hyperspace, heading for the rebel fleet.

Back at the Imperial Center, Konstantine reports his failure to Vader and Kallus, but Vader orders his ship prepared for launch. Kallus explains that the shuttle used by the rebels contains a tracking device, which Vader will use to track the rebels to the rebel fleet. Vader allowed the crew to escape Lothal for this purpose, and even the gap in the garrison defenses was intentional.

Attack on the fleet

En route to the fleet, Jarrus wonders if they should rejoin the rebellion, still unsure about participating in their fight against the Empire. The crew debates the issue to decide where to go. Wren suggests they take the Ghost and lay low, while Orrelios enjoys fighting with Phoenix Squadron and knows the other rebels are counting on them. Bridger casts the deciding vote, and the crew continues towards the fleet. Upon arriving at Phoenix Home, Chopper discovers that the transmitter has been activated. The crew rushes to inform Sato and Tano about the transmitter just as a lone starfighter, Vader's TIE Advanced x1, enters the area to engage the fleet.

Tano is overcome with fear as she senses Darth Vader through the Force.

Phoenix Squadron is deployed to fight the Dark Lord, but Vader easily shoots down many of the Phoenix forces. As Vader attacks Phoenix Home, the Ghost crew joins the fight. Jarrus and Tano, who went with the crew aboard the Ghost, sense the Force is strong with the TIE fighter pilot and attempt to learn more. Bridger senses the same darkness he felt on Lothal, realizing the TIE pilot is the Sith Lord they fought. Tano, terrified by something she senses about Vader through the Force, screams and falls unconscious. She and Vader have sensed each other, and Vader realizes that Tano, his Padawan when he was Anakin Skywalker, is still alive.

As the battle nears its end, Star Destroyers enter the fray, led by Admiral Konstantine. Vader orders them to prevent the rebel fleet from leaving, as he wants this group alive. At the Ghost crew's urging, Sato and his crew abandon the critically damaged Phoenix Home, evacuating to the rest of the fleet. The Ghost keeps Vader occupied during the evacuation before flying towards the Star Destroyers, Vader still in pursuit. Syndulla pilots the Ghost between two Star Destroyers, which activate their tractor beams to trap the ship. The ship jumps into hyperspace just in time, leaving Vader's TIE fighter to be captured by the tractor beams. Upon hearing of this mistake, Admiral Konstantine tells the tractor beam operator that "It wasn't your fault...but Lord Vader won't know that," implying he intends to blame the operator for his failure to capture the rebels.


Vader kneels before the Emperor onboard a Star Destroyer.

The Ghost meets up with the rest of the fleet and begins to repair the damage. Jarrus and Bridger speak to Tano, who asks about their confrontation with Vader in Capital City. Jarrus says he hasn't sensed such evil since the Clone Wars, as Tano interjects. Bridger asks if she knows who the Sith Lord is, and Tano denies any knowledge of his identity, but knows that he and the Empire will be coming for the rebels again. The Ghost crew tells Tano that they will stand together, regardless of whether they fight Vader and the Empire.

Aboard a Star Destroyer, Vader sends a holographic transmission to the Emperor. Vader tells his master that he has broken the rebel fleet, but the Emperor senses more to Vader's victory. Vader says that he has discovered that Anakin Skywalker's apprentice is still alive and allied with the rebellion. The Emperor is pleased and believes that Tano could lead them to other lost Jedi, including Obi-Wan Kenobi. The Emperor urges Vader to remain patient in finding his old Jedi Master and orders him to dispatch another Inquisitor to hunt the rebels down.


Similar to Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion, this episode was initially presented as two distinct parts during its broadcast and DVD release. However, when it became available for digital purchase on platforms like iTunes, it was released as a single, continuous episode. The digital version omits the brief aerial shot of the Imperial airfield that begins the second part and alters the timing of the music during Ezra and Kanan's duel with Darth Vader.

In one version of the episode, Sam Witwer's voice lines as the Emperor are replaced by Ian McDiarmid, who portrayed Palpatine starting in Return of the Jedi.


