During the Clone Wars, a conflict in which he served, clone trooper Tup, designated CT-5385, was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic's 501st Legion. When the Battle of Umbara commenced, Tup, under the command of Clone Captain Rex, was initially regarded as inexperienced. Throughout the campaign, he developed a close bond with ARC trooper Fives. Tup played a crucial role in capturing the traitorous Jedi General Pong Krell after the clones were betrayed by him.
Tup continued to fight with the 501st during the Battle of Ringo Vinda. However, his behavioral modification biochip malfunctioned during the campaign, causing him to prematurely execute Clone Protocol 66 and assassinate Jedi General Tiplar. He was apprehended and sent back to Kamino, the clone homeworld. The Separatists intercepted the transport carrying him. Eventually, Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi General, Rex, and Fives rescued Tup and brought him to Kamino.
Tup was thought to have contracted a virus at Ringo Vinda when he arrived at Tipoca City. Shaak Ti, a Jedi Master, believed Tup was the target of a Separatist brainwashing scheme when tests disproved this. However, Lama Su and Nala Se, the Kaminoans, discovered the real reason for the malfunctioning inhibitor chip. They tried to kill Tup in order to conceal the plot that Darth Tyranus had started at the beginning of the war. Fives, however, discovered the real cause of Tup's behavior with the assistance of the medical droid AZI-3.
Tup began to act like his old self after the inhibitor chip was taken out, but it was too late to save him. Tup, who was dying, reassured Fives that his nightmare was finally over and that there were no more missions for him. He passed away with his friend at his side. Fives kept looking into the situation and learned the truth about the enormous conspiracy, but he passed away soon after.
Tup, like all clone troopers of the Galactic Republic, was born in the cloning facilities on Kamino. He spent the first years of his life undergoing rigorous training for deployment against the Separatist Droid Army. After completing his training, he was assigned to the 501st Legion.
Tup was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic's 501st Legion in 20 BBY. During this time, Umbara, a planet, was leaving the Republic to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Republic launched a large-scale invasion to prevent the Umbarans' technologically advanced weapons from falling into enemy hands. Tup served under Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi General, and Rex, a Clone Captain, as the 501st took part in the battle's opening stages, aiming to assist in capturing the Umbaran capital city.
When the 501st landed in their gunships, they encountered fierce resistance from the native Umbaran Militia. Republic Y-wing bombers helped secure the area after a difficult battle.

Before the 501st could move out and try to take the capital, General Skywalker was called back to Coruscant at the request of Palpatine, the Supreme Chancellor, and replaced by Pong Krell, a Jedi General. Krell immediately demonstrated that he was significantly less compassionate than Skywalker, forcing Tup and the other clones to march for more than twelve hours without rest and ordering them into battle following reckless plans that proved very costly to the troops. Later, the 501st captured an Umbaran airbase thanks to the efforts of Captain Rex, Fives, an ARC trooper, and "Hardcase," despite Krell's orders, which themselves resulted in numerous clone casualties. Krell's plans and orders were sowing dissent among the troops, including in Tup, who was angered by the General's careless tactics and lack of compassion for the clones.
Later, Fives enlisted Jesse and Hardcase in a scheme to use commandeered Umbaran fighters to destroy the orbiting Separatist supply ship, despite Krell's orders. Tup was not optimistic about the chances of the proposed mission, saying that anyone who tried to fly the ships would be shot down. As they continued to discuss their plan, Jesse alerted them that Dogma had entered the barracks, and when he asked what was going on, Tup responded with "nothing."
While the unauthorized operation was going on, Tup was sleeping in the barracks, but was awoken by his friend Dogma, who had noticed the absence of Fives, Jesse, and Hardcase. Dogma realized what had happened and confronted Tup, who initially pleaded with Dogma to not report the three rogue clones. However, he was persuaded to accompany Dogma in reporting the incident to General Krell, pointing out that they would be complicit in the renegade troopers' insubordination and court-martialed if they did not do so. However, Tup and Dogma were waylaid by Rex near the entrance to the control tower, as he suspected what they, particularly Dogma, were planning on doing. After being told that they were going to speak to Krell about a "personal matter," Rex suggested that they tell him and then he could tell the general. This dissuaded Dogma from attempting to continue, just as Rex had suspected might happen, a development that Tup was privately relieved about. Dogma and Tup then returned to the barracks, though Tup soon returned to Rex alone.
Meanwhile, Fives' strategy succeeded thanks to Hardcase's sacrifice; the explosion of the frigate was seen by Rex and Tup on the ground. Jesse and Fives escaped the doomed cargo vessel, but were threatened with a court-martial by Krell after their return to base.

Krell then decided that Jesse and Fives should be executed, and Tup was one of the six clones that made up the firing squad assigned to execute them. However, they all purposefully missed after hearing a speech by Fives, knowing that the execution was wrong, though Dogma was still intent on following Krell's orders in the idea of being a good soldier. The execution was put on hold when Krell ordered the 501st Legion out to intercept the approaching enemy, who were supposedly disguised as clones. In fact, the "enemy" was a platoon of clones from the 212th Attack Battalion, which had received the same orders as the 501st. The clones walked into a trap set up by Krell, wishing to pit them against each other. As the clone troopers neared the coordinates given to them by Krell, Dogma almost tripped on a "vine," but Tup warned him that this was the tentacle of a vixus, which he had seen attack Hardcase earlier, and threw a rock at it to demonstrate the animal's perilous nature. The vixus awoke and thrashed its tentacles around for prey. The battle then began very abruptly, and numerous casualties were incurred on both sides before Rex realized that the "Umbarans" were actually troops from the 212th, and got the two units to cease fire.

Tup and the rest of the clones mourned the passing of their fellow brethren, confused and horrified at what had transpired. Meanwhile, Rex, questioning the dying clone trooper "Waxer," the leader of the other platoon, learned that Krell had ordered them to stop the disguised enemy at these coordinates. Realizing what had transpired, Rex gathered the survivors together and announced they were going to arrest Krell for treason against the Republic, though Dogma slipped away. Entering the tower, the clones surrounded Krell, who replied with taunting remarks and forced Tup and the other clones across the room by using the Force before killing several of the clones in the room and escaping out the window into the forest below.
When Tup and the surviving clones chased Krell, Dogma stopped them, believing them traitors, pointing his blaster first at Rex and then Tup, who persuaded him to lower his weapon. Dogma relented and was immediately apprehended by two clones who took him to the brig on Rex's orders. The clones entered the forest and were once again attacked by the rogue Jedi.
Tup, who survived Krell's attempt to kill him, was thrown near a vixus. He came up with an idea and had Rex order the remaining clones to lure Krell towards him and the vixus. As Krell chased the clones, Tup fired at him and taunted him verbally. This led Krell to run towards Tup and be seized by the vixus' tentacles. Immediately after Krell broke free of the creature's grasp, Tup killed the vixus and stunned Krell, who was then taken back to the brig. Krell later revealed his plans to betray the Republic and join the Sith, as well as his belief that he would be rescued by the Umbarans and that he would get away with it because he thought the clones were inherently inferior. He also voiced his amusement at ordering clones to their deaths.
Tup, Jesse, and Fives were present when Appo reported to Rex that the transmitter had been sabotaged and that the remaining Umbaran forces, driven from the capitol by Obi-Wan Kenobi's forces, were heading towards the airbase. Tup was among those who suggested that Krell was too dangerous to be left alive given the danger of the Umbarans freeing him if they retook the airbase. Rex agreed, and Krell was ultimately executed, although it was done by a confused and betrayed Dogma, who had grabbed one of Fives' pistols when Rex hesitated.
Not long after, the Battle of Umbara met with Republic victory, though the surviving clones, including Tup, were left to ponder and mourn the events of the long and bloody campaign.

Later in the war, Tup participated in the campaign on Ringo Vinda in 19 BBY, where Republic forces attacked a space station orbiting the planet. He went missing at one point, and General Skywalker reported his disappearance, but he reappeared five rotations later. Subsequently, Skywalker assigned Tup and Fives, along with other troopers from the 501st, to support General Tiplar during a three-pronged assault on Admiral Trench's Separatist command center. Skywalker and Tiplar's twin sister, Tiplee, led the other assault forces. However, as the group prepared to move out, Tup began to feel and act strangely, experiencing animosity towards Tiplar when he looked at her. Fives noticed his unusual behavior and inquired if he was alright. Tup, snapping out of his strange mood, dismissed it as a minor headache, ready to fight. Fives encouraged Tup as the battle commenced.

As the attack progressed, Tup's feelings of unease intensified, eventually leading him to enter a trance-like state and execute Tiplar. This was caused by a malfunction of Tup's decayed behavioral modification biochip, resulting in his involuntary and premature execution of Clone Protocol 66. Tiplar's execution caused the Republic attack to lose momentum, forcing Skywalker to order a retreat. As the retreat progressed, Fives took Tup into custody and was ordered to return him to base for questioning. Once back at a Republic command post, Tup initially seemed unaware of what had happened. However, as he was being questioned by Rex, Tup launched himself at Tiplee, though this attack failed, as she used the Force to hold him against a wall. Tup was further examined by clone medic Kix, and it was determined he had suffered some sort of breakdown, though clones had been designed to withstand any kind of stress. It was speculated that it may have been some sort of virus, and Kix suggested taking Tup to Kamino, where additional scans could be completed.
Tup was sedated and placed on a shuttle for transport to Kamino. However, his actions on the battlefield had been reported to Count Dooku by Trench, and the Sith Lord, recognizing the signs of a premature control chip activation in the Harch's description, ordered that Tup be abducted for study on the orders of his master, Darth Sidious. A Separatist force attacked the shuttle and its escorting starfighters, destroying the fighters and killing everyone aboard the shuttle except Tup, who was placed in a stasis pod. After the discovery of the attack, Skywalker, Rex, and Fives investigated the wreckage of the shuttle. Deducing when the Separatists were planning on transporting Tup from the Ringo Vinda space station, the three grappled onto the Separatist shuttle, commanded by the super tactical droid Kraken, and rescued Tup. The Republic's second attempt to send Tup to Kamino, in which he was accompanied by Rex and, upon his insistence, Fives, was successful.
The Kaminoans on Kamino withheld the truth about the inhibitor chip's true nature on the orders of Darth Tyranus—the name under which they knew Dooku—and claimed that Tup had been exposed to a virus. The Jedi Council speculated that a Separatist plot may have been responsible, something that Tup's earlier disappearance on Ringo Vinda was taken as evidence for. While Rex was sent back to the front lines, Fives chose to remain with his friend. Believing that something more was going on, Fives performed a brain scan of Tup with the help of medical droid AZI-3, discovering what they believed to be a brain tumor. Fives had AZI-3 remove the "tumor," in reality Tup's decayed inhibitor chip, after which Tup awoke from sedation.
After the chip was removed, Tup appeared calm and at peace. He told Fives that the never-ending mission from their nightmares was finally over before dying.

Fives would go on to discover the truth about the inhibitor chips and Order 66, but would be killed before he could fully share the secret with anyone, though he was able to contact Kix, Rex, and Skywalker before his death at the hands of Fox, a Clone Commander, in an act of perceived self-defense. His last words were that the mission and nightmares were finally over, similar to what Tup said when he died. Rex and Skywalker, along with a detachment of the Coruscant Guard, bore witness to Fives' last words. Having lost two of his best soldiers under mysterious circumstances, Skywalker was greatly affected by the deaths of Fives and Tup, with both deaths hurting his already strained emotional health. When Order 66 was executed, Rex, now a Commander, told Ahsoka Tano, a former Jedi Padawan, to "find Fives" before he was forced to open fire on her, leading her to find secure files on the deceased clone with the help of R7-A7, an astromech droid, one of which was a profile on Tup.

Thanks to the information Tano uncovered, she was able to remove Rex's control chip and eventually escape with him. With the execution of Order 66 not long after Tup's death, both the Jedi Order and the Republic met their end, the Galactic Empire was born, and all clone troopers were converted into stormtroopers before eventually being retired entirely. At some point, the clones Commander Wolffe and Gregor, a clone commando, also removed their chips and joined up with Rex. Prior to the execution of Order 66, Kix went on to conduct his own investigation, but, like Fives, was also silenced before he could share his findings. He was abducted and cryo-frozen in stasis by Separatist forces on board a ship which crashed on Ponemah Terminal, where he would eventually be revived roughly fifty years later by pirates. Kix was the last person in the galaxy to carry on Tup's memory.

Tup, being a relatively new clone trooper, quickly developed a camaraderie with Jesse, Rex, Dogma, Fives, and Hardcase. He adopted some of their personality traits while keeping his own cautious nature, though when he was in battle he became more tense and nervous. Throughout the Battle of Umbara, he was torn between his loyalty to their temporary Jedi General Pong Krell and the leadership of Captain Rex, though he ultimately chose his clone brothers and helped expose General Krell for treason.
Tup was close with many of his fellow clones, particularly Dogma, Rex, and Fives. He followed the veteran soldiers' example at times, complying with Dogma to attempt to report Fives, Jesse, and Hardcase for going against Krell's orders. Following the presumed death of Fives' old squadmate and fellow ARC trooper Echo, Fives and Tup became best friends, and Fives showed great devotion to Tup.
Despite the fact that he was a rookie, Tup was shown to be quite clever, and managed to lure Jedi traitor Pong Krell into being captured by a vixus. He was also able to stun the traitorous Jedi Master. Tup was evidently a skilled negotiator, able to convince Dogma to surrender when he accused him and his allies of being traitors.
However, during the Battle of Ringo Vinda, his personality and free will were subverted when he entered a trance which eventually led to him shooting and killing General Tiplar due to his decayed inhibitor chip. He continued to not act like himself as he was brought to Kamino, but regained his composure after the chip was removed and as he talked to Fives right before his death.
Tup had his hair in a topknot.

During his service in the Clone Wars, Tup was equipped with the Phase II battle armor, which was the standard uniform for clones in the Grand Army of the Republic as the war ground on. As a soldier of the 501st Legion, Tup's armor sported the unit's blue markings. Tup personalized his armor by painting a blue tear, which was identical to, and in the same positioning as, his tattoo, under his right eye on his helmet. He also had one on each shoulder plate. Tup used a DC-15A blaster carbine throughout the war. During the Battle of Umbara, he also demonstrated knowledge in how to use a mortar.
Tup made his debut in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Darkness on Umbara." Dee Bradley Baker, the actor who voiced all of the clone troopers in the TV series, provided his voice. A promotional video on StarWars.com featured Tup, announcing the end of The Clone Wars.