Old Friends Not Forgotten

The ninth episode of the seventh and final season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars is titled "Old Friends Not Forgotten". It was made available on April 17, 2020. The episode "Unfinished Business," which is the fourth episode of the Seventh season, comes before this one in chronological order.

Official description

Ahsoka seeks assistance from Anakin and Obi-Wan as the siege of Mandalore gets underway.

Plot summary

Master and apprentice

The Jedi Council sends its Generals to the Outer Rim.

The narrator explains that General Grievous' Separatist forces have been besieging the Outer Rim, inflicting significant losses on Republic forces. As a result, the Jedi Council sends Jedi Generals Aayla Secura and Plo Koon to the planets Felucia and Cato Neimoidia, respectively, in an effort to shift the battle's momentum.

Meanwhile, above Yerbana, Separatist droid tri-fighters and artillery are attacking Clone Z-95 Headhunters and LAAT gunships that are assisting Commander Cody and his troops, who are desperately requesting help. Separatist droid fighters shoot down a gunship after destroying the lead Z-95 Headhunter, causing it to strike a bridge and crash into a river. Cody instructs his soldiers to take cover as they advance on a formation of Separatist droids, including dwarf spider droids, Octuptarra tri-droids, and NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcers. Many clone troopers are killed by enemy fire during the assault.

Obi-Wan and the 212th fight on Yerbana.

A missile approaches Cody. But at the very last second, Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi intervenes, using his lightsaber to deflect the explosion. He tells Cody to take cover before deflecting a laser blast back at the Separatist droids, causing an explosion. The clone troopers retreat. After Kenobi and Cody have regrouped, the Commander informs the Jedi General that his troops have been unable to find the tactical droid because he is hiding. Obi-Wan inquires as to the whereabouts of Anakin Skywalker.

The Jedi Knight says he is right behind them. When Skywalker inquires as to their activities, Kenobi replies that they are taking cover and should do the same. Anakin is unfazed by the thousands of droids they are up against. Obi-Wan inquires as to his plans and the whereabouts of Captain Rex. Skywalker responds that they have completed their battle and have chosen to assist the 212th. The Jedi Master believes Anakin is exaggerating, but Skywalker counters that he could hide with him and allow the city's residents to suffer longer, or they could assist them now with his strategy.

Kenobi decides to follow his Padawan's lead and asks what his plan is. Anakin instructs Obi-Wan to remain where he is. Anakin Skywalker is seen marching out to confront the Separatist droids by the Separatist droids in the command post. The battle droid commander orders his men to cease fire and concentrate on the Jedi. Skywalker, however, instructs them to hold their fire and declares his surrender. The battle droid commander is relieved and decides to notify the tactical droid.

Anakin flatters the Separatist droids by praising their valiant efforts, claiming that the Republic forces have been defeated. R2-D2, however, is watching them from the side of the bridge through his periscope. Captain Rex, who is beneath the bridge, inquires as to how much longer they will be stranded there. R2 replies in Binary, and Rex says he will notify the troops. He instructs the clone troopers beneath the bridge to hold on a little longer, much to their displeasure.

Skywalker offers the tactical droid his surrender. The tactical droid, however, recognizes it as a trap and orders them to open fire. Anakin signals R2, who relays Skywalker's orders to Rex and his clone troopers. Anakin uses the Force to pull the tactical droid toward him before decapitating him with his lightsaber. The clone troopers activate their jetpacks and emerge from their hiding places beneath the bridge.

The 501st attacks the droids.

The clone jetpack troopers assault the Separatist forces, destroying them with explosives and laserfire. They also place explosives on the Octuptarra tri-droids. Kenobi permits Commander Cody and his troops to join the battle as the Separatist forces fall apart. General Kenobi praises General Skywalker, who expresses gratitude to Obi-Wan for his assistance in their victory through his "state of helplessness." Kenobi says that he is always willing to assist.

An old friend

Admiral Wullf Yularen then contacts Anakin Skywalker via comlink, informing him that they have received a communication from someone using his subspace frequency "Fulcrum." Skywalker believes it is Saw Gerrera, while Kenobi speculates that the siege at Onderon has deteriorated. Yularen clarifies that it is not Gerrera and suggests that they both listen to this transmission back on the ship.

Ahsoka contacts Anakin and Obi-Wan.

Anakin and Obi-Wan board an LAAT gunship and return to Admiral Yularen's Venator-class Star Destroyer. Skywalker is surprised to see Ahsoka Tano on a holoprojector after arriving on the bridge and asking Yularen what is so important that he has brought them all the way back there. She tells her Master that it has been a while since they last spoke, while General Kenobi appears surprised. A Mandalorian warrior stands next to Ahsoka.

Tano informs the Jedi that she has critical information after exchanging pleasantries. She explains that she and Lady Bo-Katan Kryze have located the renegade Sith Lord Maul and that they can capture him if they act quickly. Skywalker is walking with Kenobi and R2-D2 in the hangar later. Anakin observes that Ahsoka would not have been where she needed to be if she had not left the Jedi Order. Obi-Wan responds that this is one way to view it, but Skywalker counters that it is the only way to view it.

Ahsoka is greeted by R2 after landing on the Venator.

Anakin says that they will finally capture Maul, struck by Kenobi's lack of excitement, but the Jedi Master responds that he is cautiously optimistic. A Mandalorian shuttle lands in the hangar shortly after. Ahsoka Tano exits the gangplank. R2-D2 rushes to greet her, and she caresses his dome. Lady Bo-Katan and several Mandalorians follow Tano.

Seeking Republic help

Anakin wants to talk with Ahsoka, but she gets right down to business, telling him that things are moving quickly, which saddens him. Bo-Katan warns that every minute they waste here gives Maul the opportunity to escape. Kenobi says that they understand and tells them to follow him. Skywalker is disturbed by the situation.

Ahsoka and Bo-Katan explain the plan to capture Maul to Anakin and Obi-Wan.

Tano explains in the war room that Bo-Katan had been monitoring Maul for several months. She adds that she was able to obtain transmission codes from the Pykes on Oba Diah, which aided in pinpointing some of his previous locations. When Skywalker asks what she was doing on Oba Diah, Tano replies that that's a long story which was not really relevant then. Bo-Katan explains that they are aware that Maul is in the Mandalorian city of Sundari.

When Kenobi inquires as to her certainty, Bo-Katan replies that he arrived two days ago. Kenobi then asks Bo-Katan why she is requesting the Republic's assistance. Bo-Katan explains that her forces lack the numbers required for a siege and fears that Maul will escape if the city is not completely locked down. She proposes a joint operation to apprehend Maul and free Mandalore. Kenobi warns that Republic forces assisting in Bo-Katan's assault would violate treaties that are a century old, drawing the Republic into yet another conflict.

Bo-Katan tells Ahsoka the meeting was a waste of time.

Bo-Katan asks rhetorically what one more is. Skywalker adds that they have not yet completed their first one. Kenobi states that he will notify the Jedi Council of this development, but Lady Bo-Katan warns that there is no time because Maul's influence on Mandalore is destroying her people. She reminds him that Maul murdered their ruler, her sister Satine Kryze. Bo-Katan angrily points out that she believed Satine meant something to Obi-Wan, who replies that she did and still does. He says, however, that he will not allow his emotions to cloud his judgment and will leave the decision to the Jedi Council. Kenobi leaves the war room. Bo-Katan turns to Ahsoka and informs her that she had warned her that this would be a waste of time.

Gathering forces

Tano speaks with Skywalker privately after Bo-Katan and her guards have left, telling him that he and Kenobi have not changed. When Anakin inquires as to whether this is a negative thing, she remains silent but smirks at him. Skywalker informs his former Padawan that he has a surprise for her and leads her through the ship. Ahsoka, who no longer considers herself a Jedi, is surprised when 212th clone troopers salute her as she passes.

Rex and the 332nd Company stand at attention upon Ahsoka's arrival.

Anakin explains that the clones respect her because they are aware of what she went through for them in battle, and that loyalty is paramount to the clones. He leads her into a hangar, where she is greeted by Captain Rex and his company, all of whom have helmets painted to resemble her facial markings. The clone troopers stand at attention at Rex's command as Ahsoka and Anakin inspect them. Skywalker explains that Rex and his men got to work as soon as they learned she was coming.

Rex explains that he and his men painted their helmets in her honor, and that while the paint job is a little rough, he believes it gets the point across. He informs Ahsoka that he and his men are delighted to have their Commander back. Tano is grateful, but she tells Rex that he no longer has to refer to her as Commander, which he ignores. Anakin informs Ahsoka that he has one more surprise for her and presents her with a box that Rex has handed to him. Before she can open it, they hear the klaxons sounding.

Kenobi enters the hangar to instruct Anakin and Rex to prepare their forces for immediate hyperspace jump. Rex gets his men ready. When Skywalker inquires as to whether the attack on Mandalore was approved, Obi-Wan explains that General Grievous has attacked the galactic capital of Coruscant. When Skywalker inquires about Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, Kenobi states that Shaak Ti has been dispatched to protect him, but that Jedi Master Mace Windu has lost contact with her. He assures Skywalker that their fleet will arrive within the hour.

Tano is distraught and believes the Jedi will abandon Bo-Katan and her people. Kenobi attempts to explain that they are entering a critical juncture in the Clone Wars and that the Republic's heart is under attack. Ahsoka counters that Obi-Wan is playing politics and that this is why the people have lost faith in the Jedi. She explained that she had too until she was reminded of what the Order means to people who truly need them. Kenobi claims that the people of Coruscant require them, but Tano counters that only the Chancellor requires them.

Obi-Wan tells Ahsoka to be fair, but she counters that she is not trying to be. As a concession, Skywalker decides to divide the 501st Legion and form a new division under Ahsoka's command. Kenobi reminds Skywalker that Ahsoka is no longer a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. Skywalker proposes promoting Rex to Commander and assigning him to lead the new division, with Ahsoka serving as Rex's advisor. Ahsoka accepts this plan, but asks if Kenobi approves of it. Obi-Wan agrees and tells Ahsoka "May the Force be with you." Before leaving, Kenobi tells Ahsoka that he killed Maul once and advises her to capture him, because he tends not to stay dead.

Anakin gives Ahsoka's old lightsabers back.

Tano expresses gratitude to Anakin for his assistance, and he responds that that is what friends are for. Because she will be facing Maul, he presents her with a box containing her lightsabers. Anakin informs Ahsoka that he had taken care of them and that her lightsabers are in excellent condition. When Ahsoka discovers that the blades are now blue, Anakin admits that they are even better than new, to which she smiles wryly. He instructs her to capture Maul while he deals with General Grievous. He hopes that if they are fortunate, the Clone Wars will soon be over. Tano reminds him that Master Kenobi stated that luck does not exist. Before Anakin departs, Tano wishes him good luck, and he smiles back. Tano then turns to address Commander Rex and his men, who are boarding an LAAT gunship.

Making planetfall

The Republic and Mandalorian forces enter Mandalore.

Several LAAT carriers transporting AT-TE walkers descend into Mandalore's atmosphere, accompanied by Republic starfighter squadrons. A small fleet of Star Destroyers is stationed in orbit. As Tano and Rex ride with the clone troopers in an LAAT gunship, the pilot informs Rex, Tano, and Bo-Katan that he has Prime Minister Almec on the comm. Rex instructs him to connect him.

Almec demands to know the reason for this invasion and claims that the Republic's presence violates their treaty with Mandalore. Bo-Katan counters that his time is over and they know that he is Maul's puppet and that they are coming for Maul. Almec denounces her as a traitor and warns her that siding with the Republic will make her an enemy in the eyes of the people. Bo-Katan responds that she is fine with that, leading Tano to remark that she is nothing like her sister.

Prime Minister Almec orders Gar Saxon to prepare their forces for an attack at the Sundari royal palace, and he instructs Rook Kast to notify the syndicate of the invasion. After Rook leaves, Saxon inquires of Almec whether he is prepared, as it has been some time since they have been involved in a battle of this magnitude.

Ursa Wren explains to Bo-Katan the attempts to locate Maul have been blocked.

Republic gunships and starfighters descend on Sundari. Bo-Katan asks Ursa aboard the lead gunship if she can confirm the target's location. Ursa responds that she can only confirm that Maul has not left the city and that all other attempts to locate him have been thwarted. She adds that Saxon is already mobilizing his forces.

The pilot then informs them that they have encountered hostiles. An LAAT carrier is struck by enemy fire, and another gunship is shot down. As Mandalorian warriors equipped with jetpacks fly out to meet them, Bo-Katan's loyalists and clone jet troopers emerge from their gunships, and a battle ensues.

Rex apologizes to Ahsoka for forgetting to bring her a jetpack. Tano replies that she does not require one and offers to race him to the surface. Tano uses her Force abilities to leap out of her gunship and attack two of Almec's warriors with her lightsabers. She leaps onto a second gunship and drives away the Mandalorians who have hijacked it.

Ahsoka battles Mandalorian super commandos.

Tano jumps onto a hit gunship and rescues the pilot, allowing him to bail out. After jumping off the stricken gunship, she lands on a platform and confronts several of Almec's Mandalorian warriors. Bo-Katan and her warriors come to her aid, driving Almec's forces away. When Rex arrives, Tano tells him that she has defeated him, and he quips that some things never change. A gunship lands as Ahsoka and Rex flee into the city.

Capturing the docks

Saxon reports to Almec about the enclosing forces.

Clone jet troopers engage Almec's Mandalorians in combat on the streets of Sundari. Gar Saxon informs Prime Minister Almec that Republic forces have already seized the docks and are closing in on his location. Almec instructs him to retreat to the undercity. Saxon and Rook lead their warriors to the Undercity, allowing Bo-Katan and her forces to capture the upper city.

Bo-Katan warns Ahsoka and Rex that they cannot withstand a long siege, despite the fact that they have not yet encountered Maul. Bo-Katan intends to confront Almec in the throne room and tasks Tano with locating Maul. She and her warriors then jet off.

Ahsoka Tano and Commander Rex overlook the siege

Ahsoka instructs Rex to assist Ursa at the docks in order to prevent Maul from escaping. Rex claims that everything plays into Maul's hands if he is no longer on Mandalore. Captain Vaughn then informs Rex that they have discovered something. Tano travels to meet Vaughn's forces at an access point to the Undercity. He informs Tano that they had pursued Gar Saxon, who had fled into Sundari's sewers. Tano inquires as to whether they lead outside the city, which Vaughn does not know, and leads the clone troopers inside.

Meanwhile, in the throne room, Rook informs Almec that the Jedi was seen entering the lower city. Almec claims that it is exactly as their lord predicted. Bo-Katan and her warriors then force their way into the throne room and engage Almec's guards in a gun battle. Bo-Katan engages Almec in hand-to-hand combat and subdues him.

Maul's trap

Bo-Katan interrogates Almec on Maul's location.

Bo-Katan demands to know Maul's location, but Almec retorts that she was never the politician that her sister was. Almec reveals that Maul wanted her to bring the Jedi here, but says that she brought the "wrong one." Bo-Katan attempts to warn Ahsoka that she is walking into a trap, but receives only static.

Vaughn's last moments.

Meanwhile, moving silently through the sewers are Ahsoka and the clone troopers. Unbeknownst to them, Rook Kast and her soldiers are lying in wait. Kast then launches an explosive at the group, and when Ahsoka redirects it into a wall, the resulting blast throws her to the ground. Vaughn and his troops advance. Ahsoka orders them to hold their position, but the clones are ambushed and killed by unseen enemies. Ahsoka quickly goes to the side of the dying Vaughn, taking his hand. He offers an apology to his Commander before succumbing to his injuries.

Surrounded by Saxon's warriors and Maul, Ahsoka ignites her lightsabers. Maul expresses his disappointment that Kenobi is not present and questions Tano's presence.


In contrast to prior episodes, the episode's title is displayed instead of a moral lesson. Furthermore, a rendition of the Star Wars theme composed by John Williams replaces Kevin Kiner's usual arrangement during the title sequence. Moreover, the title card appears in red, deviating from its customary yellow hue, a visual cue reminiscent of the final arc of Season Four, which marked Maul's return. Preceding the title card is Lucasfilm's original green plain text logo, a design element from the original trilogy. This particular format would be used for the remainder of the series.

The brief glimpses of Aayla Secura and Plo Koon during the narration place the characters in environments that are similar to their death scenes in Revenge of the Sith.

During the newsreel, the Conquest of Kaller is briefly depicted using footage that was later featured, albeit mirrored, in the Star Wars: The Bad Batch series premiere, "Aftermath."

The back accessory worn by Cody is absent while he informs Obi-Wan about the elusive tactical droid.

In the announcement trailer for Season Seven, the scene showing Ahsoka and Anakin reuniting on the ship is portrayed differently; specifically, the trailer features Rex on the ship instead of Yularen.

In the novel Ahsoka, when Anakin returns Ahsoka's lightsabers to her, he cautions her about Maul, describing him as "tricky" and lacking "mercy," while also urging her to "be careful," to which she responds with "What could happen?" However, in the episode itself, their conversation centers on her lightsabers now being blue and wishing each other good fortune.


