An ST-series super tactical droid functioned as a commander within the ranks of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. This super tactical droid took charge of Separatist forces during a battle that occurred on the planet of Yerbana in 19 BBY. After leading the Separatist droid forces into an ambush, the tactical droid was Force-pulled from its protected position and destroyed by Jedi General Anakin Skywalker.
During the Clone Wars, the super tactical droid was a part of the droid army belonging to the Confederacy of Independent Systems as they fought the Galactic Republic. In 19 BBY, specifically during the Outer Rim Sieges, the tactical droid commanded the occupation of a city located on the planet called Yerbana. As a response, the Republic dispatched Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to attack the Separatist forces and liberate the people of the city.
During the conflict, the Republic's force consisting of clone troopers suffered significant losses while trying to recapture the city. The tactical droid remained concealed from the troopers commanded by General Kenobi and Commander CC-2224 "Cody," who were attempting to find and eliminate the droid. Skywalker then intervened, feigning surrender to the Separatists, and the battle droid commander informed the tactical droid of this development. The tactical droid emerged to question why his forces had stopped firing and, quickly realizing it was a trap, reprimanded them for their foolishness and ordered them to resume firing. However, before it could retreat to safety, Skywalker used the Force to pull the tactical droid towards him and swiftly decapitated it with his lightsaber as it passed. After the tactical droid was destroyed, the Republic's forces launched an assault on the Separatist droids, ultimately achieving victory in the battle.
Being an ST-series super tactical droid produced by Baktoid Combat Automata, the droid was equipped with armor, leadership capabilities, and programming designed to resist enemy interrogation. It also possessed sophisticated strategic programming and was engineered to be highly intelligent. This was demonstrated by its decision to remain hidden from the Republic's forces to prevent them from targeting it and weakening its forces, as well as by its rapid deduction that Anakin Skywalker's apparent surrender was actually a trap. However, it failed to realize that the trap was designed to lure it into the open until it was too late. The droid had red sensors and plating, and its height was 1.94 meters.
The tactical droid made an appearance in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode titled "Old Friends Not Forgotten," which was released on April 17, 2020. In this episode, the droid's voice was provided by Donald Faison.